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i've lived in the south all my life
if I swapped lives with some of these people, they'd probably hate it and want to back to cushy suburbia
this honestly
most of the south is shit, unless you love beer to an unhealthy extent
Just more reason CSA had to be put down
>we wuz fightin' for dem states rats
>and what rights would those be?
>why, da states rats to allow slavery o course!
This. There's a reason anybody that can get out does, or at least moves out of the rural areas.
>I've lived in the south all my life
Same, I'm not a dixiefag but I unironically want the US to balkanize. fuck the bloated fed. Point I'm trying to make is that people should still be proud of themselves/their region on a local level, not on the levels of retardation shown in the pic.
Weather sucks though. Probably gonna become a yank, I like snow but couldn't ever separate from muh guns (so no europe). Pennsylvania looks promising.
OI'm not bound here forever just because I'm having a feeling of nationalism for it that'll probably come and go.
I would say I live in the south but I live in the middle of atlanta
What state are you from?
Probably Florida or some shit, yeah?
Places like Georgia and Virginia have extreme pride in their state.
Hmmm tell that to the likes of Jack Hinson on Tennessee. He was neutral at first until Federal troops cut off two of his sons heads ISIS style. In retribution Jack went into the bush with a custom made .50 caliber rifle and went to work picking off Federal sentries. He was good at what he did, killing over a 100 Feds while never getting caught. One story of many. Deo Vindice
balkanization would probably make the situation for most states in the south worst than it already is desu. While some issues might get solved like blacks overpopulating white in some areas of the deep south, most issues would get worse. The current politicians in a lot of these states are people who don't know what the common people want or care about and only care about paying off oil companies. Oklahoma and Kansas are pretty good examples of this where half of the population needs health care and the infrastructure is on the level of Russia or Mexico, and there's not many decent jobs but they see it as alright and manage to convince the population to never vote for anyone else because they wear a cross at election debates.
The only southern state that could probably hold its own is Texas
why did you put meme arrows into a tweet
You're misusing the meme. That's not what WE means. WE would be if he claimed all the Confederates were really Swedes or something.
Shit like this happens when a bunch of rich fags start a war because they wanna keep negroes to do their dishes. But I get it. I had an uncle join WW 2 after his brother died at Odessa.
>tfw Jack Hinson's spirit will never come to pregnant Anne Frank while she's in a state of delirium, telling her to go to the Dagobah Syst-errr I mean that she needs to protect her babies by killing Nazis with an M1903 Springfield rifle.
>baptist anglo Americans living under a confederacy finding common ground with catholic germans living under socialism
>catholic germans
I'd hate to break this to you, but Anne Frank wasn't Catholic...
>pregnant Anne Frank is Luke Skywalker
>Jack Hinson is Obi-Wan Kenobi
Who's Yoda supposed to be? Does that mean Otto Frank is Darth Vader and Margot is Leia?
The only budget neutral southern state is Texas, every other state relies on handouts from the Feds to stay afloat. Without the Federal government, they would have to hike taxes or cut their already shoddy social programs.
Without oil, Texas would be fucked too.
Nor was she German
Does anyone have a breakdown of southern states' budgets? I don't personally know shit about them, but I know that the Dems often say the red states are welfare queens if they are net takers, but in my state (Nebraska) most of the federal money is spent as agricultural subsidies, not welfare and social programs which are minimal here.
>name is literally Frank
> The Franks (Latin: Franci or gens Francorum) were a collection of Germanic peoples that originated in the lands between the Lower and Middle Rhine in the 3rd century AD and eventually formed a large empire dominating much of western and central Europe during the Middle Ages. The Frankish Empire ultimately led to the birth of modern France and Germany and thus the Franks are seen as the forebears of the French and German peoples (in addition to Austrians, the Dutch, Luxembourgers and some other European nations).
Oh fuck off. Her family had lived in Germany for millennia. If my family could live in the heart of the South for a quarter of that time and be considered Southern through and through, then she ought to be considered German
>your last name determines your ethnicity
I already knew you were American before you even said it
>nationalists superficially support other nationalists
holy fuck you're really blowing my mind OP, where do you get this stuff?
