>See this photo
>American Soldier holding and AK-47 while vietcong subordinate is going to be killed
>Oh god, the irony
See this photo
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That's clearly a FAMAS.
Why do you assume he's American, everyone else in the pic looks Vietnamese
How is that irony?
>looting enemy weapons does not happen during war
Apparently that guy was actually a serial killer who murdered a bunch of people.
Those are ARVN soldiers, you silly goose.
Pictures lie
South Vietnamese Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan, chief of the national police, fires his pistol into the head of suspected Viet Cong officer Nguyen Van Lem.
The day before..
Around 4:30 A.M., Lém led a sabotage unit along with Viet Cong tanks to attack the Armor Camp in Go Vap. After communist troops took control of the base, Lém arrested Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Tuan with his family and forced him to show them how to drive tanks.[6] When Lieutenant Colonel Tuan refused to cooperate, Lém killed Tuan, his wife and six children and his 80-year-old mother by cutting their throats. There was only one survivor, a seriously injured 10-year-old boy
Maybe a shot in the head was too good for him
>picking a russian weapon that works perfectly instead of a shitty american bound-to-jam weapon
makes sense
He's clearly policing the prisoner's weapon, and you know, not leaving it on the fucking ground for some other guerilla to recover and use against them again.
He's taller than everyone else in the photo for one.
South Vietnamese, not American
Picture doesn't lie. It is a cold-blooded execution. However, treacherously skipping the actual context is a lie. Thanks to the US media propagandists.
Loan and the photographer are good guys you ask me.
I wonder what the photograph was thinking at that moment.
Probably "... must capture just the right moment ... wait ... wait ... now !" *click*
That ain't the half of it.
>Lém was captured near a mass grave with 34 civilian bodies. Lém admitted that he was proud to carry out his unit leader's order to kill these people.[4]
Nah, photographers usually just take a ton of photos in rapid succession and then choose the best ones to publish.
>a sabotage unit along with Viet Cong tanks to attack the Armor Camp in Go Vap.
>forced him to show them how to drive tanks.
what. Also when the fuck did the VC ever have tank units?
Picture is what it is. Its an execution of a captured soldier.
Why would you assume the Nguyen Ngoc Loan's word is the truth?
That looks like it's the perspective to me
Because we at least know that the man being shot is a communist.
Surce criticism everyone.
He's not wearing a communist logo on his shirt. Chances are he could be just another towns/village folk who might be protesting against the South Vietnamese conducts and American imperialism.
I spoke too soon earlier, he can't even be classified as a soldier as he's not wearing any soldier's uniform. He's wearing a casual civilian cloth with no armor of any kind.
t. gook
the VC had none and the DRV used soviet and chinese tanks
by tanks, it is probably a M113 like pic related rather than a real tank with the mounted large-calibre cannon
Here we go. Have fun hitting anything with an AK. The AR platform came to be very effective once soldiers learned how to properly take care of it.
the VC had none and the DRV used soviet and chinese tanks
The VC probably used M113 in Saigon (probably seized or captured and repaired) like pic related rather than a real tank with the mounted large-calibre cannon. And the VC would have wanted to drive real tank with a cannon and shit
obviously they'd just taken the AK off the guy they caught you goon
It was a video, not a photograph. That's just a single frame.
He's classified as a non-uniformed combatant. Which means you can do whatever the fuck you want to him.
All of that comes from a single biased source
Wrong, Lem was defending his country from capitalist invasion and the man who shot him was effectively a fifth columnist.
There was a photographer taking photographs and a buddy of him filming next to him.
Here are the photographs he took that day. pic related
It was the same while the "Rising the flag on iwo-jima" was shot: One photographer and one camera operator next to each others
>Grease gun
>Pistol, maybe a Tokarev?
Holy standardisations, Batman!
That's like five types of ammunition for six guns.
Uzi? Really? I don't browse /k/ so i'm kind of ignorant on weapons. Which pic?
Not only are you wrong about Ak's, you're also entirely wrong about the failures of the m16 in Vietnam.
You would do the same if you ever captured one of those guys who kept dropping agent orange on your farm.
Top left
9mm (probably, I think some Uzis were produced in .45)
No way to know about the revolver
Jesus Christ
For you.
Because it's clearly in bullpup configuration.
Participating in combat out of uniform is grounds for immediate summary execution. Many innocents have died because soldiers were going around in civilian clothes.
The executed guy is not commander of the unit which attacked the armor camp.
It's a lie to clean general Loan, made up much later.
The 10th district where the photo of the execution was taken is miles away from Go Vap district where the armor camp was located.
And the guy was arrested near the site where he was shortly killed.
On photos you can see that one soldier still carries the gun which belonged to the prisoner.
Also high ranked commander would not be allowed to die so easy, without proper interrogation.
Few months after the execution the general admitted to reporter that the guy was killed just because he was not wearing military uniform.
The US policy was, every non-US/South Vietnam soldier were enemy combatant. The indiscriminate killing of "enemy combatant" aka 90% civilian casulties is what gave American the tactical "victory", aka their high KDA ratio.
Atrocities like Mai Lai were common and only Mail Lai came to the front page, yet no one was punished.
He's wearing ww2 era camo...this picture was taken in 1968 so its not an early vietnam war pattern. thats a south vietnamese soldier
Incorrect. There's a video on YT somewhere about this photo. The photographer's name is Jack. I remember he talks about how he took the photo "when the bullet was in the guy's head".
Thats very racist of you to assume asians are on average shorter, Are you racist user?