So why is Spain not the most developed country in Europe? Where did all the gold and silver go?
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Dont know but they were dicks:
Atahualpa offered Pizarro to buy his liberty by filling the room where he was kept prisoner with gold and the two following rooms with silver, The total collection of the gold, after being melted down into standard ingots, and before division amongst the Spaniards, amounted to 1,326,539 pesos de oro, worth 15,500,000 in 1847 US dollars. The silver amounted to 51,610 marks. Some of the most beautiful articles were saved for the emperor's royal fifth, which included vases, imitations of plants and animals, and a fountain.[2]:195–197
>Where did all the gold and silver go?
The eternal Anglo stole it all.
pic related
Trusting conquerors...
The Inca now demanded to be set free. Pizarro finally conceded to a trial, acting as a judge alongside Almagro. The twelve charges included usurpation of the crown, assassination of his brother Huascar, squandering public revenues, idolatry, adultery, and attempting to incite an insurrection. He was found guilty and sentenced to be burned alive that night.
Atahualpa turned to Pizarro and exclaimed, "What have I done, or my children, that I should meet such a fate? And from your hands, too, you, who have met with friendship and kindness from my people, with whom I have shared my treasures, who have received nothing but benefits from my hands!"
>Where did all the gold and silver go
The French stole it when they pillaged Spain from 1808 to 1814
civil wars shrekt spain from 1830 to 1930
only under based Franco was Spain finally stabilized
They need to pay debts.
I don't get these claims because of things that happened in the far bast. Nation states, hell even countries were not a thing until the late 18th/early 19th century. It was all just kingdoms and empires and basically all territory was property of monarchs and emperors and no public organs.
The same place all the money that Russia stole from its vassal states in the USSR went. [spoiler]Fucking nowhere because even immense sums handled by retards go to waste.[/spoiler]
>Moscow gold
pretty sure the Spanish decline started a bit before 1936
>Where did all the gold and silver go?
Wasted in military expense (Netherlands, Italy, Germany) and hideous inflation (what can you expect when you keep injecting bullion for decades?).
The inflation in particular was bad because it destroyed exports (too expensive to be competitive) and enterpreneuship (why bother with production in a bad economy when I can just go adventuring in the new world), basically annihilating both the economy and the prospective of economic growth for decades. By the time reforms were enacted, all the advantage was gone.
>give all your money to the fucking USSR
>wonder why you lost the civil war
If Spain takes back the gold will Russia die?
>Where did all the gold and silver go?
it was quite literally frittered away by retarded rulers and stolen, embezzled or simply mismanaged by corrupt and incompetent officials at every level of government and leeched off by the staggering greed of the Church
Charles V was the last decent ruler Spain ever had, and he was just alright. everyone after him was a complete shitshow who presided over lost wars, corruption on a massive scale, and a seemingly endless parade of bankruptcies
It would be extremely painful
>Where did all the gold and silver go?
To pay denbts with jewtalians because literally everyone was so jealous that they gangattacked Spain for two centuries.
>The twelve charges included usurpation of the crown, assassination of his brother Huascar, squandering public revenues, idolatry, adultery, and attempting to incite an insurrection. He was found guilty and sentenced to be burned alive that night.
Thanks for confirming that Pizarro did nothing wrong.
They're a big nation
For you
>Where did all the gold and silver go?
To Stalin
Pizarro poisoned a lot of unarmed and civilians, murdered a lot of people and backstabbed their own people. Also he contributed to the replacement of superior people with eurangutans. How is this not wrong?