For what wars does this pic apply?
For what wars does this pic apply?
all of them
all of them
>lol I'm so deep GOD ISNT REAL MORTY LOL
Shut the fuck up you idiots. There are plenty of wars where pic related didn't happen.
All civilized wars. Wars between savages often kill the opposing ruler. Gotta love the alternative, though.
>Kill your rulers
>Institute a civilian society
>Kill each other
such as
War on drugs
To be honest I'm not sure tribal skirmishes should be termed wars, any more than ghetto gangs taking potshots at each others.
What about Civil-Savage wars, like Rome vs Gauls or Samnites?
Name one war that benefited the poor people.
Nothing benefits poor people. Using poor people as a metric is retarded, since Poor people don't really go to war before the modern era.
The 80 years war benefitted Merchants, who are non aristocratic
American Civil War
Chaco wars
ww2 would have if the right side won, which is why all the (((kings and queens))) ganged up against the other side
but the right side won user
True, but the correct one lost
Yugo wars for sure.
t. commie
except the monarchies were disbanded in germany and i think austria and then of course russia
>Monarchs would often lead armies personally and fight in battle for thousands of years
>Last few hundred years of powerful monarchies they stop leading armies and fighting personally because losing a King in battle was a disaster
>many aristocrats still sent their sons to the military even during ww2 it was common for Prussian Junkers and British aristocrats to do this
Where do the "corrupt and cowardly" aristocrat memes come from? These people were literally descendants of fighting men who fought to maintain their property for hundreds of years. Hell if anything the memes about degenerate gambling addicts arose because they were TOO ambitions a group. I can't remember which Louis it was but he would often facilitate the nobility of France being lazy alcoholics BECAUSE it was less dangerous than letting them actually become political rivals through the military and government.
But that's true. Rich kikes who pushed the US into Iraq War and now try to push it into wars against Iran and the Syrian government have never been on the battlefield themselves. It is poor gentiles who die for their interests.
Commie propaganda, combined with the WWI idea of the arm chair general being conflated with the ruling class.
It comes from the USA. Retarded americans have been jewed into believing thay they hate aristocracies when actually they hate merchants and businessmen. See Americans are like that because their whole nation is founded on modern age values where the "aristocracy" is actually a bunch of merchantmen.
>Pacific war (WW2)
>Napoleonic wars
>Italian wars
Napoleon led his men. The commander of the English forces was a Duke.