Wow I shilled this shit here so much and am up 200% today. Fucking ODN retards.
Other urls found in this thread:
forgot mfw
hopefully they can patent the bitcoin address names thing
Naming services have been around.
Whats fasicinating is IOC's platform
yeah, Chameleon looks like what Stratis plans to do basically
Ok, you forgot about user messaging and filesharing plus Chamelion. Keep fudding faggot.
DIONS bruh
I've bought 121k worth of IOC over the past 3 weeks :)
This coin will make us(the early adopters) so fucking rich. And all the poorfags were laughing at us. Guess who's laughing now? The volume went up more than five times today. People are starting to see the value in IOC. And this is only the beginning. After DIONS is released, the team will start giving more attention to marketing. And there is also the European fintech conference coming
Yeah but IOC already has it done retard
Holy shit, surprising to see IOC burst green after being stagnant for so long. Only picked up 350 @ 2 aud but still pretty cool
what price should i buy in at?
would be surprised if no big dump in a minute but you never know
IOC has a metric-fuck ton of long-term holders who truly believe in the project. There may be more speculators coming on now as the volume pumps but this may be the cheapest entry point before the DIONs block call and fin-tech at the end of the month.
IOC is about to release the fruits of THREE YEARS of development efforts. Don't waste dollars to save pennies.
Wrong guy lol.
Damn, too bad one of the devs died in hurricane irma. Now there's only 1 dev left.
how and where do i buy this?
They are starting to get the real money in now
and blue magic capital just put 15% of their portfolio in IOC
It's still smart money stages, so give it a few weeks before Veeky Forums starts to invest
Kek joel is alive.
Send your BTC to Bittrex then find IOC
Don't listen to this FUD lol. All Devs are alive and well.
fud harder.
Nice FUD, faggot. Joel is alive and well, posting in Slack with his regular ESL style.
Why would it dump when the FinTech and DIONS blockcall is just a few weeks away? In the next week this FinTech shit will be hyped on Reddit and YouTube "cryptoexpert"-channels, guaranteed to go up a lot.
Holy shit, who cares about IOC, so many IOC threads and shills on Veeky Forums
fuck off theres nothing special about your shit coin
I cant wait for all of the "well, do something" posts IOC tards will inevitably make a year or so from now when IOC made measly gains.
>But 10 OMG, 20 Neo Threads per hour is okay.
Fuck off, no coiner.
At least OMG and NEO have serious future use...IOC is a desperate cash grab, die in a fire shill
Alright, misconception cleared. I'm going in IOC. I hope you anons can forgive me.
IOC has been in "well, do something" phase for 3 years. Now it's finally fucking doing something. Its actually getting traction within the financial technology (FinTech) world and is very promising.
>fuck off theres nothing special about your shit coin
Encrypted block-chain messenger with file storage
Bitcoin aliases
no premine
no ICO
3 years of active development coming to fruition in the next 30 days
Don't buy any, then. Save this post so that you can throw how wrong I was in my face when you're proven right.
We bloody told you guys but noooo you guys didn't listen
>muh low volume
>Muh DIONS in 5 years
>Muh beggar devs
>Chineeese Ethereum
>Serious use case
>No premine, project is 100% funded from the developers of IOC
>Volume is naturally low given 53% of coins in wallets are staking, thus securing the network.
>Very good distribution, top wallet owns 3.24% of total circulating supply
>Has a established foundation with reputable advisors (ex Mexico IBM CEO, KPMG global alliance partner.)
>Included in IBM's hyperledger project, with potential to use blockchain over API.
>Two or three VC groups have established relationships with IO foundation
>One is Stokens, a VC group that specializes in crypto-currencies meeting the highest level of legality to provide clients a gateway into digital assets without the legal grey area.
>Oracle Investments and Bluemagic Capital are the other two that we know of
>Project Sunrise: Not disclosed but some form of collaboration to facilitate the adoption of and usage of the IO blockchain.
>It is a currency, plain and simple, no sugar coating, exactly what a crypto CURRENCY should be.
>DIONS: Fully fledged enterprise suite for storing secure documents, encrypted messaging and more
>User friendly wallet ecosystem in which people other than speculative neck beards see use in.
>Chameleon: Sidechain project after Dions which will allow for a greater degree of usage among private and public use. 100k tx/ps has been estimated.
