Give me one reason not to sell all of my bitcoin right now
Give me one reason not to sell all of my bitcoin right now
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nobody cares, dump it...
remember when bitcoin went from 3k to 2k
It would make Paul Krugman happy. He is very upset that you've invested in crypto, user. You don't want Paul Krugman to be sad and upset, now would you?
Please sell and have trust in the dollar, user. It's a very nice currency.
No reason not to. Buy high sell low.
Just buy CANN
Sell now, buy at 2k.
please do, ill get more for even cheaper
I'm buying though, I wonder if it can get below 3500
Sell now, buyback at 3k 3,2k
That drops the price even more, why sell when I'd just be losing money
I'm holding and buying more
no one can predict the price, i think its better to just hold through instead of hanging yourself when you miss the low point and then the price spikes up over night or something
because the Ethbet sale is this Sunday. That's about the only reason though. Also that it will go back up of course.
time to hold and buy!!!!
buy MORE and HODL now is the time it won't drop anymore
I want it to go lower though, wtf why doesn't it go lower?
Chinks are asleep so maybe in 10+ hours it will crash again
don't we all, I think the big boy chinks dumped already so I've already dumped another 2grand in if it drops even more I can always just kill myself
Youre fucking retarded dude. Once the ching chongs wake up its gonna drop till 2k. Maybe lower.
>00:12 in chongland
ive made a terrible mistake
If anyone is looking to dump their bitcoin, feel free to send it my way. I'll pay it forward at some point.
idk for the last week it was more like a seesaw movement
one day west dumps - east pumps, next day west pumps and east dumps, and so on
they might as well pump it up to 4k-4.1k tonight
sell it all, please.
who's the retard now h-haha
because it's climbing? I swear Veeky Forums hates money