Was the french resistance of any use to anyone?
Was the french resistance of any use to anyone?
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> white people are civliz..
>Was the french resistance of any use to anyone?
Of course not.
As white as North Africans.
Collaborator whores deserved it. The only mistake was not sterilizing them. Who knows how many traitors they shit out.
>Who knows how many traitors they shit out.
Apparently a lot.
Can't really blame them
Would you want to go out with French """"men"""" who surrendered like cowards in a few weeks after their country was invaded or the brave and handsome German soldier?
>100,000 strong german babies to replace the dead frogs
pretty sweet trade tbqhwymn
It has been true for as long as there has been recorded history that French men are undeserving of French women.
They really helped when it came to scapegoating vulnerable young women for the treachery of their own national heroes.
They weren't being scapegoated, they were being punished for collaborating.
Reminder that resistance members were beta cucks that didn't take arms until the Americans had already driven the Germans away.
lol, you have any idea how many mudghrebis who hate France are French citizens right now?
nice meme amérigros
>ywn have a wife with that Parisian accent
Why do we suffer?
and now france is a nigger infested shithole, talk about karma!
Why do you always post that screencap of a text you typed on MS word as if it was a source?
Not to mention it has been proved German troops weeent allowed to have sex with local women
>Not to mention it has been proved German troops weeent allowed to have sex with local women
So? You think they didn't do it?
Hmmm, really made me think
It was of use to the French as a PR and propaganda tool.
A few may have disrespected the rules in secret, but certainly not "80,000 to 100,000".
The German military was very strick with rules, especially those aimed at preserving the capacities of men (like avoiding diseases)
High officers were pretty much the only ones who were allowed have sex with non-prostitues in defeated nations
>A few
Jesus, the fucking delusion on this guy.
No army in the history of anywhere was able to prevent soldiers from having sex with the locals
The only difference being if the army allowed camp followers, turned a blind eye or if the women wanted it or not.
daily reminder that German troops that responded to the Boxer rebellion had a 140% rate of STD infection
the eternal kraut is a barbarian wherever he goes
>my cuckold fantasies are reliable historical information!
Even fanfiction hacks aren't this arrogant.
>more people infected than were actually there
jesus christ
Clean Wehrmacht is bullshit.
>go out and rape a bunch of chinks to teach them that the white man is superior
>it starts to burn when I piss
>go to the doctor
>he gives me some sulfur and mercury to make it go away
>go rape so more chinks
>now my dick has a weird sore on it
Kaiser Wilhelm literally gave a speech where he told his soldiers to behave like Huns, and apparently they took it to heart.
Useful like a second stone to the German one to grind the local population. Bunch of morons who did not manage to do shit despite being supported by the allies. Russian partisans whooped German ass with sticks and stones while those faggots acted like they are war heroes. It is absolutely disgusting that France was officially among the "winning" countries in WWII.
But how do you get above 100%? Like there's 40% who got STD infection twice?
>was tying down german divisions in France useful
Probably didn't pin many but every one counts.
French Resistance was the most overrated shit in the world.
France managed to escape WW2 without any stigma for Vichy France or Charlemagne Division or anything of the like.
>France managed to escape WW2 without any stigma for Vichy France or Charlemagne Division
Because these were even more irrelevant to the Axis than the French Resistance was to the Allies
Vichy even conduced hostile actions against Axis members from time to time
only divisions tied down there were the divisions sent there to repel Allied invasion and to occupy the country, nothing more,nothing less
French resistance didn't do shit
That's irrelevant
Many of these women were coerced and raped by the soldiers. Then after the war they called them traitors, whores and humiliated them in various ways. Fucked up times.
what were some effective resistance movements during ww2
soviet, yugoslav, greek partisans?
> French women
>be english
>overweight, fake-tanned, man-voiced anglo girls talk about 'le french accent'
>go to france
>women are all beautiful
>they're all over you just because you're english
>what were some effective resistance movements during ww2
There were none
Resistances were irrelevant
is this true?
i am a very lonely anglo
Yugo resistance tied some 25 divisions.
Yugoslav was effective since they liberated their country and told the soviets to fuck off.