So welfare for farmers? Shouldn't they be able to survive without gubmint gibs?
>name is johnson
haha you're a penis
>implying oklahoma or kansas have any social programs if you're not native american
>agricultural subsidies
>not welfare
>not a social program
>most of the federal money is spent as agricultural subsidies
>agricultural subsidies
Your whole state is welfare queen
>IQ 89
Isn't it funny how most welfare queens vote against said welfare? It's almost like they're fucking stupid.
>south has any culture
In what are agricultural subsidies a social program?
> am "poor farmer"
> in danger of losing the farm because not enough money
> gubmint plz help
> gubmint gives you money so you can live a better life than if the gubmint dun gib you money
Lmao, there are Fortune 500 megacorps m8 not uncle Joe and his 40 acres, it's not the 1930s. And government is subsidizing agriculture to keep food prices low.
I love the meme arrow on Kentucky's star
>most of the federal money is spent as agricultural subsidies, not welfare and social programs which are minimal here.
Same in the South, just add gigantic military and space installations on top of that. Most welfare queens are blue, especially in the south where politics is so strongly divided along racial lines, and the only people that vote Democrat are black people.
Agricultural subsidies exist for the same reason the Jones act does: national security. Most farmers nowadays are pretty rich.
>poor farmer
Coastlets yet again proving they don't actually know shit about America.
IIRC the state with the most welfare enrollments is New Mexico which is blue.
It's California, because lol 45 million people.
New Mexico has either the highest or second highest ratio thou.
Out of the 14 states that depend the most on Federal handouts, only New Mexico is blue. The next blue state is Oregon @ 15.
Then for the states that rely on the feds the least, the top 10 is all blue except for Kansas. However, Kansas is in a financial mess ATM due to drinking too much Koch-aid.
>Who's Yoda supposed to be?
A wise sage.
And shit beer at that. Because let's be honest, all that libtard coastal hipster shit is better than the mass-brewed cow piss most Americans still drink (just see the sales stats).
>hurrr all people work the same as my experiences
No. The US and Europe have ("had") different ideas about belonging and nationality. Nationality also implies people who don't belong. Are you Jewish or member of a visible minority? Then you probably don't have the experience to understand why it's not that easy. Check that privilege, son.
That's because you have more corn than people. Got stuff the lardos with even more corn syrup, right? Just imagine, if Nebraska didn't exist... all those normal-sized Americans riding around mobility scooters at Wal-Mart... *shudder*
ill tell ya what man dang ol beer is beer aint no two ways about it whatever you wanna call it man its beer
fucking website is bullshit, that dumbest as study is false and completely inaccurate. Could it be anymore bias?
Lets claim that all the Republican-conservative states look like they have the highest taxes and get the most hand outs! Fucking bullshit ass graphs or whatever you call those, full of obvious bullshit stats.
>it's the food's fault that I'm fat
Liberal logic
We have fantastic IPA's you uncultured fucks
I'm a quarter Jewish and 1/8th Cherokee (thanks mom). Ironically both are from the side of the family that's full of Confederate soldiers.
And yes, I have visible Native American features (eyes, dark hair, and winged incisors).
You're barely literate.
>be conservative
>get triggered into the next century by reality
God damn I haven't seen this much concentrated mad since the chapter on Stirner in The German Ideology.
Beer out by the Great Lakes is like drinking liquid sunshine. There are brewers in Wisconsin and Chicago who can make even IPAs palatable.
Partly, yes it is.
IPAs are overrated, and not really.
>claiming your Jewish features are native american
You know that in the late 1800s Cherokee was a code for mulatto, right? One drop rules made it social suicide to claim negro heritage, so people started saying their swarthy brown tones came from some mystical Cherokee forebear. This way they might also qualify for small parcels of free land given to Indians (no DNA checks back in the day, and if they could pass the Indian agent's satisfaction, free land). Enjoy watermelons and fried chicken don't ya, bubba? Well...
Do you know of a good one in Chicago?
>hahaha fuck the South amirite?
>*South tries to leave*
Why are yankieboos so stupid?
