Japan is an ancient nation.
Even thier anthem is 1000 years old...
Japan is an ancient nation.
Even thier anthem is 1000 years old...
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Only nations that excisted BC should be called ancient desu
Japan as a nation is fairly old.
China is what I'd call Ancient and maybe India.
But Japan is more continuous.
Chinese culture and heritage has deteriorated under nomadic and communist rule.
>maybe India
India's been a nation for like 70 years.
Isn't isn't a nation.
Tamil Nadu is as similar to Gujarat as Thailand is similar to Cambodia.
Nation is an inherently ethnic term. A Country is a civic region or a State. A Nation is a group of people with the same general culture or ethnicity.
Civic Nationalism is just Patriotism
Japan isn't actually that old, doesn't their recorded history begin in the 700s or something?
The first Japanese emperor existed in BC600.
Japan is very old but not as old as China, Grees etc.
>The first Japanese emperor existed in BC600.
That's legendary history, there's no evidence of him and no contemporaneous primary sources that attest to him. It's like King Arthur or something.
Japan as we know now began around the end of 7th century. It's about 1300 years old. There are several countries that are older than Japan. But Japan is exceptional in terms of coherence.
Yeah, but there is definitely existed emperor in BC.
Alright Takeshi. Why were you incapable of producing written documents then?
Yes. But we don't know the emperor was historically the same family as they have now. And Japan was not united at that time. It's likely there were more than one kingdoms in Japanese archipelago. At least the first use of the name Nihon or Nippon was in 689.
Sorry.I can't english so much.I dont't see Veeky Forums very much but just happend to see today. I study English. Im high school student. Takeshi is mens name but im woman.
Ayo go fuck yourself
For Japanese, name is not important.Just like empire of Japan(dainipponteikoku).
You assume my nationality just because I use Japanese?
No. There's no evidence of a centralized state until after about 250 AD.
Ok. I say Japan is old but not as China or Grees etc.
Sorry >Greece.
じゃ their ぐらいちゃんと書けよ? それと外人のふりするな。 our を使え
>Takeshi is mens name but im woman.
Wew. Really?
How old are you?
Yes.Im 18.
We should do a language exchange.
Go fuck yourself Hanako.
Why do you have to behave like a nigger?
Do you have an email?
Fuck off, slant.
What!? It was just joke right?
Stop begin racist.
weeaboo NEET spotted
Chinese chronicles from 200A.D describe the fabled japanese queen as a ruler of primitive barbarians.
なんか変なスレッッドになってしまった。私のせいか。私にはVeeky Forumsは向いてないな。
Sure it also existed within an interesting power dynamic. The islands are mountainous with arable land few and far between, also there aren't many traversable rivers that would connect the fertile lands so the country was difficult to unite. But it was blessed with the inner sea, there, because it is a calm inland sea, a maritime culture developed, and maritime links were necessary to forge japan into a united country. The unification also seems to have happened hegemonically like in china(to a degree) which I always find fascinating
The chinese saw EVERYONE but themselves as barbarians
What's the point of shitposts like these
India has also been a state for 70 Years.
India is pretty much Europe- a place with diverse yet similar cultures- only unlike Europe they've been roped to form a bigger state.
>Chinese culture and heritage has deteriorated under nomadic and communist rule.
>Japan's holidays have been cucked by the gregorian calendar while Chink ones still follow theirs.
Not really.
During the time they heard of Japan, the Chinese called the Ferghana City States, the Persians, and the Romans as highly cultured foreign people.
Japs were str8 up considered barbarians.
Thailand is pretty similar to Cambodia though, although they'd both be loathe to admit it.
I remember them considering the Parthians as barbarians too actually
I've seen the earliest Yayoi settlements pushed back to the 9th-8th centuries BC on one article on the web somewhere but the 3rd century is date that is generally mentioned.
What is the name of the chronicle? Genuine interesting.
>There's no evidence of a centralized state until after about 250 AD.
I think you mean 700AD
>on a weeb site
>has never heard of the princess priestess