Why is this country considered western?
>western = europe = france, germany, italy
>UK unique and different from europe
>UK colonizes north america and brings slaves
>colonies break free
>USA expands westward and conquers natives, mexicans, and spaniards (non-western)
>entire culture is appropriation of black subcultures
Why is this country considered western?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because it's European. Just like Mozambique is Mediterranean.
>t. assblasted yuropoor
>blacks butcher the English language on a daily basis
>complain that whites are adopting their modified version of white American dress and culture
It's a country made and ran by Europeans.
Anglos and Jews aren't Europeans.
neither are French desu
Nobody is European
Everyone is some subhuman shit because I don't like anybody
You're as European as Brazil
Are Asians born in America not Asian?
Are African-Americans still not AFRICAN Americans?
I'm sorry your elitist autism acts up every now and then, but by definition, white Americans are European-Americans. It has nothing to do with heritage, that's just a plain and simple fact.
>UK unique and different from europe
Top kek. It's an island of celts and germans (aka europeans) aping France (european country).
t. 1/64 Italian and 1/32 Irish-American
Great rebuttal
I see Europeans are having a nice time being as retarded as usual
>entire culture is appropriation of black subcultures
Black people where slaves and had their cultures ripped from them because of it. All of their "culture" was a bastardization of White working class culure.
>I'm sorry your elitist autism acts up every now and then, but by definition, white Americans are European-Americans. It has nothing to do with heritage, that's just a plain and simple fact.
You may be related genetically to some degree (some remote degree, with all the african and native interbreeding), but culturally, you are nothing to us, and the fact that so many of you are so desperate for some connection to the nations of this continent just shows how failed your own culture is in creating a stable and well founded nation.
>aping France
we have never done any such thing
It depends on your definition of western
>less censorship in Britan than France
Really made me think
>some remote degree, with all the african and native interbreeding
Have you ever even been to America? Do you think all those dumb memes are true?
"European" isn't just a culture. It's an ethnicity. Almost every white American is at the VERY least 95% European ancestry, if not full blooded European ancestry. You can keep fooling yourself and trying to believe your tiny little shithole in Europe is a superior nation and culture to that in America if you please, it won't change the fact that you and I are both European in ethnicity.
> Have you ever even been to America? Do you think all those dumb memes are true?
> "European" isn't just a culture. It's an ethnicity. Almost every white American is at the VERY least 95% European ancestry, if not full blooded European ancestry. You can keep fooling yourself and trying to believe your tiny little shithole in Europe is a superior nation and culture to that in America if you please, it won't change the fact that you and I are both European in ethnicity.
> Have you ever even been to America?
> Do you think all those dumb memes are true?
I don't think so. I saw it with my own eyes.
> "European" isn't just a culture. It's an ethnicity.
That's what americans believe
>Almost every white American is at the VERY least 95% European ancestry, if not full blooded European ancestry.
>You can keep fooling yourself and trying to believe your tiny little shithole in Europe is a superior nation and culture to that in America if you please, it won't change the fact that you and I are both European in ethnicity.
It's you the one who's fooling himself
>it won't change the fact that you and I are both European in ethnicity.
I am.
On the other hand, go back far enough and you'll have some native or african ancestors.
But the point is that genetics aside, your culture has nothing to do with us. You've got rap music and mcdonalds and hollywood and nothing else (other than some isolated enclaves that most of your country thinks of as backwards). This is why you're so desperate to form some connection with a society that actually has roots and millennia of history. And honestly, trying to insult the people whose cultural boots you're desperate to be seen licking is pretty sad.
>I don't think so. I saw it with my own eyes.
You're telling me that a black person isn't white? whoah.....
>That's what americans believe
Please refute what I said without using a meme.
>>Almost every white American
Are you fucking retarded? That's the demographic of the entire population, not the average white ancestry PER person.
>It's you the one who's fooling himself
Pic related
>muh culture
Fuck off retard, we are both ethnically European whether your autistic elitist ass likes it or not. Europeans might as well be the fucking subhumans for how absolutely retarded they can prove to be sometimes.
Der übermenschen
> But the point is that genetics aside, your culture has nothing to do with us.
By that logic white argentinians and white uruguayans are far more close to us than americans as their culture, at least in a particular region is really "european" and not McDonalds tier.
I'd rather be associated with them than with Jersey Shore monkeys
t. Venetian who visited Buenos Aires, and Montevideo
>Pic related
Military power is impermanent.
If you ought to have learned anything from European history it's that might comes and goes, what doesn't is art, music, beauty, and enlightenment.
