If fascism was a good thing, why do most Spaniards today hate Franco with a passion, and see the Republican defeat as a tremendous national catastrophe?
If fascism was a good thing, why do most Spaniards today hate Franco with a passion...
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Do they actually or are you just assuming that?
Because your average Spaniard is just like any other European- gay, self-absorbed and possibly retarded. It takes a strong Christian leader to keep them from sucking their own dicks to death, both figuratively and literally.
Because the people who say fascism is good imagine they'll be the ones in charge and tyrannizing rather than being the tyrannized.
I'm not a communist faggot so I'm 99% sure Franck wouldn't have terrorized me, and desu I want communists to be terrorized.
"free speech is only good if it serves my end otherwise its bad" -user
>Franco's Spanish nationalism promoted a unitary national identity by repressing Spain's cultural diversity. Bullfighting and flamenco[84] were promoted as national traditions while those traditions not considered "Spanish" were suppressed. Franco's view of Spanish tradition was somewhat artificial and arbitrary: while some regional traditions were suppressed, Flamenco, an Andalusian tradition, was considered part of a larger, national identity. All cultural activities were subject to censorship, and many, such as the Sardana, the national dance of Catalunya, were plainly forbidden (often in an erratic manner). This cultural policy was relaxed over time, most notably during the late 1960s and early 1970s.
or they're so fucking tepid and useless as individuals that they truly imagine themselves content
repressive government for the repressed mind
brainwashed i guess, germanics and westerners in general are so hypocrite, they claim they have democracy when in reality they brainwash their own people to vote for them
how is that democracy¡?
case in point
seriously, not being communist is all you can think of? you must be a really good boy
better just get a strong man in a funny hat to brainwash people by force instead
it's the only way
Because he didn't join the axis
There are people that make a living out of shitposting about Franco's regime, Franco the person, Franco this Franco that. They're all a retarded, loud, hystrionic minority. And just as franquist in their ways and attitudes as the ones they criticise.
Hating him with a passion would mean he means much in people's life these days. Which he doesn't. So most don't Which leaves the loud speakers to the retards and the ones with an agenda, usually commies/separatists, using muh Franco/Franquism bad as a tool to prop it.
Most people would just simply dislike Franco or don't think much of him at all.
Neither the Republican defeat is seen as a tremendous national catastrophe (again leaving apart the vocal, noisy minority of retards/commies/separatists using it as a tool for their political agendas). The Civil War itself is what is seen as a catastrophe by the majority (and on the opposite side of the spectrum, idealized by the retards/commies/separatists because again their political agenda).
t. Spaniard
Only Spaniards are this way. The legacy of George Papadopoulos in Greece, Salazar in Portugal, not to mention Horthy in Hungary, Pilsudski in Poland or Antonescu in Romania is not as controversial.
>Antonescu in Romania
that decadent fuck, are you kidding me?
This guy, better then Franco.
>a system isn't good if doesn't benefit ME personally
Marxist/woman detected
Is this a WE WUZ VISIGOTHS post or are you legit retarded?
>t. Spaniard
Why did you destroy mu culture papi?
* my
Thanks to this cunt Portugal was Europe's poorest country for decades. Still has the lowest literacy rates in Europe.
>why do most Spaniards today hate Franco with a passion, and see the Republican defeat as a tremendous national catastrophe?
They don't.The media just has to be PC
> destroy
More like improve
censorship and terror are not the same thing, chaim
what about degenerate websites
i can see how someone would think that if they had nothing to say
you need to work on your reading comprehesion, lad
You have to go back
I don't think he was that bad, also are you sure all these problems were directed consequence of their policies?
Vae victis
>I don't think he was that bad
you're gonna have to do better than that
i wouldn't accept that unless you actually lived under that regime and i'm pretty convinced nobody here has for any of them interestingly enough
not that that's the only way to have an opinion but you sound awfully fucking confident sitting on your computer here today
no point in arguing with you then
also keep in mind that today this attitude means you're the one who gets to be vanquished, but you won't, because most societies have moved on from your ilk because they've seen that movie too many times
Indeed man, i don't lived under that regime but I still can't see all these problems you mentioned were a direct consequence of his regime.
i wasn't that guy, it's just really funny watching someone in the 21st century praise old fascist governments on a website which would get them imprisoned
To be honest, Even if I don't feel very attached to Veeky Forums in general, I still find in Veeky Forums a good place to talk about history freely with people with differing ideals and ideologies.