>Technology before marketing: Developers are marketing for enterprise grade adoption, not for traders speculative pleasure.
>However marketing is going to ramp up post DIONS release
>All in all DIONS has been a LONG anticipated release for those who have stuck around, this will be huge step for the foundation and a charter into new, brighter seas.
Just give up and sell those filthy ODN bags of yours as soon as it (s)hits the exchanges...
I'm waiting for ODN bot lentil curry powder pajeet to show up here. I tried to be nice to him but he was annoying as fuck.
Don't worry, though, because in 3 years ODN will be 7 months from active development.
choke on your profits SHILL...
let's be real, IOC is just gonna pump n dump =/
Yeah seriously people have literally been buying and dumping on a daily basis. Volume is so low they're basically guaranteed a 5% return every time they do it.
I am surprised we didn't see the DIONS call go live today. 2 weeks would launch it right for FINTECH.
2 Events to look forward to this month, and we're not even priced in yet. DION's is going to be huuge.
Big VC's don't invest 15% of their portfolio in a pump and dump.
>not even priced in yet.
uh, what do you think the recent surge was
Shill me on DIONS and why it will make the price go up
I'm reading the iocoin website and it looks breddy gud, but there are a lot of typos and broken links. Plus they seem to have only 2 devs?
>Long tldr post
>Brings up ODN
Stop bringing up ODN, it makes you IOC shills look really desperate and petty. It's like you're scared of a newly launched project while IOC has been in development for years upon years. It's pathetic.
You seem passionate about the project, so I'll give you that. It's not going to save IOC from a lifetime of mediocrity; it's never going to go the distance. I dont think it will ever drop from top 100 but its not going to raise eyebrows either.
bought a few IOC, $60 worth. nothing to lose
This coin has more going for it than 90% of the top 100 and people just shit talk it constantly
This coin is so, so good but it lacks the one thing that will make the price go up. MARKETING.
The latest 'moon' coins have had marketing, hype, public announcements, bullshit conferences, and promises of partnerships and exchange listings but it works. It drives the price up.
IOC thinks the product alone will drive the value up. Not going to happen. Marketing is key.
Comfiest hold of all time. The real pump hasn't even started.
Red pill me on this. About to buy 300 USD worth.
Can I just hodl this long term? I don't want to have to keep an eye on it because you need to transfer the coin to some other coin, because it looks like the devs have some sort of road map for it.
What's this DIONS stuff?
Long term? Not sure rn, volume just increased significantly last night after being around just 10 BTC total for a long time. I'm optimistic about it though, I think we'll see 100k very soon.
DIONS is their new wallet, which also features file storage, chat, custom wallet addresses, and OTC IOC purchasing directly through DIONS.
Thanks. Got 140 to accompany my other potential mooners.
I love how you pretend you know what the fuck you're talking about.
>f-fake it til' you m-make it right...guys?
No need to behave like that, I think it's still gonna dip a little so you can buy in.
The real question is...
What do the Chinese think of IOC?
The Chinese have no say in this coin. The biggest "whale" only has like 3.5% of the total coin supply. It wasn't an ICO coin either so it doesn't have to worry about China's ban. Also it is only on Bittrex now so a lot of Westerners have the coin. They are releasing a japanese version of their website and DIONS wallet so maybe we can expect the Japanese in the future for Asian Markets.
guys, this coin will only go up to 4-5 at best with the news.
This is a literal shitcoin at best.
This, too little supply for a PoS coin. Shit will suffer bad.
yeah, 4-5 BITCOINS
>B-b-uy ODN guys i-i-its better than monero! Messaging! Apps!! Revolution!!
They already have fully workjing DIONS wallet on their testnet, so for presentation they will use testnet
that does seem like a legitimate concern
PoW and PoS Cipher, not just PoS.
PoW until 22 Million Coins have been created
Still will take 100 years lol
ya'll haters... remember this IOC and dions will attract many investers cause there was no ICO what real business wants to put there company on the line where some random chink has 50% of the coins... lets be honest here... ODN is for the people DIONS is for businesses no real competition here.
This, very much this. This is the one thing IOC lacks and I have been saying it for a while. They claim after DIONS theyre going to market hard, which I think should go well considering they have an actual working product.
Once they market. Guaranteed 10x.
My body is ready for the pink wojaks
These are the ones that matter