European pagans were primi-

European pagans were primi-

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>Scythians were European

Cavemen are primiti-

And they smoked hella dank my man. Look up the golden Scythian bong found in Russia.

They were blonde haired and blue eyed and came from the Ukrainian steppe, they sure as fuck weren't Asian.

Fucking idiot. Scythians straddled an entire area going from north of the Balkans in Europe to near the borders of modern China in Asia. The notion of "European" ethnic Scythians is fucking retarded.

>Ancient Y-DNA data was finally provided by Keyser et al in 2009. They studied the haplotypes and haplogroups of 26 ancient human specimens from the Krasnoyarsk area in Siberia dated from between the middle of the 2nd millennium BC and the 4th century AD (Scythian and Sarmatian timeframe). Nearly all subjects belong to haplogroup R-M17. The authors suggest that their data shows that between Bronze and Iron Ages the constellation of populations known variously as Scythians, Andronovians, etc. were blue- (or green-) eyed, fair-skinned and light-haired people who might have played a role in the early development of the Tarim Basin civilization. Moreover, this study found that they were genetically more closely related to modern populations of eastern Europe than those of central and southern Asia.

Central Asia wasn't inhabited by Mongoloids at that point, they've found blonde haired Indo-European mummies even in Xinjiang. Even if some of them miscegenated later on it doesn't change the fact that they came from Europe.

This is what your average Scythian would have looked like

Shitskin delusions

well, that's a real solid gold bong.

Makes me want to assemble the rig and reenact their history.

>buzzwords and a healthy dose of y-you're wrong
Ah, his true nature is finally revealed. Look at how he recoils. I've been found out!

Where are the Mtdna studies


Frankly, any time in world history prior to the wide spread use of the internet is primiative.


Even that R1a nobleman from Xiongnu had European mtDNA
It is common knowledge that Central Asia was originally white.

>>What is trade?

>*fucks sister*
>*worships odin*
>*starts both world wars*
>*partitions africa*

Scythians had predominantly European Y-DNA and mtDNA, unfortunately for you that can't be explained away with trade.

They also found blonde haired and red haired corpses off Parthian and Sassanid mummies you silly boy, what the fuck does that have to do with WE WUZZING Scythians as Europeans in the modern sense?
Scythians are an Iranian people who were dominant in both Asia and Europe. What the fuck is your point? They aren't ****European****. also fuck your haplogroup memery. Where is the mdna and autosomal evidence


I'm getting real tired of leftists lying about Central Asia.

>The authors suggest that
>suggest that
So no actual concrete evidence, attested proof, or anything thereof academically speaking. Merely hypotheticals and postulation off a small sampling being tested. That's not definitive evidence at all. Otherwise why would the authors only "suggest" rather then directly state such claims? That's rather suspicious, dude.

>fair skinned and light haired people
Like another user said, so what? There is no sense in trying to adopt ancient Scythians and Sarmatians as being "European" in the sense of nationality. The concept didn't exist in their time and their tribes were as far as the Danube in Europe to the Steppes of Central Asia. The only thing that should be said about Scythians and their direct kin are that they are an Iranic people, who spoke an Iranic language, who happened to have lighter complexions and hair color in the western territories they occupied and darker hair and complexions in the eastern ones.

Trying to appropriate them as "European" is dumb.

>It is common knowledge that Central Asia was originally white.

>The concept didn't exist in their time
>only thing that should be said about Scythians and their direct kin are that they are an Iranic people

didn't lots of Indo-Iranian peoples use the term Arya as a self-designation?

>Early physical analyses have unanimously concluded that the Scythians, even those in the east (e.g. the Pazyryk region), possessed predominantly "Europid" features, although mixed 'Euro-mongoloid" phenotypes also occur, depending on site and period.

>In artworks, the Scythians are portrayed exhibiting European traits.[130] In Histories, the 5th-century Greek historian Herodotus describes the Budini of Scythia as red-haired and grey-eyed. In the 5th century BC, Greek physician Hippocrates argued that the Scythians have purron (ruddy) skin.[130][131] In the 3rd century BC, the Greek poet Callimachus described the Arismapes (Arimaspi) of Scythia as fair-haired. The 2nd century BC Han Chinese envoy Zhang Qian described the Sai (Scythians) as having yellow (probably meaning hazel or green), and blue eyes.[130] In Natural History, the 1st century AD Roman author Pliny the Elder characterizes the Seres, sometimes identified as Iranians (Scythians) or Tocharians, as red-haired and blue-eyed.[130][133] In the late 2nd century AD, the Christian theologian Clement of Alexandria says that the Scythians are fair-haired.[130][134] The 2nd century Greek philosopher Polemon includes the Scythians among the northern peoples characterized by red hair and blue-grey eyes.[130] In the late 2nd or early 3rd century AD, the Greek physician Galen declares that Sarmatians, Scythians and other northern peoples have reddish hair.[130][135] The fourth-century Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus wrote that the Alans, a people closely related to the Scythians, were tall, blond and light-eyed.[136] The 4th century bishop of Nyssa Gregory of Nyssa wrote that the Scythians were fair skinned and blond haired.[137] The 5th-century physician Adamantius, who often follow Polemon, describes the Scythians are fair-haired.[130][138]
It is also common knowledge that Scythians originated from the Sintashta culture, and Sintashta was an offshoot of the European Corded Ware culture.

