>nice democratically elected leader you got there
>Be a shame if something happens to it
Which leader overthown by the CIA deserved it the least? The most?
Possibly Mohammad Mosaddegh or Jacobo Arbenz
Can't think of any at the moment
Least was probably Mossagdeh, got bamboozled by the Brits to do it to save their Oil money.
The most? Idk, maybe Sygman Rhee or Chiang Kai Shek both were real assholes but idk if that was the CIA that pressured them to do it after the people rose up, or if they stepped aside because the people legitimately rose up and ousted them
Gaddafi, the tyrant had to be taken out by based Obama.
Gadaffi was more of an MI6 and Frenchy hit, not so much an American hit job. Our vassal states just got us to tag along
>nd this was one of the
factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy's decision to commit France to the attack on Libya. According to these
individuals Sarkozy's plans are driven by the following issues:
a. A desire to gain a greater share of Libya oil production,
b.Increase French influence in North Africa,
UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05779612 Date: 12/31/2015
c. Improve his intemai political situation in France,
d. Provide the French military with an opportunity to reassert its position in the world,
e. Address the concern of his advisors over Qaddafi's long term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in
Francophone Africa)
>Chiang Kai-Shek
>never relinquished control to rebels or otherwise
>governed until he died
Chiang Kai-shek stayed in power until his death. Wasn't ousted by the Americans
Most is Allende
Least maybe Lumumba
>oppose both colonialism and communism and attempt an independent, neutral foreign policy
>request UN assistance in suppressing Belgian-supported secessionists
>ask the USSR instead when the UN and the US refuse to help
>overthrown by one of your colonels who spends the next 30 years torturing dissidents and embezzling billions while backed by the US and France
Yeah you're right, I just never believed that the democratization in Taiwan was peaceful, my bad
It wasn't peaceful, but Chiang Kai-Shek was an ally to the West
They really screwed up in Africa, a lot, during the Cold War
>Cunton got America to tag along
Fixed that for you
The french were unironically the worst thing that could've happened to Africa
most of their adventures in africa, or getting conned by Perfidious Albion in one of the greatest mistakes of the century into overthrowing Mossagdeh would be least
The US have let friendly regimes be overthrown by democratic movements before though, see most recently Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood.
See the Arab Spring and Egypt
>most of their adventures in africa
All I can think of are Sankara, Gadaffi, and Lumumba. Were there anybody else that the CIA has gotten rid off because they didn't serve our interests.
And they insisted on coups and killing everyone who wanted to make things better
Though it was much more convenient to help and keep Chiang Kai-Shek than to deal with an uncertain future.
Kai-Shek was pretty useless as a president, no diplomatic skills and pretty bad administrator, he didn't lose to the commies by chance. Main reason he managed to stay in power for so long was western assistance.
Mosaddegh and Ngo Diem did nothing wrong.
Idi Amin and Allende. Also, Saddam was a piece of shit but getting rid of him in 2003 was a mistake. 1991 would've been better.
Sarkozy and Blair lobbied Clinton to lobby Obama to come along. Same shit essentially.
Neoliberals and Neoconservatives are still cancer though
t. Pinochet
>hur dur persians so white and based
Just some chimps that wanted to seize some shit owned by whitey. Even the Suez canal shareholders got paid out at market value
>deserved it least
Mossadegh, Sankara if you count western intelligence in general and not just the CIA
>deserved it most
Allende, Noriega if you count American overthrows in general
Mohammad Mosaddegh. He wasn't a hardcore Commie or isolationist or anything, he just wanted a larger share of his own country's oil revenue to go back to the people and companies inside the country. And the CIA overthrew him at the behest of the perfidious Anglo, the USA itself gained nothing out of this mess.
Allende. Completely fucked his country's economy nearly beyond repair in his short sighted haste, as Commies are want to do.
Ignoring the point about French and British interests that has already been made, that overthrow was done with overt military force, not really the job of the CIA.
>Idi Amin
But that was Tanzania. The United States as a whole didn't really do anything there except cut off diplomatic relations and take in some refugees.
>Completely fucked his country's economy nearly beyond repair
There was literally an economic war founded by the CIA
>The least
Mosaddegh, Sankara, Illia, Lumumba.
Just for the record of Bashar al-Ásad is overthrown he didn't deserve it
>The most
Allende, Hussein.
t. Commie.
They might have ousted Milton Obote though
The samosas
>the newspaper that covered up the Holodomor
>not commie
If you speak spanish i will be glad of tell you the things that Allende did to deserve the coup and then commit suicide like a bitch, otherwise just shut up, you dont know nothing
>le Allende was a dictator meme
Ngo Dinh Diem
Too many to count. Lumumba or Mossadegh possibly.