They are less controversial in that they are generally accepted to have been enormous fucking faggots.
Jej. It's a shitshow with retarded fashos trying to push their schizoid agenda without even a modicum understanding of history outside JOOOOOOZ. And some people actually wantin to talk about history being drowned out by a choir of KEK KEK KEK.
because the spaniards who went to the new world were mostly the scum of society. the poor, criminals, deranged, etc
Sorry but I'm not antisemite and yes all this memeing can be very annoying in times but this is to expect in an anonymous forum.
Franco was more akin to retarded latin american strongman dictators than to semi-respectable ideologues like Mussolinni.
Both of those points are false. And the literacy rates under Salazar did improve, although things definitely could have been better. He was way too conservative and old-fashioned, and an 'opening up' of Portugal could have done them some good.
I have a lot to say, none of it involves communism or raping nuns, and I don't think people who want to say those things should be allowed.
Portuguese left in droves during his reign. Luxemburg, Switzerland and France are filled with Lusitanos. That's all you need to know.
Ok so people from Portugal emmigrated for better wages. They were not the poorest country in Europe that was my initisl point, but behind other western European nations.
I thought Aztecs were supposed to like slaughtering defenseless people. Or isn't only okay when its done to other people?
Behind every other Western nation
>If communism was a good thing, why do most Eastern Europeans today hate Stalin with a passion, and see the White defeat as a tremendous international catastrophe?
the fact that that's all you can think of being repressed in a fascist government says it all
>be Aztec empire
>treat your subjects like absolute shit, declare war on already beaten and loyal vassals for human sacrifices, flower wars, etc
>pale faces with boom boom sticks turn up randomly one day, proceed to declare war on you
>every single one of your vassals uses this as an oppurtunity to revolt against your rule simultaneously
>a few hundred conquistadors march on your plague ridden city, backed up by hundreds of thousands of native allies
>"how did this happen!?"
>you don't have anything to worry about living in a corrupt repressive dictatorship as long as you aren't a communist
how many dictators have you lived under?
>Salazar in Portugal
he was a fucking idiot
>those two dudes with goofy grins
>comparing relatively successful dictators to a guy responsible for civil war, mass executions, concentration camps and destruction of Spain
>destruction of Spain
You don't know what destruction is, you want to see destruction? Let the Republicans win. Spain would be another Romania nowadays.
>If fascism was a good thing, why do most Spaniards today hate Franco
Probably because he wasn't a fascist, and most fascists actually hate Franco?
Rivera > capitalist pig
>responsible for civil war, mass executions, concentration camps and destruction of Spain
That would be the Republicans actee they locked up fascist leaders and started killing reactionaries in the streets
>Waaaah why didn't you just lay there and get killed
Neck yourself
Franco didn't kill enough commies. They ended up waiting him out and when he was dead and they finally took power they just rewrote history to suit their needs.
Can you please provide a source listing all victims of political violence in pre-war Spain? Because from what I remember from Beevor (I think) both sides lost roughly the same amount of men (overall it was 200-400 people, hardly a borderline civil war if you ask me).
>Can you please provide a source listing all victims of political violence in pre-war Spain?
Well it wasn't a civil war, no, it was just intense street violence and leftists using the government to crack down on reactionaries which eventually lead to the coup attempt. I'd hardly blame one side for the civil though.
Although I do have a list around here somewhere in one of my books, I think.
I already know you have no clue what you're on about
You could have said Metaxas and I would have agreed with you since he is treated as a hero even know in Greece for his role in WWII, even though he tortured commies. Papadopoulos and the military junta is vilified by both the left and the right here in Greece and seen as a major phase in the retardation of Greece.
Also this
Salazar was benevolent dictator like Tito and not nearly as repressive as Franco. Antonescu we don't know how it would have turned up because he was killed by the pro-nazi politicians of Romania.
>antonesc was killed by pronazi politicians
I have never read somethig so horrifyingly stupid in my fucking life.
