Why was the soviet army so fucking shitty?
Why was the soviet army so fucking shitty?
Funnily enough, when you post 90% of your army at the border, and get a colossal surprise attack that eliminates almost all of those forces and then have to quickly conscript forces and throw them in piecemeal just to have something standing between you and the enemy, they don't do so well. Considering that the Soviets took close to 5 million casualties in the first six weeks ought to tell you something about those loss ratios.
with that large population they didn't have to try to be good since they could just zerg rush the opponent
>5 million casualties
citation needed
>le zerg rush XD
Do you also think the Germans "zerg rushed" Verdun in WW1? Do you understand what a war of attrition actually consists of?
He doesn't know what a fucking zerg rush is either
That's the most frustrating thing. The Germans actually Zerg Rushed.
Why is Germany so shitty at waging world wars?
pidors are just mediocre at everything. they were pathetic in afghanistan.
>WW1: Hindenburg, Ludendorff
>WW2: Schorner, Rommel, Paulus, Hitler and Himmler
They kept giving hacks high command positions based on easy successes, the British fell into that trap with Monty as well
Commies are subhuman scum
A 0.5 kill ratio isn't bad considering they had hardly any resources, it is like Ranjeev taking twice as long as you to code something despite being born in the slums of Kolkata.
Red army was better in everythign compared to the Wehrmacht
This, every single success of Krauts was caused by the Zerg rush.
Excuse me, but what you are referring to as "zerg rush" is actually "prussian mobile war doctrine".
It is sophistic aryan art of outmaneuvering. Not that a slav like you whos only strategy is "i sit here and don't move" would understand it.
Thing is Soviets lost some 50 million people (Ukraine/Belarus/parts of Russia) early on, and Germany did have allies.
In reality Axis had the advantage. Also see
>Germany did have allies
Allies is giving them a bit too much credit, only a few divisions of them were even up to a pre-war Soviet standard, fewer still were up to a German standard, only the Romanian mountain divisions and Hungarian armour were worth anything
Literally nothing compared to pick related.
Akshually the term "Zerg rush" would fit the German strategy, not Soviet.
jesus good thing the russians always have numbers.
It was more than "few divisions" and there was also Finland.
Fucking Finns using autism to win the war, motorskiing their supply lines and what-not.
The whole thing was a disgrace, and the soviets had a hard time (gulag admission spike) hiding the result.
Most of the divisions didn't even have artillery or anti-tank guns user
Finns so buttmad they have to post this meme even when they never won a war they could loose in their history.
That wasn't a fair one, general Moroz deserted to Finns and took Russian martial secrets with him.
t, Tankie
t. Fingol
The Russian army was always shit compared to western European armies. Just read about their performance in the Crimean war, Russo-Japanese war (first western nation being defeated by an Asian nation in the modern era), WWI, WWII (Operation Mars, Invasion of Finland) and 1st Chechen War. Embarrassing, really.
>this entire thread
It's kinda weird how people don't grasp that the Winter War was a huge deal not because Finland was a military powerhouse, but because the Red Army flopped against a nation that had barely considered how to defend itself. Absolutely none of the decisions made as a result of that war, namely
>cementing Hitler's desire to betray Stalin sooner rather than later
>triggering a monumental reform effort in the Soviet Union
>Finland's point-blank refusal to do anything at all later
>the Finnish decision to kick out the Germans at the earliest possible moment
make ANY sense unless you grasp how fucked the Finnish military was. They had even less to offer than Romania to the Axis war effort.
It's kinda like a WWE wrestler getting beaten by a child with cerebral palsy. That does not mean the child is some kind of super saiyan, it means the wrestler is a fraud and the kid should probably hobble away in case backup appears.
My theory is that Stalin deliberately sent Voroshilov, the shittiest hack general in the world, to oversee the invasion of Finland, because he knew it would be a dumpster fire and thus make Hitler underestimate the USSR and attack them.
Stalin is the ultimate 4-D chess master.
t. Viktor Suvorov
This. It's the only way a normal person can actually choose to devolve physically and intellectually.
They were absolute pure garbage until about half way through WW2. They got btfo by a shattered, exhausted Poland for fucks sake.
They didn't execute their POWs like the Germans did. Neither did the Americans. Too bad it makes their sick k/d ratio look worse.
>Fucking Finns using autism to win the war, motorskiing their supply lines and what-not.
The whole thing was a disgrace, and the soviets had a hard time (gulag admission spike) hiding the result
>win the war
user... the Soviets got more in the peace treaty than they originally demanded.
Then the Germans should have given them some, instead of crying that your allies were useless when you don't help them with equipment.
The purges killed more than 50% of the officers at every grade from battalion command upwards. They also destroyed physical records of institutional knowledge, for example, the Red Army's manuals for attacking fortifications were destroyed when their authors were purged, which is one of the reasons they failed so badly against the Mannerheim Line.
By June 1941, most of the Red Army's field commanders and staff officers had been in their posts for less than a year. Nobody had any fucking idea what they were doing.
imagine actual bealiving that purging Jews that werent soldiers but got their position for terror during the civil war was a bad thing
>It is sophistic aryan art of outmaneuvering. Not that a slav like you whos only strategy is "i sit here and don't move" would understand it.
Prussians were Slavs.
What's the difference between Veeky Forums Neo-Communists and /pol/ Neo-Nazis again?
I dont know, iam neither of those.
Because forced conscription with very little training and gear/weapons/ammos.
While they were fighting the Germans, the ruling party was commiting genocide on non-Russian ethnic groups within the border.
Then you're a butthurt Russian nationalist which is essentially both
try harder
try harder
result of stalins purges
name five divisions that didn't have artillery or anti-tank guns.
They let women in
JudeoBolsheviks didn't care about casualties because they weren't the same race as those getting killed
Because Stalin killed all talented generals. Except for Zhukov maybe.
Chuikov was talented, though.
>soviets asking for a peace treaty
It was the other way around
You are retarded.
The Famous Marshall Voroshilov who was the greatest commander the red army had ever seen
>so fucking shitty
>won the war