Is there any explanation as to why girls with petite bodies are so prevalent in Asia...

Is there any explanation as to why girls with petite bodies are so prevalent in Asia? One would think that girls with better attributes for child bearing would be naturally selected

Western propaganda

Fertility is the only determinant of child bearing idiot

Asians with pedobait bodies is not something or introduced by the west though, that's just how they are.

My question is why people decided to procreate with women like that instead of actively looking for girls with wider hips and more breast milk

Bigger boobs =/= more milk.

That's just how they adapted to the environment

Because girls of nobility were like that, and society was then taught that's the ideal. Obviously girls working in the field had hardier bodies.

Veeky Forums why do you have to make me horny while I'm riding the bus?

I'm not sure what your question is OP. Asians are just genetically smaller.

I think this was just an excuse to post cute asians, so here's one.

Perhaps more time under civilization leads to smaller bodies.

Their petite body are better attributes for child bearing.

The need for 150+lb female is a western propaganda to make them feel good about being fat. Remember, 3/4 of America is fucking fat. Only 1/4 is fat in Japan.

same reason they look asian, Neoteny

Is the Chinese's fault then? Because otherwise I don't think that ideal would have spread in Asia.

it's called genetics.

Same genes that make Asians have thick head hair, hairless bodies, their body odor, etc make them have childlike bodies...

Things are not that simple. Asians are genetically predisposed to having more petite bodytypes, as africans (som types of africans) are predisposed for the opposite. Unless people throughout history had actively erased themselves from the genepool by JUST letting the wide-hipped bust women breed (for some reason, this is your scenario), things would and will not change. Remember that most women get to have children, we aren't really being selectively bred on the basis of beauty as a species.

Also, it's quite obvious that the petite asian frame is more than adequate for popping out babies and nursing them, there are more asians than any other race for gods sake.

Vikings raped and adult-napped the most beautiful women.

Scandinavian women are now "beautiful" as a result.

Because the shape of their bodies is partly due to their diet, not their genes. Due to chandes in dietary habits, japanese women have grown steadyly bigger breast in the last decades. it got to a point where they had to redesign their clothing sizes.

tell us more dr broscience

That looks like a dude.

It's actually one gene that causes all those traits

Is this thread History or Humanities?

Post more.

> & Humanities

Asians in general are more neotenous.

This. Only the Khoisan even come close. Europeans and Australasians/South Indians/Aboriginals are the least neotenous, most Sub-Saharan Africans are in the middle, then the Khoisan and Asians.

Less food needed perhaps

& Humanities was a mistake