Thoughts on the Postmodernists?

Thoughts on the Postmodernists?

Why don't you present one first? You know, actually start a thread.


My impression is that some of it is gibberish.

Sure, ive been looking into some of their ideas and find interesting, but really not all that original. We have done the "nothing is really real" shtick before.

I alao wonder how much connection the ideas of Foucalt actually have to do with the current "sjw" culture, I get that power structures dictating morality can sort of connect the two, but I can't imagine Foucalt being in favor of a group like anti-fa although he might take little issue with their tactics. It's sort of like blaming Darwin for Hitler (yes, people do this.)

But on the other hand I think Camille Paglia presents a pretty good case against them in Junk Bonds and Corporate Raiders, but even that is so steeped in bias that it's hard not to take with a grain of salt even though I think she is right on many things.

What do you think?

>Thoughts on the Postmodernists?
Bunch of haughty faggots. Last time we had a thread on this subject, none of them could even give a satisfactory definition of what postmodernism is, yet still acted superior to everyone else in the thread.

In the realm of academia, postmodernism amounts to a bunch of empty theorycrafting that has little relevance to the real world. It's a useful set of tools for critically analyzing the social sciences, but it doesn't deserve its own status alongside real disciplines. Sadly, this bullshit philosophy has already seeped into legitimate subjects like history and economics, and has tainted them irreversibly. Postmodernism is the reason you see so many college graduates with degrees in shit like women's anthropological Africana folk music studies.

Also, Derrida can't write for shit.

Not worth talking about because of how retards are suddenly aware of them with no effort to actually understand them.

>degrees in shit like women's anthropological Africana folk music studie


If you read what I wrote I said I had a hard time connecting the postmodernists directly to the social justice causes of today.

I dont know everything, but Im reading Foucalt at the moment, and have watched a number of lectures on and by the various philosphers associated with the movement.

Not the guy you're replying too but you can't connect the postmodernists directly to the SJW because their is no connection except in the mind of /pol/acks and Alt-right zealots. Post modernism is a tool or a way of thinking that can attack ALL ideological systems, it's just SJW's use it to attack all other systems while trying to enforce their own.

There are no "postmodernists". Pick any single one, none of them identified with that label and none of them have remotely similar ideas. Brainlets tend to lump them into a monolith and set them up as a straw man responsible for the ills of the world.

Their ideas were different, sure, but there are definitely some ideas that were common. Focus on a sort of psychoanalysis of linguistics, cultural/moral relativism, and just generally coming from Parisian high society magazines around the same time.


>their is no connection
>it's just SJW's use it to attack all other systems

>not recognizing it's also used by Alt-right retards to attack Progressive sacred cows like equality and identity politics and objective truth
Literally no connection except cursory surface level ones

What kind of sjw arguments are tied to post-modernism?

It's useful knowledge, but being used at the wrong people. Post modernists have destroyed the west, rather than fixing the Middle East, India and other fucked up societies.

>nothing is really real

Name a single French "poststructuralist" thinker who said this.

What is the useful knowledge?
How did it destroy the West and how it could fix other areas of the world?

JR, DFW, Brave NEw Wrold, and Camus are the only original thinkers/works

Attacks on Christianity as a value system with no objective basis in reality.

Baudrillard's idea of an unknowable reality, and the idea of hyper reality fits into this fairly nicely.


>Post modernists have destroyed the west

postmodernism emerged after ww1 and ww2 proved the fragility of "progress" and enlightenment/liberal values.

Postmodernism is disillusioned with everything.

people will say "oh but leftists", but it's more complex, more cynical, more unsure about the very fundamentals or core paradigms

Imagine being so butthurt about the failure of communism, specially the fact that the entire intelligentsia is starting to look dumb by comparison with petty bourgeois and peasants because they were right about communism and you weren't. Imagine being so butthurt about this whole situation that in order to not talking about it ever you decide to write that reality doesn't exist.

That's how post-modernism came into being. If nothing is really real, then dumb anti-communists weren't right and the flower of the French intelligentsia completely wrong. If everything are just localized metanarratives, then in one of them communism still works.

Spite-fueled gibberish by pseudo-intellectuals that know enough to know they can never prosper under an order of value and merit, so they destroy.