The opposite is true though. Most Eastern Europeans are sympathetic to socialism.
Stalin is more popular than Putin is in Russia, meanwhile Franco, Pinochet, Suharto, and other right-wing dictators are hated by their populations.
It's almost like right-wing dictators only serve the interests of small, wealthy groups of people, whereas left-wing dictators serve the interests of all of society.
How else would you explain the disparity in people's attitudes towards left-wing dictators versus right-wing ones?
We fucking hate commies.
t. East European
fuck free speech
>cries about muh free speech for weeks when his favorite subreddit is glassed
>Most Eastern Europeans are sympathetic to socialism.
That's not true tho
>Stalin is more popular than Putin is in Russia
Yes, but that is because he """saved""" Russia from evil evil Germans
He'd ve seen as a horrible dictator he was if world war 2 didn't happen.
>It's almost like right-wing dictators only serve the interests of small, wealthy groups of people, whereas left-wing dictators serve the interests of all of society.
That's what lefties think zozzle
>How else would you explain the disparity in people's attitudes towards left-wing dictators versus right-wing ones?
Because we are generally told that everything right-wing is evil And everything left-wing is good and just. Showing that left-wing dictators Are as bad as right-wing ones doesn't fit their narrative.
Okay check this out:
Fascists are talking about >muh sec'nd recconcizta
All the while their moorish mercenaries are raping spanish, katholic women en másse.
One officer was reported to have said about two girls given to the tribesmen: "They won't survive five hours."
I mean, how hypocritical can one be?
Raping a nun (which was actually a singular case if I recall correctly) is obviously pretty horrendous, even if they are the face of a rather disliked institution, but it pales in comparison to what happened on the militarist side. And the only reason communism could get a foothold in Spain was the fact that their were the only ones supplying the Republicans with the weapons and supplies they needed to defend against the rebellious generals.
Some russians and retard old bitter fucks in other east european countries like commies. Yet poles balts and others ran to natos arms as soon as possible after soviet union collapsed.
Portugal was already shit before 1926
This is the only thing I dislike about Franco, he ruined Carlism and Spanish Particularism.
Then again you can argue that a strong unitary state is what Spain needed to rebuild after the Civil War.
>I'm 12
Philosophically there is nothing wrong with this claim
>Republican Spain had no leftists in it
And here I was, thinking I was talking to someone who was intelligent
>Muh individualism
An hero
>Leftists were the ones being persecuted in Spain meme
66% of Romanians prefer socialism
72% of Hungarians prefer socialism
Most people in the former USSR prefer socialism:
Most people in the former Yugoslavia support socialism:
>Because we are generally told that everything right-wing is evil And everything left-wing is good and just.
Unless you live in Cuba or the DPRK, this is a complete lie. Neoliberalism is the dominant ideology in the world today - if you oppose neoliberalism, you're portrayed as a supervillain, whether you're a Juche socialist like Kim Jong Un or a right-wing populist like Trump.
You realize that the reason they hate capitalism is because at least under communism no one was trying to poison their children with consumerism and degeneracy, right? They all admire the nationalism of the communist countries and consider everything that happened afterwards to be horrible because of the declining birth rates and general makeup of the neo-liberal west assaulting their nations
They don't communism, tovarische, they want fascism. All of their nostalgia is collectivistic and nationalistic.
>Right wing
No, it's liberal
Spanish are not white.
>not controversial
didn't the communist government spend 40 years propagandizing against him for BTFOing Bela Kun?
Go suck Porky's fat pig cock. Fascism is a tool of the capitalist class. The collectivism and nationalism these ex-commie citizens want is what communism provided.
-modern left
This is simply not true. The Spanish perception of Franco is still extremely ambiguous.
Spaniard here most people think Franco winning wasnt that bad because muh gommunism
Decades of leftist propaganda can't change the fact that life was much better under Franco than it is now.
Cool your autism
>pic related is you
>Papadopoulos and the military junta is vilified by both the left and the right here in Greece and seen as a major phase in the retardation of Greece.
Unfairly so.
The Military Government were downright geniuses compared to the libtard-democracy we've had for the past 40 years.
Unironically fuck liberal democracy and its dopamine-zombie defenders.