What color Lambo are you getting Veeky Forums?

What color Lambo are you getting Veeky Forums?

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Blue looks awesome. Very modest sexy

Where is the "650000 in debt with a house mortgage" option?

If this crash doesn't level off soon, the only thing I'm going to be getting is the paperwork to file for bankruptcy.


dark purple with a blue touch
looks kinda edgy


stupid meme only small dicked small brained manlets buy lambos


You mean,
>What square footage are you looking at Veeky Forums?

And the answer is at least 2500 on a 6 acre lot.

Hi Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums here.
LameBoreMeme'i are total piles of shit.
Neck yourself's.

Lots of love, Veeky Forums

haha that looks so normie
i would rather live in a sterile high tech smart home

neon lime green, and a hueg rapper gold chain covered in diamonds to go with it, with a frog pendant.

I will look ridiculous as fuck and love every minute of it.

This is not a crash though. It's been a fucking incredible rally.

You would you NEET muppet. I assure you the WiFi works just as well.

>implying you aren't going to Ladaland
Sorry guys, but the factory ran of colour, so you can only get it in red

red w/ black trim is the only reasonable choice

but i want a qt smart home waifu who greets me when i come home


tfw no qt 2d gf

I'm getting a cappuccino

Pic related is all I will be able to afford in 2 weeks

hahahahahahahaha. newfags are so broke.

bullshit cunt. you aren't anywhere near Peugeot money. I bet you don't even own a single bitcoin

if above 4000 pepe green
if below 4000 wojak pink

I already got mine.

Buying a couple million worth of BTC on this dip.

Eastern Europ Stronk

reverse image search
dailydot.com/business/Veeky Forums-bitcoin-lamborghini/
fuckin nigger

Oh thats one of them fancy 4x4 lambo's. I have heard about them


Non flowing water right next to house and patio

Enjoy the mosquitos faggot.

Blue just like QTUM colors

Give me an outdoorsy Aryan goddess over your digital dreams any day.

It's called "nature" and sometimes it sucks. Get used to it, you're gonna be seeing a lot more of it when the dollar implodes.

Would never buy a lambo


fuck off to /pol

Fuck off to NEETville. I said nothing about putting down other races you virtue signalling faggot.

Look up mosquito dunks bro. It's NBD.

if he hodl 4 years,
he could buy 4 lambos now

see through.