So did you buy the Dip?
So did you buy the Dip?
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yes and im regretting it
what a fucking disgusting nigger
I don't want niggers in cryptos, jesus...
shes the hoodrat version of guys like this
She does look pretty skanky.
Can women call themselves milfs? Doesn't it mean "mom I'd like to feel"?
I bought BTC at 3900. But i can totally see a lower end before it turns up again. Well, i dont worry for that
>>tfw no Crtypto THOT gf
Right guise??? XD
>girl promoting btc
>bash her for it
wtf are you doing?
Created Nov 2016. Sad thing is, is that while all of these retards in here are making fun of her screaming "bubble".... she was in before most of them.
Neck yourselves if you're talking shit about her and started in crypto in 2017.
base danny
It's insane a black woman from the hood made a better investment decision than most of Veeky Forums
>icos raising millions of usd
>btc and eth get mentioned daily on news
>implying we need a nigress acting like a financial expert
yes bought 1 BTC, 1 ETH, and 6 LC for around 4-5k USD
did i fuck up?
You'd be surprised how many "hood" people have good business sense, most of it just goes to drug dealing.
Bought 1 bitcoin package today so happy x ,me and hubby are going to buy our first house with it next year :) x
>implying making a lot of illegitimate money selling drugs to spend on luxury cars and flat screen televisions is "good business sense"
nigs exploit their own communities so that they can ring out all of the welfare we provide them... then we exploit the hood rich nigs so we can ring out all the money they have collected. then they exploit us by filing for welfare, and increasing their stake by breeding more shitskins.
this is just another reason why taxation is theft.
niggers will be one of the first groups to destroy themselves when they have no safety net (i.e. next economic collapse)
Yes. Bought 2 BTC.
Have another 75K lying around. Just seeing if it will dip further down, and throw some more at it.
Also looking to stock up some ETH and trade shitcoins.
Coming to the moon boyz.
Fair, I meant that in the sense they know how to make money. What to do with it is another story.
selling drugs is the easiest way to make money in the world. The hardest part is staying out of jail... this is subsidized by the fact that the police do not enter the ghettos unless they absolutely have to.
in a sense, i respect the niggers for this... they have created an environment so incredibly hostile to outsiders, that they have been given up on. (until the dems decide they deserve reparations i.e. welfare - because fuck ACTUALLY dealing with the problem)
if you sell drugs to the community that you are a part of, and perpetuate the degeneracy of that community for profit, you are not a capitalist... you are an opportunist at best.
the same way that looters are not capitalists, they are criminals.
>inb4 youre a racist go back to /pol/
there are exceptions to every rule, but were on the topic of nigger drug dealers, so i am commenting on them. (not speaking about all niggers)
what the fuck is a bitcoin package?
If you have to ask, you can't afford it. Fucking normie doesn't even know what a bitcoin package is. I have 10 personally. Waiting for next check so i can go all in and get 20 more packages.
bitcoin bundle
wtf are you?
not a neet or else ud know from all the fucking hentai tags
not a normie or else ud know from social interaction
a baby boomer lurker?
a true autist?
an amish man?
wtf are you dude
Send me a message honey and il send you a referral link x
>visit the twitter
>not a nipple to be seen
>We need the women to enter crypto
They're precisely who fucked up the tech sector, well them and the betas begging for them to come in.
Threw $1k into BTC, $500 in WAVES
zero fucks given
>moralfagging this hard
>muh exploitation of the community
You're not much of a capitalist, fuck off commie.
As the guy he was responding to, you're acting like he's wrong lol. That activity isn't sustainable but the potential is there for them to improve their communities, its a matter of education and desire really.
enjoy your used trash
It's a money tree. Loving my bitcoin package :)
She is skanky, I'm just surpised you don't know what the acronym MILF stands for. And what type of person you are to not understand, but I can tell clearly from the shitty philosophy quotes pic you're probably a baby boomer fuckwit. Kys gramps
her music video
please respond
it's going through a reversal.