Why did Quebec want to leave Canada in 1995? Is that sentiment still around? How did separatism start?

Why did Quebec want to leave Canada in 1995? Is that sentiment still around? How did separatism start?


Here's the entire debate since 1914 summed up

The Quebecois had always voted as a minority/ethnic block which they used to gain disproportionate political power/always have the candidates serve their interest group. English Canada became so much more populous that they started to dominate federal politics and governing parties could win without promising much additional support to Quebec.

They lost some of their prior sovereignty.

They hate the anglos because our Anglo Prime Minister hanged this dude in the 1880s (Not even memeing) and conscription tried to be enforced in WW1. Thats literally it.

What about these fuckers?

a bunch of irrelevant terrorists commies so irrelevant that some politician get away with being affiliate with them back then

So, it's important to consider the questions. First, the 1980 referendum:

"The Government of Quebec has made public its proposal to negotiate a new agreement with the rest of Canada, based on the equality of nations; this agreement would enable Quebec to acquire the exclusive power to make its laws, levy its taxes and establish relations abroad — in other words, sovereignty — and at the same time to maintain with Canada an economic association including a common currency; any change in political status resulting from these negotiations will only be implemented with popular approval through another referendum; on these terms, do you give the Government of Quebec the mandate to negotiate the proposed agreement between Quebec and Canada?"

It's clunky, but it's clear that it's for independence and 60% of the population said no. What about the '95 question?

"Do you agree that Quebec should become sovereign after having made a formal offer to Canada for a new economic and political partnership within the scope of the bill respecting the future of Quebec and of the agreement signed on June 12, 1995?"

And given that most people are ignorant and/or retarded, nobody quite realized what sovereignty meant in this context. Does it mean separatism? Does it mean a special status in the Confederation? What about the way the question starts, are we operating under the premise of the formal offer having been made? Despite there being way less Pepsis in Quebec in 1995 than there was in 1980, this somehow results in a near 50-50 split, with "No" winning by 1.26 points.

Point being, don't read too much into the results.

25 year rule. Reported.

Why do French-Canadians, and various Canada hating countries, notably the French, always talk about Quebec being oppressed by the Anglos without being able to point to a single occurrence of oppression?

Separatism is either very dormant or almost dead. Most of the die-hard separatists are either high school/university students who will relax their political views in a few years, or really old. The really old ones are often "Pure Laine" french. Literally "Pure Wool". It means that they can trace their ancestry back to one of the original French settlers in Quebec. It's uncomfortably racial, and often manifests as a disdain for immigrants. But even these are a small minority. Quebec has pretty much nothing to gain from independence any more. Their culture has absorbed a lot of American/Canadian culture in the last few decades, especially with the advance of the internet, so the divide between Anglo and French Canada is not what it used to be.

Also, there's the lingering question: "What does Quebec stand to gain from independence?" Not even the separatists can answer this question. The best they seem able to come up with is a sort of quasi-independence. They would keep the Canadian Dollar, and keep the borders open. But they would still somehow be independent.

To answer your question about 1995: Quebec was never happy with the new constitution adopted in 1982. They felt that they should have been given more power to act independently as a province. The other provinces, as well as the Natives, didn't like this, and blocked it. This caused a rift between Anglos and the French, one that the government in Ottawa ignored for too long.

I'm not going to pretend like this issue is one sided. It's not. Quebec was treated like crap in the past, often completely ignored by Ottawa, who wanted an Anglo-dominated government. It wasn't until after the Silent Revolution and FLQ Crisis of the 1960s/1970s that Quebec was treated as an integral part of Canadian politics. Was it oppression? That's a tough question to answer. Perhaps it was repressive, but they were allowed to keep their language and culture, something the Natives can't say.

