
Why do people who are usually anti-semites have Jewish friends?

Lovecraft hated Jews but married one and then grew a respect for their religion after visiting an Orthodox synagogue.

Hitler hated Jews so much that he tried to wipe them off the face of Europe but gave special protection status to Jews he was friends with as a child

Why is this kind of thing so common in history? Is racism and anti-semitism the result of not hating people by themselves but by hating the one-dimensional representation a foreign culture has to the culture that is racist in question?

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The more you interact with them, the more you realize there's reasons for the antisemitism

t. someone with Jewish relatives

what do they do to you in particular?


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Short story: The stereotypes are all true
Long story: Their extended family that married into mine have a disdain for goyim that they hold back, but you can see in their face.

wow, we got a smoking gun here guys! guilt by facial expression!

>Ugh, I think that nephew of yours might be an antisemite, he's been glaring at me all evening.
>Shhh honey, just try to ignore him.

Yeah, laugh all you want but they're not normal people and having interacted with them as much as I have, most of the antisemitism I see on the internet talking about how they behave is justified.

yes I'm sure the handfull of people you met completely justify hatred of 15,000,000

My great-grandfather was racist as fuck and married a Jewish 16 year old he knocked up while stationed in England.

pic semi-related, she really looked like Rutka Laskier, the resemblance between them is creepy.

lovecraft was weird as fuck (self-educated recluse who grew without a father), i dunno if you should consider him as a "regular" antisemite, or just regular person for his time

>Why do people who hate Jews not hate ALL Jews
You realize that not even the alt right hates all Jews, right? There is always outliers among a population.

Honestly this. Had a lot of Jewish friends and knew a lot of Jewish families. It's a bit different if they are reform or conservative, but yeah they are an extremely nativistic and xenophobic people.

They always treat non-jews differently and it's extremely easy to tell.

>Yes, because there is no such thing as modality among populations of people

My mother converted to Judaism and she's 50% of the reason I go on /pol/ to rant about kikes (the other 50% is my stepfather's family and personally dealing with Jewish leftists).

I went to a school with lots of secular jews and they were exactly like any other person. I even dated a jew. The only exception I can think of was a religious one that told me they were smarter than everyone else.

I've seen you post this so many times. Please go back.

Maybe because you are antisemitic.

which is why jewish intermarriage is over 50% and extinguishing themselves? because they're so nativistic and xenophobic?

>Hitler hated Jews so much that he tried to wipe them off the face of Europe but gave special protection status to Jews he was friends with as a child
Maybe because Hitler never planned to exterminate all of the jews, just the degenerate people (even europeans and other races) Look up the Havamaara agreement. Its what Hitler wanted to do with all those jews that he was housing, he wanted to give them their own Nation ie Israel. Of course the Soviets and Americans bombed and destroyed all of the supply lines and defeated the Nazi, but the Jews still got their Israel, and the communist and Americans ended up enemies and there goes the story of how we helped defeat the wrong people, and allowed communism to plunder Europe and ruin the future of the white race. Holohoax is completely fake, there were Gas Chambers, but nobody was murdered in them, they were used for getting rid of the mass amount of the Typhus out break, just like when any nation needs to quarantine people, they strip them and spray down there body, they also shave your head, to prevent the lice from spreading. There are no mass graves. The very few pictures you see of the bodies? those are diseased individuals that died once the allies had bombed the supply line and there was no way the nazi could get vaccines or medicine, along with no food, clean water, or any medical supplies period. This is why the bodies are very skinny. If there is shortage of food, because the supply line was taken, they are obviously going to feed the soldiers first. Yes, Hitler did not like the jews, and he had good reason to. A majority of jews, were conspiring communist, and bolchevik (Russian Jews) were infiltrating local governments and banks, so in order to weed out the communist, you would obviously round up all of the jews and the jewish commie friends of theirs. Do your own research, and you will find that you were lied to. Im sure you've heard the qoute about the victors writing history.


>Look up the Havamaara agreement
You don't even know how to spell it.

If you know anything about that agreement, you know that Hitler had nothing to do with it and hadn't even heard of it. You'd also know that the Lehi leaders who agreed to it were assassinated,

please go gas yourself, faggot.

Shut up pussy

Is this satire?

Ouch. You hurt my feelings user. Could you be anymore of a kike?
Prove to me that Hitler didnt know about the agreement.

Antisemetism and related hatreds serve as an anchor for the person engaging in them. Such a person is not incapable of reason, but rather fears it, as they desire the pursuit of knowledge to merely confirm what they already know, never challenging their ideas. Sartre is better at explaining this, so I'll turn it over to him:

"The anti-Semite has chosen hate because hate is a faith; at the outset he has chosen to devaluate words and reasons. How entirely at ease he feels as a result. How futile and frivolous discussions about the rights of the Jew appear to him. He has pleased himself on other ground from the beginning. If out of courtesy he consents for a moment to defend his point of view, he lends himself but does not give himself. He tries simply to project his intuitive certainty onto the plane of discourse. I mentioned awhile back some remarks by anti-Semites, all of them absurd: "I hate Jews because they make servants insubordinate, because a Jewish furrier robbed me, etc." Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. It is not that they are afraid of being convinced. They fear only to appear ridiculous or to prejudice by their embarrassment their hope of winning over some third person to their side."



