>the good guys won WWII
ITT: things that brainlets say
>American English is the original dialect they spoke in England, British English is a bastardisation.
>the bad guys won WWII
>everyone who doesn't have a severe disability is capable of learning a foreign language!
how is this wrong
>WW1 was pointless
Uhm, because I don't have any severe disabilities and I can't learn a foreign language?!
>WWI was pointy
Then you do. Ffs I know 5 languages and it's not like I'm smart. I'm average.
>most western morals are based on the bible
>religion is the root of the majority of all wars
>French are responsible of WW2 because of treaty of versailles
>Christianity is the backbone of Western civilization
>Hitler did nothing wrong
>Communism doesn't work
>nazi germany was capitalist
>Chinese is the worlds hardest language to learn
Literal peasants that shit in the street can learn it.
>Nazi Germany was socialist
Who the living fuck said that?
>slavery is bad
I think there's a video where Robert Barron tries to argue this
Probably some fag on /bant/
Peasant-tier Chinese is easy as hell, and that's all you need.
He's talking about the fact that American English has a more basal vocabulary compared to Modern UK English. It was not purged of its common French and Latinate words. On the contrary, UK English retains an older standardized spelling, based on Johnson, where the US adopted the Webster reforms.
The most basal forms of English are actually Northern English and Scots.
>nazi is a German abbreviation for national socialist
>"Stop being selfish, you should want to help other people!"
When people say it's hard to learn, they mean as a second language for english speakers, probably because it's so different from english.
Anyone can pick up languages when they're young, it's only later that picking up new languages becomes a challenge.
nazism is an accurate description for national socialism
>Lobbyism is just legalized corruption
>I remember, I am proud
This is true though
>real socialism has never been tried
Needless to say a prospering nation needs a working economy. What's the best way for a government to e.g. react on economic changes if not by following the advise of the people who actually work in said economy. By asking theorists or people who retired from their job in a large company? The democratic opinion sure can't lead this course of action in detail.
The two main components that make Chinese language difficult to westerners are
1) it is very tonal; rising, falling, wavering, and flat tones can change a word into something completely different and many westerners are not used to tonal requirements in speaking
2) characters are really only learned through straight memorization. Only very old characters follow an understandable format (wood-tree-forest for example) or require a strong cultural understanding to decipher (good being comprised of the characters for boy and girl because boy and girl together is good). Beyond the archaic characters there is literally no process to learn meaning in the way alphabetical words can simply be sounded out
>the usa is a democratic regime
For two, the very same concept of a writing system that isn't an alphabet or an abjad already makes it very alien. It would be even if the characters had less arbitrary forms.
>Everyone in history has conquered and enslaved their neighbors
I think it's bizarre how people somehow misconstrue "American English has generally more conservative phonology than most British English dialects" with "American English is the original English". Just because it's more conservative in general doesn't mean that it's the original base version.
>krauts are good likable people worthy of trust and respect
>III Reich had good economy
>Hitler was jew
but its literally ruined americas republic, ike was right
wait, when has communism worked?
If you're African, you're cheating as Africans have to know at least 3 to get by in life.
>caesar was a good person
You can, you're just lazy
this is true though. all the way down to a very localized level. obviously some groups didnt have the influence or power to dominate the world. this didnt stop them from competing for domination in their local burrough.
since the very first single celled life form this is how its been. this is how life works. every single living organism only exists at the expense of another. its the basis of life itself.
Of courae not all forms of lobbyism are good.
>real communism has never been tried!
>every single living organism only exists at the expense of another
That doesn't even make sense at a logical level. If every organism has to exist "at the expense" of another, how did the first organism exist? Also, many varieties of bacteria subsist on abiotic matter.
nobody knows what the inception of life entailed so we cant really speak on that
what we do know is what we can see now. every single protein carbohydrate and fat cell that makes up your body right now came from another living entity. you chewed up other bits of life and used their macro nutrients to improve your own lot in life
you only exist because of the domination of other life forms. this is observable on every single level from singled celled specs that live in ponds to elephants to mice to humans. nature is competitive and it is impossible to live without partaking in that competition
there is not a single race, creed or blood line alive today that did not partake in that concept. on every level history is just one big ruthless competition
>nobody knows what the inception of life entailed so we cant really speak on that
Except you, who just tried to speak on it. Don't get dishonest now.
>you only exist because of the domination of other life forms. this is observable on every single level from singled celled specs that live in ponds to elephants to mice to humans.
You repeat this like it's factual so I will tell you again: there are bacteria (which are living) that consume chemical compounds (which are not living) in order to survive. Your account of lived interaction as completely within the hierarchy of domination is factually incorrect.
>The Soviet Union was needed as a counter-balance to US imperialism
>Except you, who just tried to speak on it. Don't get dishonest now
i spoke on the inception of life on planet earth. not life itself
>you again: there are bacteria (which are living) that consume chemical compounds (which are not living
every living thing came from a single celled life form. even if bacteria like this exist now they still had to play the game for 100s of millions of years to develop into the creature they are today
at the end of the day all of this is sematics to steer away from the retarded comment you made earlier in this thread. its obvious your knowledge on this topic is limited. i hope you will do more research into these topics before you embarass yourself like this again
>the Third Reich didn't mobilize until late into the war