How do we abolish religion?
How do we abolish religion?
It's automatic. Europe and the US are rapidly becoming secular.
Give it 3 more generations, and 95% of Western Euros will be atheist
Creating another "non-religion" substitute
You don't. The average person in Europe may not attend church but still subscribes to all kinds of hokey new age bullshit and general magical thinking and superstitions.
With education.
Karl Marx didn't hated religion tho. When he said it was "the opium of the people" it was a compliment actually.
>deluded kafir
You shouldn't
Nuke the middle east and Africa.
You can´t
Also you just can´t invent a new one out of nothing
You don't need to abolish it. Just keep it from gaining any legal power
I don't know, God shows up and tells everyone that the whole "organizing" idea of it is wrong and that everyone should just be vaguely spiritual or some shit?
muslim ?
I do not know that muslim were atheist.
We don't have to, modernism is abolishing it for us anyway.
Italy confirmed non western
t. Italian
Pd: no, it's not a good thing. The church keeps us backwards ag
Become born again Christians.
In three generations the average Western Euro will be a museum exhibit.
Meanwhile, Jesus will still be the King in Poland.
Just secular education and economic development, nothing else is necessary
No, he didn't like religion because it deluded the workers and kept them submissives, by promising them a glorious afterlife, that may or may not be real, if they act good in their life.
I unironically own one of those
Unless something big happens, religion is on its way out.
This, it's inherent in man.
Can we abolish morals too? I'd love to kill all of you without any prison time.
Does man need religion though?
Is faith as important in society as farming?
Will science solve all our earthly problems at the expense of creating debilitating spiritual ones?
Will it lead to with full stomachs and yet empty hearts?
No, those who believe morals will outlast religion for more than two generations are deluded.
When you're nothing more than a bunch of meat, you will be treated as such.
You can choose to play along with the rest of Humanity, or you can consign your progeny to a hell of your creation. The future will not be happy.
The godless will suffer and die, and I will be part of it. You want to destroy my beautiful specimens, and I want to bring you to its logical conclusion.
If I can't live as I want to, then all will suffer greater than I.
We can't abolish religion. The religion is a anthropological method of abduction, it's similar to create an hypothesis.