Stop being polish

>stop being polish
>stop being jewish
>stop being slavic
>stop being catholic
>stop being christian
>stop making abstract art
>stop liking jazz (and by extension its following genres like rock, funk, and rap)

How did anyone like this guy again? He seems like no fun allowed

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Houseölk

>stop smoking
>stop eating meat
>stop racemixing
It was literally Sharia for 20th century Germany

Marked by fierce close quarters combat and direct assaults on civilians by air raids, it is often regarded as one of the single largest (nearly 2.2 million personnel) and bloodiest (1.7–2 million wounded, killed or captured) battles in the history of warfare

On 23 July 1942, Hitler personally rewrote the operational objectives for the 1942 campaign, greatly expanding them to include the occupation of the city of Stalingrad

Pavlov's House's_House

>stop liking jazz

That is reasonable


>t. Old German prick
Might as well be Hitler himself

Lol this he was basically muhammed

He didn't eat or smoke because of health problems and Islam doesn't have racial laws.

>stop being catholic
>stop being christian
Wew lad.
>Dude just do drugs, drink, and embrace modernism as your cultural zeitgeist

Why do liberals think hedonism is fun or fulfilling?

Wanna know how I know you´re a kraut_

But anyone who lives by a certain moral code where they try to restrict themselves from excess is an ISIS-Nazi hybrid tho.

Why shouldn't we make abstract art in the name of dadaist absurdity, except u like the dadaist we are being totally unironic about abstract art?

Because he's being sauer about it?

>Be me
>Be Irish
An hero , I bet you're an anglo

>In his private diaries, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels described Hitler as a vegetarian whose hatred of the Jewish and Christian religions in large part stemmed from the ethical distinction these faiths drew between the value of humans and the value of other animals; Goebbels also mentions that Hitler planned to ban slaughterhouses in the German Reich following the conclusion of World War II
Nazis were also early and enthusiastic opponents of tobacco. For health and hygiene, sure, but so was all their other bullshit ostensibly.

Fucking kill yourself reddit, if you ever make another joke like that I will doxx you, find where you live, and strangle you to death as look into your eyes and watch the light leave them

>literal spooks or hedonism are your only choices

how... adorable, my propertyölk
So I understand why he needed food tasters, but why did it have to be a german woman orphaned by WWII whose husband was fighting on the frontlines? Apparently all his other food tasters were young women too.

He really believed in this ? Didn't the idea that maybe, just maybe, people listened to jazz because they just liked it ?

>being this bitter

what happened? did Winston beat you up and take your lunch money again?

>/pol/ thinks this guy is a le evil jew man

Hitler took meths though


>abstract art

Right-wing loves meth, it's everything they hope to embody in a drug. Liberals and leftists prefer opiums to dope away le painful hierarchy.

>Hitler took meths though
Well not for fun. Germans took amphetamines to work longer hours. You know how college kids take a Tony of Adderall for hardcore study / homework / testing sessions?

Fucking everyone was on meth back then

Fuck you mate jazz is the best

Let's also not forget the FIRST people he targeted were the disabled, unemployed/homeless, mentally unhealthy, and those that couldn't contribute to society. He claimed they were draining the economy so we had to get rid of them.

Imagine all the /pol/ NEETs that would have been genocided for worshiping this guy.

Probably because in the Authoritarian Personality he outlines how all right wing views are anti-dialogical in nature and can be measured on something know as the F Scale.

He was one of the first people to do the old 'psychoanalyze your opponent instead of the debating points" kind of guy, plus his works on critical theory were all exactly what Veeky Forums thinks it wasn't.

It's was marxian and post modern critique of society. Just because on half (the Marxist half) happens to be anti-consumerism doesn't mean the other post modern half is either. Horkeimer and Adorno are still the result of whats colloquially known as Cultural Marxism in academia , today.

>Imagine all the /pol/ NEETs that would have been genocided for worshiping this guy.
Good, the kekistani fags need to be dealt with they've been shitting up the board since the election.

>jazz supposedly makes you an effeminate male
>jazz players, especially African American jazz players, were deemed as oversexualized, pot smoking sex fiends to a large chunk of America

>people take this psychanalytic filled continental gibberish seriously

They've been shitting up the website for a lot longer.

>people took men like this seriously, and still do

>abstract art
Fuck you mate abstract art is the best

>that pic


At least Germany under Hitler didn't turn into Niggerstan or Dinduistan.

>Niggerstan or Dinduistan


No, it turned into rubblestan

there were thousands of blacks in nazi germany, more so than any other country around it

Es gibt keinen Gott außer Allah und Hitler ist sein Prophet.

Source on the unemployed and the homeless being targeted by him?


Bosniak Muslims are white