Which one are you?
Which one are you?
the dumb nigger
>bought rdd at 107sat
>bought neo at $50
>bought CAT at $3.75
Dumb nigger with a broad perspective
safe wojack
Broad Perspective master race
Where's verge? Or am I even dumber than nigger?
Bought rdd at 5 sats, sold at 115.
Bought NEO at $3, still holding.
I feel like my dumb nigger tactics have been paying off.
the safe approach, except replace ltc with a 50/50 split of qtum and neo
>tfw you put all your Eth into Blackmoon
>tfw they locked in the Eth price at $311
Feels good desu senpai
no NEM.
>sleeping giant mode
>not including XRP
stay poor plebs
im the aristocrat.
but fuck LTC.
what is the second and fourth coins in the oracle?
Where the fuck is ANT?
Why do you people not include ANT in these? ANT would fall under either the "broad perspective" or the "aristocrat" coins.
>Safe coins
The shills have memed scamcoins into bitcoin-tier and it's going to be fun to see these garbage coins go nowhere
Write some more ones with catchy names and I might add them later.
Started trading in June. 100% broad perspective.
>day trading almost all of them
what does that make me?
only poor people buy ARK
it is known
what happened to The Chad being 100% NEO, lol
Just OMG.
The narrow broad perspective
Verge could go under "Whales"
If bitcoin dies they'll all tank
the oracle with a broad perspective
Bancor ARK and ETH are my biggest holdings
So somewhere between the broad perspective and a pink wojak
The broad aristocrat dumb nigger? Weird title.
ANT should be under dumb nigger.
1200 NEO
40 MTL
And then a minor potion OMG, QTUM, still also some Strat and LSK,
then 2k$ spread rather randomly.
and whatever BTC and ETH that I didn't sell off yesterday.
broad perpective without eth.
fuck eth
ANT became NEO
>just bought BAT less than a minute ago
None of the above. I am a unique snowflake.
Wild Aristocrate
>ANT became NEO
Huh? I mean I held some NEO too, but what?
>fuck ETH
Lol newfag
Pink wojack should indeed be called safe wojack. DGB and Bancor are among the safest investments.
I should start fudding them aswell.
I'm all in on Bat since 6k what does that make me
Dump that shitcoin, its not had a green day in a century.
>BTC not on every tier
user, I'm just going to ignore that.
Broad perspective with TenX bags.
Do you not know how portfolio management works? You need USD to buy the dip. Are you really fully invested at all times? Risky.
A batmarine
All in ESP2
The Pajeet Power Player
The safe broad perspective Oracle
aristocrat reporting in
Faggots why don't you answer me???
I can't google image search obviously.
Anyways, I'm
80% ETH
20% BTC
I think that makes me safe wildcat nigger. Bought NEO at $7 so I don't feel dumb desu.
The oracle is exactly my portfolio
4th is BMC
Yes you can you idiot. Crop the logos in mspaint and drag and drop into google images.
>Omise and omisego are separately listed in separate strategies with different logos
Shit image. Also I'm 100% OMG
Wildcat Pink Wojak
Kyber + BNT
0x and OMG
Are you me?
Safe-y Saferson here!
I'm an Oracle Broad! Fuck yea
The Future
>80% IOC
>20% QTUM
ur nan on my cock tip daily
In my head
>The Road Perspective
In reality
>The Aristocratic Dumb Nigger with a Broad Perspective
The Chad
100% OMG
>bought ANS at $5
>bought BLOCK at $6
uuhhmm dumb nigger I guess
Literally the Oracle
How is block a dumb nigger coin? I agree with neo being there
Broad perspective I suppose, but I maintain that ARK is and always was a scammy shitcoin.
I'm 80% Ether, 10% OmiseGo and 10% Monero
25% BTC, 25% ETH, 25% OMG, 25% ARK
Ark is the 25% part of my portfolio that I'll sell and replace with another coin with good potential in time, ride it, sell and replace. The rest are long term holds.
>i am this but wanted 50% BTC 15% OMG 15% TNT and 20% for daytrading
The only correct answer
3 way split between omg, ark and wtc. Literally cant go wrong there
>Getting off the ark
Anyone else here still 100% in LePen coin? These bags are heavy as shit.
Broad perspective aka The Patrician
It seems like ETH and BTC move up and down together, so why would i buy both, will one of them die off?
the safe approach to being an aristocratic oracle dumb nigger wojak with a broad perspective.
>just fucking kill me.
I'm a broad perspective safe approach wildcat dumb nigger oracle kind of guy.