Soviet ones were also effective in a sense that they crippled the german infrastructure during the soviet counteroffensives
Girls are generally attracted to foreigners
French and American guys drown in pussy in England
In France, they mostly like Spanish and Italian guys, but even a Brit can have success if very handsome
>Be poor Jewish girl in Ukraine
>Blow up Nazis with bomb disguised as bouquet
>Create a fake identity as a daughter of a Georgian prince who was executed by the (((Bolsheviks)))
>Get hired by Nazi officials
>Poison a shit ton SS soldiers
>Trick high-ranking German officers to come home with you then execute them
>Repeat this dozens of time
>Eventually shoot a Nazi officer and leave a note saying "All of you, fascist reptiles are waiting for the same fate. - Tetyana Markosidze"
>Get caught by the Gestapo
>Be brutally tortured for 5 months straight then get executed
Find me a French resistance member as badass as this Jewess
>French and American guys drown in pussy in England
Don't be mad
you literally post this every thread
do you have autism?
did a british guy cuck you?
i don't have that impression
soviet used partisans for their deep operations
greek resistance was usefull to trick the germans into thinking the landing would happen to greece instead of sicily
they won battles against italians and germans and were able to form a government in the land they liberated
French women have always been receptive to British men
In my experience, women on the continent go with Anglo guys precisely because they aren't stereotyped in the same way as, say, 'passionate' Italians are, except for the notion of the English gentleman. They find us a bit intriguing I guess
Basically, unless you're a complete and utter uggo then you should be OK
This sounds like a Mary Sue special snowflake character and fake
sounds like Soviet propaganda
That's nice to hear. i'd love to move to a chill med country like France, Spain or Italy and marry a qt.
Profit for:
>British and Americans
>Some French Generals
Nothing else
This is a myth. For starters, the situation of Yugoslavia was completely different from that of France, and they certainly didn't free their country alone, considering those who took back Belgrade were the Soviets. The Germans left because they were defeated in the east, not because the partisans were too strong for them.
Better than the Algerians that were cutting off people's heads and shoving their genitalia into their mouths
Way to steal that from the other thread faggot
It's ironic you say that because the Soviet Union refused to give her any credit for what she did because she was a Jewish woman. It wasn't until 2006 she got any recognition, she now has the "Hero of Ukraine" award.
lol no
What about German guys?
How is our reputation in France and elsewhere?
fuck off
suicide toi
>Despite amounting to only 1% of the French population, Jews comprised about 15-20% of the French Resistance.
bong here, can't really speak but German people are loved here. Mainly in a 'lol german people are so silly' way, but I can comfortably say German people are the most liked people in Europe.
How so?
Are you this deluded?
Alright, Ukrainian propaganda
There's no mention of her anywhere aside from one site
>are the only ones badly treated in occupied France
>still only make up barely 15% of the resistance
>It is absolutely disgusting that France was officially among the "winning" countries in WWII.
Thank god it's not because of the resistance. They had tons of troops fighting from Africa to Germany all along the war.
>goalposting this shamelessly
She's a fairly well known figure in the area. The idea that only one website mentions her is a pure lie. Type her name in Russian or Ukrainian and you get tons of websites. A monument to her was destroyed last summer.
>occupied and ruled by a foreign power as foreign soldiers had their way with all the French women
>we're not being badly treated, we're naturally weak beta cucks
>Thank god it's not because of the resistance. They had tons of troops fighting from Africa to Germany all along the war.
Shame 95% of them were African rather than actually French.
>jews are 2% of population but 10% of bolsheviks
>jews are 1% of population but 20% of resistance
>flag of ZOB
Zob means dick in French...
The same way the "Russians" were Yakuts, Kazakhs and so on.
>as foreign soldiers had their way with all the French women
They mostly fucked prostitutes (and in jewish synagogs)
Nice try, Pierre. "Look at dem Russians" ain't going to work my baguette scoffing, friend.
>They mostly fucked prostitutes
>Look at this random image
>100,000s of German-French children born in just five years.
Also the Brits were from all over the world. Maybe only the Japanese had a mono ethnic army.
Except that image is from a sourced wiki article, while that one is literally a random screencap of a sourceless text typed by user on MS word
>brothels existed therefore German soldiers weren't fucking French women that weren't (technically) whores
Are you really this stupid?
This reads like a Sam Hyde monologue
You sound desperate for excuses, Rene.
Excuses to what? You made a stupidly racist statement and you got btfo'd by simple stats. No one cares of the status of the soldiers.
>You made a stupidly racist statement and you got btfo'd by simple stats
You live in a fantasy world made up of pixies and fairies in your won mind. Not only is the subject of the thread the French "Resistance" while France was the subjugate victim of a conquering foreign power and not any random fallacious "what about this" point, but you haven't even cited any statistics, even pretending that was remotely relevant in the first place.
>you literally reply to this every thread
>do you have autism?
what are you talking about?
Naturally it was a fractious mess, don't forget that the french lacked a central authority (for mysterious reasons).
No. They murdered more allied airmen than they ever helped, to cover their own asses.
>open wide spaces
op, i'm pretty sure you must have been on the "is Lindybeige worth watching" thread, no?