Charlie Lee

What did he mean by this?

Fuck this guy. I hope he dies

Its over

Charlie Lee is such an autist, holy shit.

He can't even remember his brother's name.

this desu senpai

crashing this market, with no survivors. the fucking madman!



sold all litecoins bc of this fag

>People are taking big jokes from Charlie as serious shit

People are fucking idiots

This chink literally just deleted 24 hrs worth of tweets after taking heat, what a scumbag


This shit cracks me up.

what the FUCK is his problem?

>trusting chinks

Literally considering selling all my LTC

Huh? Loop me in

LTC will crash even if you don't sell.

You should. This chink is one of the biggest opportunist in the crypto world.

Thank you Veeky Forumsbros. A friend that introduced me to crypto shilled me this. Now I have 10