Stay butthurt

Conveniently left out the last bit, I see.
>> It is possible that the later physical descriptions by Adamantius and Gregory of Scythians refer to East Germanic tribes, as the latter were frequently referred to as "Scythians" in Roman sources at that time.

Nice cherry picking. Post the rest of the article.

>literally nothing about DNA

Yeah, for Iranics themselves. How does that translate to European nationalism? Also like I pointed out in another post, the Scythians like Persians and other Iranic people would've varied in skin tone, complexion, hair color, and eye color depending on what region of Eurasia they lived in, its related climate, weather, temperature, elevation above sea level, exposure to the sun, and so on.

There are plenty of corpses of Persians, Parthians, and other Iranian people dug up from the Parthian and Sassanian eras in Iran and Central Asia that show fair hair and skin complexions but those are like for every 3 out of 10 people. This nonsense this one guy is trying to push that the Scythians are so "distant" genetically from other Iranians that they were Nordic like uniformally is absolute bullshit.

Just because they had some decent goldcrafters (assuming this wasn't commissioned to more civilized people, as steppe people tended to do) doesn't mean they weren't primitive.

The entire premise is completely retarded though. Weren't Greeks, Romans and other meds Pagans? Did you make this thread just to bait by calling Scythians Europeans?


That doesn't make much of a difference.
Somebody did already.

Do bear in mind that Nordic people carry the most auDNA akin to Yamna.

>hurr it's hard to work gold

So sick of brainlets using this argument. Gold is one of the softest metals. You can work it with your fucking hands. It doesn't take enormous amounts of ingenuity to make gold work look good - everywhere from the mesoamericans to the far east managed it.

>possessed predominantly "Europid" features

Irrelevant. Modern iranians have "europid" features. They're still brown.

>mixed 'Euro-mongoloid" phenotypes

They were mongrels. End.

Modern Iranians have practically nothing to do with the original Indo-Iranians genetically.

The association between the Andronovo culture and the Indo-Iranians is corroborated by the distribution of Iranian place-names across the Andronovo horizon and by the historical evidence of dominance by various Iranian peoples, including Saka (Scythians), Sarmatians and Alans, throughout the Andronovo horizon during the 1st millennium BC.[2]

In June 2015, another genetic study[29] surveyed one additional male and three female individuals of Andronovo culture. Extraction of Y-DNA from this individual was determined to belong to R1a1a1b2a2 (Z93- clade: Z2121).[30]

There are two main sub-lineages of R1a, which according to the current ISOGG tree version are known as R1a1a1b2 (Z93) and R1a1a1b1a (Z282). The first one is essentially Asian (with greatest frequencies in South and Central Asia, where it includes >98% of all R1a individuals) while the latter is almost exclusively European.

>Modern iranians have "europid" features. They're still brown
look at this fucking damage control

This. Prehistoric mesoamerican tribes left behind some pretty impressive gold crafts even if they didn't build anything of note.

You know you can say the same about modern Italians and the ancient Romans, right?

>That doesn't make much of a difference.
Wrong though.

Youtube mockumentaries and DEY WUZ REPLACED GENOCIDED EVEN THOUGH NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS ATTEST TO THIS are the typical defense mechanisms of the every1wuzwhite crowd.

This is fucking beautiful craftsmanship and it just ended up on the neck of a dirty furbound horsenigger. What a waste.

>Modern iranians have europid features. They're still brown.
Not really. Iranians do not have a single majority defining phenotype.
>Modern iranians practically nothing to do with the original Indo-Iranians genetically.
Also wrong. PCA charts, autosomal DNA, and mDNA have shown modern day Iranians are almost completely the fucking same as their Bronze Age ancestors. Do not perpetuate this kind of bullshit.

So even ancient Iranians were brown? Interesting, they were still ruled by a minority hwhite aristocracy.

Iranian is a language group you stupid fucks, not a racial group. It's not hard to understand. All evidence we have suggests that Scythians were Europids. The steppe has always been racially ambiguous and has experienced massive transformations racially and culturally over the last few thousands of years.

I'm getting really sick of Veeky Forums trying to be the opposite of /pol/. Trying to stave off radical far-right thought does not warrant being deliberately disengenuous and lying.

Scythians were always seen as Europids, everything proves that they were even the Scythian tribes as far south as Turkmenistan were racially "white" or European. It's only Iranian/Persian nationalists that says they aren't but they won't argue that they weren't blonde since they delusionally believe that they created the white race and therefore Europe. No joke.

>Just because they had some decent goldcrafters (assuming this wasn't commissioned to more civilized people, as steppe people tended to do) doesn't mean they weren't primitive.

