When American soldiers raped Vietnamese villagers, do you think they made them do anal? Or was that not a thing yet.
When American soldiers raped Vietnamese villagers, do you think they made them do anal? Or was that not a thing yet
u betcha boi.
>fucking some jungle villager in the ass
Raping them in general is disgusting enough, why would you use the objectively inferior hole?
>objectively inferior hole
Also nice reddit spacing
>when reddit spacing goes too far
These are fly bitten savages we're talking about here. They probably never wiped their asses proper in their lives.
I used to love anal until a girl basically shit all over my dick. Now I can never do it again without wanting to puke
>gf asks me to go down on her
>tastes weird
> look myself in the mirror
>I look like nosferatu
>"I'm so sorry I thought my period was over, do you want to do anal?"
> stick finger in her ass
> feel hard turd with my finger tips
Would you want to anal fuck women who barely ever wash if you knew you can't wash for weeks after?
Yes. If you're gonna rape someone you might as well go for it. Just make them suck your dick after if you're so concerned.
>Just make them suck your dick after if you're so concerned.
You clearly never raped anyone if you think it work like that
It isn't like in porn movie
Violent rape isnt blackmail, you don't take the risk to put your dick in her mouth (and getting her to stop crying in order to suck is basically impossible anyway)
>Just make them suck your dick after if you're so concerned.
lol what
enjoy your dick being mutilated
>You clearly never raped anyone
Is there something you want to tell us user?
You'd be surprised what people do when you have their family at gunpoint.
>gf asks me to go down on her
>Actually does it
Plebian beta male detected
What is wrong with you?
>not enjoying eating pussy
I pity you
>licking the hole where girls pee out of
Do you have any clue what you're talking about? I'm guessing no
Shower before you fuck then, jesus. I eat ass too
>You clearly never raped anyone if you think it work like that
>iewww! girls are gross u guys probably got cooties! c-cucks!