Hey Veeky Forums,
any of you read this? Did it teach you to invest?
Hey Veeky Forums,
any of you read this? Did it teach you to invest?
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It's on my bookshelf.
I don't know how to read. I couldn't get past the first chapter.
Guy who wrote this was asked if his book was still relevant 20 years later
He said no
Look it up, markets change nobody invests with this retarded style anymore
Are you kidding me? I have to read this for a report, and now I'm gonna be filled with all this useless information not even relevant anymore.
totally useless, buy some crypto
An advice on how to start crypto? I'm totally new to investing. How did you start crypto?
Take all your post tax money, and buy the next coin you see advertised on this board. If everyone is saying it will go moon, thats what it do.
There is no bubble, just keep working to buy moon coins, we lambo now
Will do user, if I knew you I'd put you in my future will.
It teaches you how not to invest.
But in general, yes it completely changed my investing strategy.
Well since I'm completely new to investing, I'm sure it will give me some insight.
If you have to pick one chapter to read, the one on Margin of Safety (Chapter 20) is my recommendation.
I plan on reading the whole book.
Outdated, try Jim Cramers books. More modern
He didn't say it was useless. He said he doubted the effort for an active investor - one who actively seeks out undervalued stocks - would be worth the effort because the financial institutions were all doing it.
Practically every investor of note uses his style. Buffett, Lynch, Munger, Brandes, Karlman
oh holy shit are you seriously recomennding a fucking kook ass tv scammer book to actually put money to work? your just fucking with op right?
reading it currently. If you are trying to get rich in 2 weeks on shit coins, this book is not for you. once you grow up a little and realize anyone who will make a fortune with blockchain has already made it, and once you grow up a little and have more than 50$ to invest you might come around to this style of investing.
>tldr...so far
He goes through great lengths to distinguish an "investor" vs a "speculator" and the main lesson is that making money is less important than not losing it.
> a penny saved is a penny earned
Stop shilling this fgts channel we all know that you found out about this from this video where the book is clearly on his desk.
have you read Cramers works, they are modern and great advice. The book op listed talks about railroads and newspaper companies
Its not irrelevant.
Look at the principles behind his method rather than the method itself.
You can't perform that kind of detailed, fact based analysis with cryptos, but you can do your research invest in coins you think will have solid growth and hold them through the volatility inherent in crypto market.
just fucking read it, it isn't that long
you can take ideas from anywhere and apply them to elsewhere, this book is still relevant
this book is pretty fundamental. If you dont know anything about stocks this is a great place to start. That is not to say that you will learn everything from this one book. you will have to keep learning but this is still a pretty good place to start. cryptobaby money will not be this easy forever