How did individual mercenaries advertise?
How did individual mercenaries advertise?
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And how do I become one?
I'm 99% certain they fought as firms, not individuals, like this.
Most, absolutely, but doesn't the term freelancer come from individuals?
You weren't a professional mercenary. There'd be a recruiting office (a table) outside an inn, and randomers would sign up for it. When they got back, if, they'l just plain go back to what they were doing before. It's a job, not a lifestyle as a travelling nomad.
What about hired champions?
The tiny minority.
Right, but they're still the ones I'm trying to learn about
Eh, I'm sure I heard in a documentary about mercenaries would go to schools to learn sword fighting way into the age of the gun and after swords had become obsolete as battlefield weapons, because a "sword-master" could charge more for his services.
This seems to imply it was a professional job which people dedicated a lot of time into.
Kind of. Free lances were usually teams composed of a heavy cavalryman and 2-5 followers (men-at-arms, archers, pages, it varied).
Those didn't need to advertise, what they did was enlisting with a company.
>hired champions
Can you give an example of hired champion?
No offense but I'm pretty sure you're wrong.
Went to a museum last week with a room dedicated to mercenaries.
I probably could if I had access to this jstor article
There were a couple guilds in Germany that taught specialty weaponry like the zweihander. Certified zweihander fighters would get hired by mercenary companies as doppelsoldner (double pay men) due to the higher risk nature of their assignments (generally frontline or bodyguard duty). It's a pretty damn rare thing tho, and neither the average merc, nor even the average doppelsoldner would be a zweihander wielder nor privately trained.
Oh those. Generally former soldiers who gained some fame on the battlefield for skill, and leveraged that reputation and any gained connection to get hired. It wasn't so much advertising as networking and fame.
>Marcelino di Bologna
>age 37
>skills: sword, lance, bow
>veteran of fourth crusade
>references: Enrico Dándolo, Bonifacio I Monferrat
>please contact me at the following address: address here
>entry level levy position available
>minimum 5 years heavy cavalry experience required
wtf this is bullshit
The life of a millennial mercenary.
Fucking boomer lords
>not majoring in firearms
Enjoy being automated.
In Spain tipically they would gather in squares or boulevards near major churches (to be able to avoid arrest if needed by entering sacred soil). And if you need one or many you could ask there and hire.
The Mexicans of their day
>qt wench at the bar says "Good luck soldier!"
This ragazza totally wants my pike, what do I do fellow Elmeti?