Why is Himmler holding gun like this
This little bitch never fired a gun in his life
that's not hitler thats the dude who shot that vietamese dude in the head
He's European
He's gay
I suppose he thinks he's siting it
*blocks your path*
he wants to break his wrist
>He's European
if true than the man is south vietamese
Post this on /k/ for more butthurt.
>"lol this is how it looks in quake!"
>Messi after /pol/
*blocks YOUR path*
now that's frightening
disgusting little balding manlet nerds should NEVER be allowed to have power
Someone post mosley and his lads.
Honestly, in the long-term there is no viable way to fire a pistol. Or any firearm, for that matter. They are extremely loud and will hurt your ears even at arms length.
Personally, I avoid ranged combat. Silencers are banned, slings and javelins are so provincial, bows are a cowards weapon... apart from casting rocks like a Homeric hero, it's not for me.
I favour the clash of shields and flash of the blade.
>silencers are banned
move to a non-cucked state
>implying you have a hot enough daughter to be worth Beria's time