I also pulled out of all cryptos.
Have fun with the feds rape your ass you fucking manchildren.
I also pulled out of all cryptos.
Have fun with the feds rape your ass you fucking manchildren.
see ya next week
ye feds/irs are butthurt from all the money they are making on capital gains tax. bye bye nocoiner
His lawyers are going to rip this to shit.
Have fun with your annual 6% gains.
I have probably lost most if anything or a very miniscule profit
bye fag have fun with the Recession that is going to rape your butts once it hits and BTC rising to all new time highs
>buy gold
>bury it in backyard
you can also just pay taxes
He did nothing wrong :/.
Fucking huge corporations in cooperation with government ruining people that actually are innovative,
and come up with something instead of ruining their opponents.
Seems those big corps are doing what Rockefeller did, with one difference being they do it with help from gov...
Yeah, he keeps inventing new medicines. He has a really good personality too.
This, it's even more sickening when you hear all the normies cheering the corporations on. The smear campaign worked brilliantly.
Well he is being entrepreneurial, he did nothing really wrong
and against the law regarding those medicines.
He might have done some wrong things in regard to moral code,
but trust me those big corps are even worse.
They would do anything to just make a little bit more profit,
have been there worked for one of major names in investment.
They are much much much worse.
Also don't care about his personality never had chance to meet this fella,
and i think you shouldn't judge him too, based on info from news that are run and paid by big corps.
Literally this, we need to cheer on people like him,
smart guy worked his way up top made profitable decisions,
and shaken it up there on top where the big lazy fat guys play.
This could be us if we came up with some great,
not all people end up rich Zuckerberg,
some of they get shoot down by those fucking corps.
>obtains manufacturing license for drug
>raises price of that drug from $13 to $750/pill
>""""""did nothing wrong"""""
kys yourselves
>Martin Shkreli
U w0t m8
Better go back to your volunteer job you moralfag.
You will never make it with attitude like this,
it is either fuck others over or to get fucked over by others.
There is no nobility in poverty you fag.
I enjoyed his youtube live channel
i hope you're sent to prison one day too, cunt
there are plenty of ways to make money without being a slimy weasel
>listens to mainstream media
Did you forget the fact that anyone who can't afford it gets that shit for free?
This is what literal edgy teenagers believe. Adults generally know better (though not all of them).
He raised the price of that drug because there was a better drug on the market at the time and it was his way of forcing their hand to move to this better drug because people are stubborn cunts and are resistant to change except when it's forced at them via MASSIVELY increased prices.
Furthermore he donated most of the money he made from said "Price gouging" but just my 2c Idgaf about this guy either way I dont hate or love him just spreading facts
Im newfag in biz
Please somebody explain what happened
Ohh thats the guy who artificially inflated a farma drug price, BUT what has that to do with criptofags?
he did this because he had huge fukin stocks in that other drug, when it didnt go his way he loist a sht ton of money that wasnt his, was from investor, in order to cover it up he put up his money to make it seem like he made profit, in the end no one lost money but him, but he still broke several laws that u r not allowed to do unless u are (((Them)))
>living in america
>being american