How did early Christians manage to corrupt the monotheistic nature of Abrahamic faiths that are still preserved in Judaism and Islam?
How did early Christians manage to corrupt the monotheistic nature of Abrahamic faiths that are still preserved in...
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Indo-European trinitarianism > Afroasiatic monism
>paganism > monotheism
Maybe they were right? Also, it's still monotheism. Three aspects of the same being is still one being.
How do Jews manage to convince themselves that the man known as Jesus wasn't a prophet, even though he fulfills all the criteria for being a prophet? How do Muslims manage to convince themselves that Jesus wasn't crucified, when this event is supported by historical sources and also makes considerably more sense than the story presented in the Quran?
religious buffet
pick what you want
>Maybe they were right? Also, it's still monotheism. Three aspects of the same being is still one being.
hinduism believes in multiple faces of one god but it's still considered a polytheistic religion
>How do Jews manage to convince themselves that the man known as Jesus wasn't a prophet, even though he fulfills all the criteria for being a prophet?
Jesus doesn't fit the criteria for being the Jewish messiah at all, I'm a deist so I don't really have an opinion on the matter, but based on what I know, what you said is incorrect in their worldview.
>Three aspects of the same being is still one being
it's not "three aspects", it's literally three "persons".
fuck off heathen
Not him, but messiahship is distinct from being a prophet. Jews however accord Jesus neither status.
There is the small problem of true prophetic lineage having died out with Malachi some 400 years prior.
Muslims accord Jesus with both though. Messiah and prophet.
I didn't specify that he was the Jewish Messiah. I merely said that he was a prophet. All the other prophets criticized the authorities in Jewish culture, telling their people that they were sinning and following foreign gods and displeasing Yahweh by being unrepentant assholes. Many of the prophets performed miracles in the name of God. All the other prophets were persecuted for their actions, as well. Jesus did all of this, and he even called himself a prophet. His life parallels the lives of the other prophets, from Elijah to Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Moses, etc.
>true prophetic lineage
The fuck is that supposed to mean? You're telling me God can't choose someone outside of a certain family to spread his word? Also, our knowledge of the lineages of Hebrews from over two millennia ago is shaky at best. Don't act as if your knowledge is flawless.
Who cares if the muslims believe he was a prophet when addressing a claim of Jewish belief of a prophetic status?
t. commonfilth
A prophet is, more or less by definition, a spokesman of God to humanity. For starters, such a position is incompatible with being God, another claim Jesus makes. Secondly, barring Moses, such contact was always partial, in the form of trances or visions, none of which Jesus had. I have no idea what it is that makes Christians pretend they understand Kewish belief, but they've got about a 2,000 year long track record of being wrong. If you want to actually learn some of it, I would recommend Yoma 9b and Sanhedrin 11a.
The Bible says very clearly no man can ever be God. Jesus was a man, therefore he wasn't God.
>I'm a deist
My nigga. I'm glad to see there are still some fellow deists here.
>Jesus was a man
Why are Muslims too brainlet to understand hypostasis?
>Yoma 9b and Sanhedrin 11a
Shove your Talmud up your ass, rabbi.
They understand it and reject it. That's different from not understanding it.
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