Sadly on these terms, your country is lacking, and no amount of lowest-common-denominator pandering culture, or transient military might, will ever fill that hole your society has in its soul.
No amount of groveling over your past, forgotten empires is going to change the fact that the rightful heir has claimed the throne on the world. Your age is over, and America has thrown out what held back the native Europeans, and ventured outward to surpass the pathetic """power""" of Europe. You can pretend your history makes you somehow superior all you want, but at the end of the day, we all know who rules the world.
> Fuck off retard, we are both ethnically European whether your autistic elitist ass likes it or not.
Even if you were white WE ARE NOT THE SAME, what part of that is so hard to understand? Most of us don't like america, do not think like you nor do we want anything with your country.
As simple as that. Americans obsession is sad at this point
>all this Euro shitflinging
And? Even if Americans are larping and really have no culture, how does it affect you?
I never said we were the same, I said we are both ethnically European. The difference between you and I is that one of us is from the country that rules the world.
> Fuck off retard, we are both ethnically European whether your autistic elitist ass likes it or not.
>argentines are european
>australians are european
>brazilians are european
>canadians are european
>cubans are are european
>kalash are european
> newzealander are european
>pashtun are european
>russians are european
>south africans are european
>uruguayans are european
Wow so many people are european!
>all this Euro shitflinging
It's mostly Americans getting mad in here.
I know you were trying an attempt at irony, but nothing you said here is wrong. All of these people are ethnically European.
Europeans are the easiest people to piss off because of how snobby and asshurt they are over literally everything
Italian here. I never needed my sides anyways.
>All of these people are ethnically European.
Why do Americans care so much about ethnicity?
Most 'Europeans' (especially continentals, especially especially Germans and Slavs) are subhumans regardless of the fact that they can be classed as white.
>Why do Americans care so much about ethnicity?
Native euros care about it way more, considering the second the word "America" is mentioned, they all spam "muh 60% white" and act as if that changes the fact that they're living in a ton of shitty tiny countries that are basically just client states of America.
A*glo detected
The UK is part of western Europe. Period.
US culture appropriates black culture but defintely not the "entire culture." The whole system of governance, civil culture, daily living, food, a majority of music and art tradition, politics, education culture, language, self-image, media, etc. is based on European culture.
They became the "face" of the West and they present themselves as western.
Doesn't means they are. Imo USA is not part of the West
Man, white people sure do get angry over the whole "who's whiter" thing.
>western = white
American detected
Ecuador is truly western and more european than Europe
I'm referring to anyone who is white in this thread, both Americans and Europeans. I never said "Western", as I live in the Western world and I'm not white at all.
>ITT; /int/ tier shitflinging
have /pol/fags completely ruined this board?
>>western = europe = france, germany, italy
>amerisharts think they are european
Wew, I think i've seen it all now
>weeqeepeedeea says it guise it means it's word
>European is an ethnicity
>non-Europeans are European if they have some European ancestors
jesus christ
Are you denying that white people are ethnically European?
You mean all.
The kalash people from pakistan are white, caucasian, blonde and blue/green eyed, speak an indoeuropean language, practise an indoeuropean religion yet they are not european nor do they want anything to do with the West. They are easterners
>white people are ethnically European
>this is what burgers actually believe
A quick google shows absolutely no blonde hair to light eyes and olive skin.
>Discover Magazine genetics blogger Razib Khan has repeatedly cited information indicating that the Kalash are an Indo-Iranian people with no Greek ethnic admixture.
> A quick google shows absolutely no blonde hair to light eyes and olive skin.
Literally the first result
Europoors would sooner accept absolute gutter tier barely quantifiable as humans from Africa and the Islamic world as equals, even as their superiors, than acknowledge Americans and Russians with thousands year old blood ties to their precious subcontinent
Faggots deserve every truck that comes their way
>olive skin
Yeah italians, greeks, spaniards, etc aren't white and therefore aren't european either
Only white germanics are european amirite? 41/89 bash the bikes mace war now
Did you forget to read the second part of that
>than acknowledge Americans and Russians with thousands year old blood ties to their precious subcontinent
My sides are gone. I never needed them anyways.
lol that girl have mongoloid, many of kalashi have mongoloid genes
> lol that girl have mongoloid, many of kalashi have mongoloid genes
He looks almost exactly like me (with different hair) lol
lol, mongoloid
As a burger, he probably thinks that race an ethnicity are the same thing and conflates the two definitions. What he probably means to say is that they're racially European, i.e. white.
but black culture is basically european too.
I mean the anglo-system of slavery basically destroyed any "african" culture.