Does not compute. How does someone commissioning a piece of jewelry from you make you any bit less of an artist?

It's true though. Whites came from Iran, now Iranians are reclaiming Europe and its women.

You know Scythians were Turkic, right? Kazakhstan and the like in modern times.

I meant they commissioned more civilized people for it.

Scythians were about 90% European, 10% Mongoloid in Europe.

I guess their European component was somewhat dilluted into Kavkazian, though.

Mixing happens.

ah ok

The Budini were Uralic

Udmurts, specifically. Udmurts alone have a high incidence of red hair among Uralic peoples.

I guess it's from the indigenous pre-Uralic people of Udmurtia.

So basically the Scythians were genetically mixed group of people with the type of admixture depending on where in central Asia they were located.


>>Interesting, they were still ruled by a minority hwhite aristocracy.

Your people are savages, Varg. Time to face reality.

Ukraine is Central Asia now?







The contrary of yes.

Shitskins BTFO.

Scythians would have looked like the Sminem meme kid or whatever his name is. He has the right mixture of Churkoid and Chinkoid genes mixed with Eastern European.

We actually know how the Scythians looked like, to the desperation of identity-stealing, swarthy, useless mud people, thanks to depictions in artifacts and descriptions of ancient historians. Stay mad.

sad to see science deniers just ignoring the facts

the science is settled!

Scythians didnt have mongoloid genes, the few that stayed in central asia was absorved by turkics
Why you group different people with different religion together?

Proven false.
Scythians in Ukraine=10% Mongoloid.

Scythians in Altai=40-50% Mongoloid.

They acquired this admixture gradually in the late bronze age and the early iron age through natural race blending.


>darker hair and complexions in the eastern ones.
Wrong, how can that happen?

Fucking idiot, alexander said that they were blonde haired people with green eyes

>ancient Iranians were brown
Ancient Iranians where whatever the climate they lived in permitted you stupid fucking Nordicist faggot.

T. Turd brown from iran

Stop posting you shitskin, you are pathetic

Ancient iranians were fair people with light features, deal with it

I suppose the Russian Slavs of the future will come to approximate the Scythians of old through their race blending with Jews, Chechens, Tatars and Mongolians.

No they didnt, mongoloids were very far away from them in those times

Shut the fuck you retarded false-flagging moron, Everyone knows you are mentally retarded and Veeky Forums equivalent to Clawshrimpy, no one cares what you think.

Then again you claim you aren't some shit-skinned charcoal colored piece of shit and a mulatto which is also bullshit. End yourself.

>ancient Iranians
Ancient Iranians were no more brown then your average Greek or Italian then or now.

All made by Greeks. There's a reason this stuff only appears around the Black Sea.

Normally hate this meme but in this case it's accurate.

The East Scythians did the mixing with Mongoloids while the West Scythians in Ukraine intermarried with their eastern cousins and acquired it through proxy.
It's all proven and undeniable.

scythians and sarmatians are east iranian


And so were the Romans and Greeks, am I right Varg?

>indigenous to Ukraine
>"East Iranian"

Pick one.

Only Alans/Ossetians were East Iranian speaking.

considering they were europeans with the derived alleles for light skin, yes.

No, it only discounts two of the accounts that state they were blonde and blue eyed.

You do know that modern Greeks are actually lighter-skinned now then they were in ancient times, yes?

Eastern Iranian people include: Scythians, and Sarmatians with the Osstians and Alans, dumbass.


>PCA charts, autosomal DNA, and mDNA have shown modern day Iranians are almost completely the fucking same as their Bronze Age ancestors
No they weren't, unless you're talking about the indigenous inhabitants of the Iranian Plateau that the invading Indo-Iranians assimilated.

Old Scythians in Ukraine and southern Russia spoke something else that we don't really have much information about.
They were direct linguistic descendants of the local Srubnaya who were a closely related population to the Ural Sintashta ancestral to Indo-Iranians.

A few centuries before Turkic people conquered Eastern European steppe, it was subject to an invasion by Eastern Iranian people speaking something closely related to Yaghnobi who were the ancestors of Alans and Ossetians.

No, you're just in denial. Read the final paragraph here and then look at this image

you do know that all europeans since the bronze age are practically fixed for light skin, right? and if anything southern euros would've changed more as a result of subsequent migrations following the end of the roman empire.

Exactly what are you basing this off of

>No they weren't.
Wrong, idiot. You have no proof, no evidence, no actual citations, where I posted evidence as recent as last summer sampling from a larger number of Persian speakers in modern Iran. You have no legs to stand on and evidence is shitting on your claims. No one is buying your crap on this. Put your namefag back on, Domincian.
Old Scythians, Sarmatians, Alans, Ossteians, Sogdians, etc...all spoke Indo-Iranian languages that are from the eastern branch of the Indo-Iranian family. Stop making things up.

The two main alleles are only responsible for 50-60% of variation in skin color

A Sicilian could be fixed yet brown because he lacks the dozens if not hundreds of minor variants, which often affect also hair and eyes.