There wasn't even an insult in my post. You insinuated Hitler even knew about that agreement, it proves you know little about it.

>anti-semitic for years
>read all of kevin macdonald books
>meet 10/10 blonde, blue eyed jewish girl
>literally looks like she was ripped straight out of nazi aryan propaganda
>insanely intelligent
>threw out all my kevin macdonald books
>about to have half jewish aryan as fuck looking children

feels good man

>molested a loli Holocaust survivor and got away with it



where are any facts? or evidence? You just post abunch of links to anti-Nazism and people calling holocaust deniers stupid. Way to be a complete shill and post no proof.

I have a similar story. Once I realized there were Black Aryans, Jewish Aryans, etc. I realized I had fallen way too deep into the propaganda. I visited Israel and felt insecure because everyone was ripped and looked super exotic. Maybe Israelis are just a different breed of Jews.

You said I couldnt even spell, way to build a strawman, bitch.

>meet 10/10 blonde, blue eyed jewish girl

Laura Loomer?

>You just post abunch of links to anti-Nazism and people calling holocaust deniers stupid.
They are very well sourced, unlike denier sites. I mean the index is just pure compilations of primary German documents and sources.

You said it was the "Havamaara agreement," and implied Hitler was involved in the deal.

You will never be White.
You will always be a sneaky, disgusting jew.

I don't feel bad at all. Jews have the highest IQ of all racial groups and some at least are very physically attractive. Feels real nice to improve my genetics by a huge margin

Yes, I clearly spelled it wrong. what gives?

>t. lazy stormfag who didn't bother to click any of the links
The first one I clicked on got straight into ripping apart stormfag narratives, without even introduction.

You don't know what a strawman is. You also don't know anything about what you are discussing besides what you read on infographs. Apply yourself.

Those studies are targeting jews in obviously privileged areas. Also how could you even believe those studies, when jews only make up 2 percent of the US population? clearly the study is going to be diluted. There are some completely degenerate and retarded jews in Israel.

>about to have half jewish aryan as fuck looking children

When's she due?

>There are some completely degenerate and retarded jews in Israel.

That's because they are mostly Middle Eastern.

I did click on the links. Im not going to sift through that. You wanna copy pasta, the answer to my question then? You filthy kikes amuse me. POST EVIDENCE PROVING HITLER DIDNT KNOW OF THE AGREEMENT. Ill wait 5 mins, then i'm leaving.

Correct. The jews Hitler was dealing with were Ashkenazi.

She looks nothing like this fat pig


pretty awful she married a scumbag who secretly sees her as nothing more than brood mare to make genetically superior children. maybe she isn't even intelligent after all. anyway, i suspect b8

Lol, typical stormfag. You don't want to read the sources which debunk your nonsense.

I'm not Jewish, I wish I was though, they are committing white genocide which i'm very excited to see. As a POC, I am grateful for the pain Jews are causing you cumskins.

>so in order to weed out the communist, you would obviously round up all of the jews and the jewish commie friends of theirs.
Yeah they couldn't afford to let any 2 years old Bolshevik sympathizer infiltrate their financial system amirite


Like all /pol/-tier stories, it's the fantasy of a lonely neckbeard who hates Jews but would cut off his left leg with a blunt wooden knife to fuck Kat Dennings.

Human beings are more complex than terms like "racist" or 'anti-semite' would suggest. It's possible to have a wide variety of positive or negative opinions about the general characteristics of a group while recognizing individuals who deviate from a pattern.
Harry Truman was the US president responsible for desegregating the Army and recognizing the state of Israel against the wishes of his State department.
His private correspondence is filled with the words 'nigger' and 'kike'

Because jews are sect of degenerates, if they would breed according to rabbinic laws they would die off to bith defects and insanity.

umm wrong sweetie. hasidim nowadays can now screen for genetic defects and are systematically removing compromised bloodlines from the genepool. super jewish masterrace is in the making.

Some of you are genuinely insane, holy shit. A psichiatrist would have a field day ITT

>went from "gas the kikes" to making one pregnant

That's gonna be making for some fucked up kids.

Do you think anyone who has any negative impression of Jews is mentally ill?

I ask because many of the great minds of the 19th and 20th century were also antisemitic, so that can't be what you're suggesting.

>mentally ill

>a cocksucker

>Yes, I clearly spelled it wrong. what gives?
What gives is that you can't type on a image board, you dumb fuck, it should be "Yes, i clearly spelling it wrong, what gives?"

were you born before or after the conversion?

if you were born after, you're personally hurting yourself by ranting about it.

>were you born before or after the conversion?

After, although her first husband, my father, wasn't a Jew (Thank God).

>you're personally hurting yourself by ranting about it

Not my fault that my experience with Jews has primarily been neurotic women, money-grubbing Israelis, stuck up Valley Girls, left-wing-leaning parasites, and people who cry about "muh Holocaust, muh 666 trillion" all day.

If you were born after her conversion, that means you are a jew, whether you like it or not.

Judaism passes maternally

If he disregards Jews and hates Jews then he's not a Jew. Why the fuck would you follow the idiotic laws of your sworn enemy?

Because according to Jewish law from what I know about it, that's how it works. There are plenty of self-hating Jews, there's an entire genre of humor based on it.

Well if he hates Jews then why the fuck would he follow "Jewish law?" If you hate communists would you follow communist law?

Because they saw that all jews aren't trash but the majority is.