ITT: Post interesting Wikipedia conflict summaries
ITT: Post interesting Wikipedia conflict summaries
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dude was a fuckwit
Polish-Soviet war was not a good showing for the Russians
its tough to be that alpha
We're not here to jack them off.
Nevermind I'm retarded, i read it as "not good for showing the russians"
Seriously, Stalin promoted so many retards: Budenny, Kulik, Voroshilov, etc
Did you know the Muslim world and China had a battle to decide who would control a important part of the Silk Road in Central Asia?
Am I the only one to really like the Legionnaire meme?
I'm tired of sand niggers over glorifying this skirmish. 20,000 Tang warriors stalemating 200,000 Arabs for 5 months should be pretty embarrassing for them to acknowledge but I guess not.
Fucking retards.
Would have preferred an adaptation of this into a Tarantino flick over Hateful Eight, honestly.
I didn't know about it.
But I guess it was late in the conflict so the Bolsheviks had no fighting spirit left in them and Poles were cutting them down like cabbage.
That one is better.
This war would make for an awesome miniseries. It had too many interesting moments and even something of a decisive battle for once.
>still shilling your shitty 2000 views YT video