>The reason I can't cook food cheaper than it is to buy processed foods is because muh gubmint subsidies of corn
>This is what liberal hipster faggots unironically believe
Wew lad
I live down in Rogers Park, so if I'm adventurous I can head up to Evanston and get some fantastic beer from the Sketchbook brewery. I've also gotten a junk-foody taste for South Side Pride and Tooth And Nail.
Thanks user.
So I guess John Stewart is really of the Stewart family because he decided it would be too much of a (((coincidence))) if people knew him as Liebowitz
Best beer is from Michigan
You can thank Michigan's enormous central and northern European heritage for that. Having Germans, Danes, and Netherlanders packed into the same state would inevitably make something good and boozy.
>Best beer is from Michigan
Anything other than the Pacific Northwest and it's a lie.
Washington > Montana > Oregon > Idaho >irrelevant parts if the country
t. Cuckscadian retard believing his own state propaganda
>irrelevant parts of the country
You just named 4 of those
>claiming your Jewish features are native american
You don't get wing incisors from being Jewish, that's a strictly Native American trait.
You know that in the late 1800s Cherokee was a code for mulatto, right?
Yeah, I actually have a photograph of the ancestor in question, he's a Red Indian. Also, he went to the Carlisle Indian Industrial School as a child and was probably sexually molested.
God damned
>kikes LARPing as Injuns
All of my kek
>neckbeard fat autists larping as the Waffen SS
I don't run a casino out of my reservation, have an out of control drinking problem, or claim Federal land as rightfully mine though.
T. Butthurt non-Cascadian jealous of not living in God's country
Our beer is just as good as the memes, fite me faggot
There are Inca Jews in Israel. Pure blooded Native American Jews in the heart of the West Bank.
Y'all a bunch of fucking KHAZAR RATS
Say that to the wrong Jew... See what happens.
But I cut my mile down to 6:40 and can now deadlift over 315lbs
What more does it take to be an ubermensche?
Killing yourself like Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels
Why would I do that when I can just breed the entire Jewish genome out of the gene pool myself? I hear that holocaust porn is popular in Israel... Just saying
You're the only ones believing those memes, no reason for me to argue with imbeciles
No jewish girl will ever fuck you and you know it. Keep wanking it to loli Natalie Portman you ugly fat fuck.
Good thing I'm neither a fat neckbeard nor LARPing as SS then. You're still a kike though.
>Keep wanking it to loli Natalie Portman
Leave it to Jewish pedophiles to project their own degeneracy on others.
>Loli Portman
>holocaust porn is popular in Israel... Just saying
They literally fucking invented it.
All you normies think the pregnant Anne Frank fetish is something new.
It's not.
>Keep wanking it to loli Natalie Portman you ugly fat fuck.
That's more of a thing t.b.h
I'm more of a pregnant Natalie Portman kind of guy.
Now if only one of the actresses who's played Anne Frank like Hannah Taylor-Gordon or Eli Kendrick would get pregnant... My dick would be fucking diamonds.
pick one
Czechs too
If the USA balkanized, Europe would go back to having wars.
The reason we have had relative peace in the world is because team America world police keeps it that way through threats of violence.
So suck it up, and sacrifice for my greater good. You are paying taxes so I don't have to go die in the east.
m8 we live in days where all the white supremacists are christians.
yes, christian racial supremacy, because jesus said so
>mfw googled that and he's not lying
Now if only one of the actresses who's played Anne Frank like Hannah Taylor-Gordon or Eli Kendrick would get pregnant
>google actresses who've played Anne Frank
>Bad Poosey from Game of Thrones is one of them
Wtf I thought you were full of shit
>Most B'nai Moshe now live in the West Bank, mostly in Kfar Tapuach along with Yemenite Jews, Russian Jews and others.
You have Native Americans doing to Arabs what the Spanish did to them.
I wouldn't mind seeing a movie about him with Mel Gibson as director.
And that's the sad truth. Think how much lower our taxes could be if we had a reasonable military, only suited for self-defense.
God, I hate everyone.
I love the US, but I hate what it has turned into. I wish I had been a Yankee in 1890, or something.