Ok, so instead of shilling shit that's already 10xed like OMG, ARK, and NEO, why not find lower cap coins with high potential and that have not already
ARK and OMG are not going to defy the laws of the market. Things can not go up forever. Putting your money in EITHER of these right now is equivalent
to getting on your knees and praying the whales have mercy on you.
Look at Tierion (TNT). Here are some of the node details - ROI - that we do know (more details at launch this week).
350 Million TNT designated for node rewards over 8 years. Now, assuming ALL 350M circulating TNT are held in nodes nodes(VERY ambitious), this puts the
MINIMUM annual ROI at 12.5%. Of course, not all 350M circulating will be in nodes. So, lets be generous and say 60% are in nodes. This puts each node
at about 20% annual ROI in the long run.
In other words, whales will be all over this shit.
Also, you'd might like to know that a massive investor in the Tierion ICO was Vitalik Buterin's investment company - Fenbushi Capital