In my experience the French hate the Quebecois more than anyone else

they refer to the Quebec oppression meme when it suits their interests. They're really indifferent to them. Charles de Gaulle was exactly the same

There's half a million franco-Ontarians too,and probably another few hundred thousand in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia

Racist anglos oppress the smelly frogs by demanding they wash themselves

they are just ultra-bootyblasted. it's a combination of
1.) being salty over two hundred years later after being BTFO in the seven years war
2.) canada has shifted from being predominantly french speaking to being predominantly english speaking. they can't stand this.
3.) mad that they oppressed themselves for so long, try to divert this rage by blaming anglos in montreal
4.) mad that they get called out for all the special status bullshit
5.) mad that the anglos bussed in tons of anglos to fix the '95 referendum

i guess five is legit, but fuck it, they're stuck here now and separatism is a spent force. the younger generations don't care any more and their economic position is even weaker.

>and probably another few hundred thousand in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
Those are Acadians, completely different group of French Canadians (and unlike Quebecois, they actually have a reason to hate the anglos, but never make much of a stink)

Quebec didn't get to sign the current canadian constitution. Look that up and you might want to consider Quebecois never got to have theyre own country.

didn't get to sign it? they chose not to. they could sign it tomorrow if they so wanted to.

They signed without Quebec and thats why they are mad.

No we don't, nobody hates Quebeckers, they sound really funny, like a retarded 18th century peasant, and have this reputation of being nice but a little stupid (like most people with other accent than the standard one, like Belgians or southwestern French)

Separatist issue is centuries old fuckface.

shouldn't have been a stick in the mud then, the whole country doesn't stop on a dime for quebec, nor does quebec get bonus rights.

there were even two more attempts to bring them onboard with the accords and they were just too salty for both of them

If the country doesnt care for Quebec, they should spilt for the best. Also, you should look up "kitchen meeting canada" on google. If you do understand that event and still think Quebec should sign. You might have to reconsider your moral on self respect.

They want to split, but they want to keep all the benefits they get from conferderation.

oh christ, not another self-flagellating quebecker. look, i'm well aware of the kitchen meeting is and how they didn't both to ring up levesque and the rest of the quebec delegation, and how it can be seen as a betrayal.

but their whole position at the conference was based around banding with other discontent provinces so as to not have to deal with the minority language protection clause in the charter that quebec hated. the other provinces had their beef with the feds but really didn't want to be seen going against rights, so when the feds gave em a good deal, they obviously walked. i can see why quebec is mad, but it is ridiculous to victimize yourself and pretend the other provinces owed it to quebec.

and in any event, leaving would be terrible for both canada and quebec

It's like a divorce and Quebec is the women. They going to leave with Canada's wallet.

no they bloody won't. any attempt by them to split will see the feds seize federal assets, the natives vote to leave immediately(goodbye hydro), and the anglo communities vote to leave as well

Again with demeaning attitude, shove your words up your ass. You are right quebecois are victims, so weak they dont even stand up for themselve. Maybe it is time to have some blood spill. This time they should not ask for independence but take it by force.


I dont understand the native part.

>can't refute any point
>"i-i don't like your attitude"
absolutely pathetic


the natives, like the cree or inuit for example, have made it crystal clear that they are not interested in leaving with quebec if they should vote for independence. instead, they would opt to vote to split from quebec and stay part of canada. this would fuck the remainder, rump quebec as it would deprive them of a lot of mineral resources as well as the bulk of their hydroelectric production.

Interesting i have never read about before. Do you have any maps of the native's territory ?

not a perfect one, no, but this one gives you a sense of the scale and scope. pretty much all of the james bay coast would be lost. rump quebec would largely consist of the st lawrence river area

They had to be mad at Anglos far before that point to rise up in 1837. Separatism has arguably been a thing ever since 1763. As a defeated people and as Catholics, French-Canadians have been treated as second-class citizens, which hasn't been very conducive to the formation of a common Canadian identity.

Not so rump after all

A combination of the quebec political climate and a very weird period for western maoism. They weren't even the craziest of the lot, somehow.

the Quebecois and the aboriginals of the province have a very difficult relationship. the Quebecois, at least in last few decades, have often shown a contempt for them that would make most anglos wag a finger in disapproval whilst apologising profusely.

The québécois are ungrateful little shits who don't understand that 90% of all their spending money comes from the west