Ngo "They got the bullet when I got the ballot" Dinh Diem?
That was one reporter.
Are you Chilean?
How is that whole episode viewed in Chile? Isn't the date of his overthrow like a day of national mourning?
Allende made mistakes and was no angel but the US definitely instigated a lot of the unrest in Chile when he was in power.
diem was kind of a bastard but i agree he shouldn't have been killed.
also agree with you on allende and saddam.
Not him and not Chilean but to my knowledge, Chileans are glad that the instability (armed Indian groups, strikes, shortages, etc) ended but the crimes and repression of the dictatorship installed that day are hated.
don't mind him.
Allende's expropriation policies pissed Chile's right wing so they made it impossible to economically run the country with the help of the CIA. Plus, there were some serious administrative fuck ups on behalf of the government, so the army -ideologically illiterate, but composed mostly of rich sons of landlords- staged the coup. It wouldn't be until the 80s that the chicago school of economics was implemented and Chile turned into the capitalist hell/playground it is today
Is such a pain in the ass to explain all this complicated things in a foreign language but here i go
Since day 1 in office he tried to pass unconstitutional laws and reforms and when the opossition, his own party and then the supreme court of justice said them to fuck off you can do that, he keep trying by all the ways to dismiss the powers of the republic and make the reforms via de facto.
For the commies? yes. For everyone else is remembed as a tragic day for the republic and its intitutions
momio detected
Taking out Gaddafi was such a fucking stupid move. We had no real plan for handling the ensuing chaos. 20,000 SAMs got looted by radical jihadists, and then literally overnight American helicopters were getting shot down all over the Middle East. A good 1/3rd of our actions in the Middle East over the past few years, including the doomed Benghazi consulate, were involved in some way to contain the spread of potent weaponry among terrorists.
if you have arguments to refute my claims of him acting openly against the constitution here I am
> We had no real plan for handling the ensuing chaos.
Tbf, in an interview Obama said the Euros told him they would take care of it. Shows how much we can trust our allies desu. Of course he could just be trying to cover his ass but whatever
t. 56% face
Do you stupid /pol/turds know that Allende was not a dictator and that he was elected democratically and ruled peacefully while Pingochet was put on power by the CIA and was an american puppet, right?
Fascists don't really care about democracy, they're not very pissed about Pinochet.
>Do you stupid /pol/turds know that Allende was not a dictator and that he was elected democratically
>Implying he did not try
>Implying dictators can't be elected democratically
Dude this is Veeky Forums not Facebook
>ruled peacefully
>The people you admited in you party is the same with terror squads in the streets
Yeah, because blow up things is so peacefully.
Allende was elected, betrayed his party, and maked enemies in every corner of the country, he deserved to die because of his autism and that is why he commited suicide
>The people you admited in you party is the same with terror squads in the streets
This are a few examples
>Actions of the MIR
August 11, 1970: Elements of the Revolutionary Left Movement, MIR, assassinate Corporal Police of Chile (uniformed police) Mr. Luis Fuentes, who served as guard at the domicile of the Governor of the Department Pedro Aguirre Cerda, in Santiago. Karl Gustav's sub-machine gun was stolen.
>September 21, 1970: A murderous Miranda command to Corporal Armando Cofré López, when he tried to repel them during the assault on the branch of Irarrázabal Avenue of Banco Panamericano in Santiago. His service revolver and submachine gun are being taken away.
>May 24, 1971: A group of the MIR assaults the supermarket Montemar, in Santiago and in their retirement they shoot to the Cabo de Carabineros Tomás Gutiérrez Urrutia.
>August 30, 1972: Members of the military structure of the Socialist Party detained at the headquarters of this political group, in the city of Concepción, shoot a Carabineros van, killing Corporal Exequiel Aroca Cuevas.
>2 of April of 1973: Members of a group of shock of the MIR assassinate Investigation officer Gabriel Rodriguez Alcaíno, when the police tried to stop them in front of the number 7630 of the street Alvear, in the south sector of Santiago.
>August 29, 1973: A group of the ultra left, led by the Mexican Jorge Sosa Gil, assassinate Army Lieutenant Hector Lacrampette, in Providencia, Santiago.
>Actions by VOP
>In turn, on June 8, 1971, the group Vanguardia Organizada del Pueblo (VOP), an ultra-left movement, whose members were formerly pardoned by President Allende4 by a decree of insistence represented by the Comptroller's Office, murdered former Minister of the Interior Edmundo Pérez Zujovic, in retaliation for the responsibility attributed to him by the so-called "Puerto Montt Massacre".
>Related to the existence of heavily armed leftist groups, it should be mentioned that there were efforts by the Popular Unity Government to arm their supporters especially the MIR, in that context the "incident of the Cuban bundles" occurred on March 11 of 1972, where the admission of large-caliber weapons was confirmed.According to the Cuban writer, dissident and former collaborator of the Castro regime, Norberto Fuentes, throughout the period of Popular Unity, the government of Cuba would have brought into Chile about 3,000 or 4,000 assault rifles AK-47, through diplomatic bags traveling in Cubana de Aviación.
>Regarding the assistance of the Popular Unity Government to the MIR and the internment of arms, ex-mirista and former minister of economy don Carlos Ominami Pascual realizes that President Salvador Allende was constantly pressured by the MIR what took him to flirt with the armed way to socialism despite its democratic conviction
>In the University of Conception members of the Movement of Revolutionary Left kidnap to a police officer the 9 of September of 1967, releasing it unharmed the following day. He was robbed of his uniform and his service weapon.
>Days before the military coup
>On February 20, 1968, a series of explosive bombings began in places such as the building of El Mercurio newspaper, the United States consulate (March 12) and the headquarters of the Christian Democratic Party of the city of Rancagua. There were no casualties.
>Shortly before the assumption of Salvador Allende as President of Chile, on August 11, 1970 a confrontation took place between Chilean Carabinieri forces and members of the MIR. Corporal Luis Fuentes Pineda died.
>On November 3, 1970 another corporal of Carabineros, Luis Armando Cofré, was killed during an assault by the MIR on the Pan American Bank.
>On June 8, 1971, the group Vanguardia Organizada del Pueblo, unconnected with any major left-wing organization formed a few weeks earlier, assassinated former Interior Minister Edmundo Pérez Zujovic, in reprisal for the responsibility attributed to him by the called the "Massacre of Puerto Montt".
Definitely Arbenz, the guy was nowhere near a commie it was all propaganda spread by the United Fruit Company to avoid paying taxes.
Communists revert to insults because they know they have to usurp political power through illegitimate means in order to force through Communism. There is no rebuttal to it, it's just how communists operate. Violent, ape-like creatures that con and steal and lie all for their nebulous cause having been fed slop by their 19th century philsowanks into acting like little amoral shits and wondering why sane people choose to despise them as a result.
What a fucking stupid loser of a president. Can't take any responsibility for his own fuckups. I'm glad he's out. Never seen a lesser person achieve a cult of personality. Trump is a breath of fresh air compared to Obama.
>We want to eminent domain some of your lands for the price you declared in your tax forms
>No they're worth 10 times more
>Ok then we will tax you accordingly
>Arbenz is a commie he must be toppled!!!
>Sarkozy's plans are driven by the following issues:
>a. A desire to gain a greater share of Libya oil production,
>b.Increase French influence in North Africa,
>UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05779612 Date: 12/31/2015
>c. Improve his intemai political situation in France,
>d. Provide the French military with an opportunity to reassert its position in the world,
>e. Address the concern of his advisors over Qaddafi's long term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in
>Francophone Africa)
The West deserves every terrorist attack it gets. Every last one.
Honestly I just can't believe that we've toppled two soveriegn governments for fruit instead of something actually useful like oil
Do the world a favor and translate into Arabic
>not a single source referencing these actions
>>In the University of Conception members of the Movement of Revolutionary Left kidnap to a police officer the 9 of September of 1967, releasing it unharmed the following day. He was robbed of his uniform and his service weapon.
Whoa, that's almost Khmer Rouge tier.
The CIA does not overthrow leaders by themselves, it picks countries where the leader is going to be overthrown anyway soon and tries to control who is going to be his successor. See for example Iran, where Mosadegh was practically gone anyways. They then intervened to make sure his successor is pro-USA. They should have intervened during the islamic revolution, too, to make sure the successor of the Shah is also pro-american. But sadly Carter had balls the size of raisins, and now we have to deal with this islamic republic trying to become a nuclear power.
Unironically hope Am*rica gets nuked desu. No more attack dogs for Is*ael
> Edmundo Pérez Zujovic
eternal croat strikes again
Most people are saying Mossadegh but it was his own congress who called the CIA so he was dumb. Arbenz on the other hand, that was 100% pure evil.
If I overthrowed you, would your country die?
>Diem did nothing wrong
He let his brother be a total fuckhead
And Vietnam.
I hate Allende, but he wasn't a dictator, he was voted in normal elections and only lasted 3 years of his precidency. He was just a really, really bad president.