Do the British really believe that they played a significant role in defeating Napoleon?

Do the British really believe that they played a significant role in defeating Napoleon?

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They believe they played a significant role in pretty much everything. They would argue that Sparta defeated Athens thanks to british tin if they fucking could. That's whatvI hate about anglos, not their empire but their notion that it always existed and were relevant. You have a great golden age in the long 19th century (maybe the greatest any nation had, this I concede) and suddenly you have been the top dog for centuries.

They also think that about Hitler.

The £66m paid to Coalition allies certainly helped.

Don't forget the Japanese

>Trafalgar was two kids in barrels fighting in a pond

People always say this but most of us except extreme British Nationalists believe we were relevant before 1707, hell even 1762.

Perhaps less so on the Battlefield, but the UK was key in Napoleon's foreign policy and attempting to strangle it led to his disastrous invasion of Russia.

They did play a significant role in almost everything. Also, even if the role wasn't significant, British tin did have some influence on Sparta's victory over Athens. We know from primary sources that Britain produced tin, and no doubt some quantity made it to Hellas and was used to produce vital arms and armour.

Basically a 5th century lend lease programme but even more charitable. Perhaps without British aid, the fight would have been bloodier and Thebes would have had its way re: destruction of Athens. Then you would lose the works of Plato, et al. Britain has saved Europe repeatedly.

>Germany is fighting the largest battle in the history of the world again the Soviets
>millions of men involved
>not really interested in a war with western Allies
>Americans and Englishmen invade poorly defended France while Germany is occupied elsewhere

Are there still people who genuinely believe the US and UK won WW2 ? When it comes to actual fighting, their contribution was extremely minor. Russia won the war using American resources, and that's pretty much it. The UK did fuck all except managing to defend their islands with the strongest navy in the world, which is something a toddler could do.

Do the Continentals really believe that they play a significant role in the modern world?

must hurt that you fought one another for centuries and centuries sometimes losing millions of men, and in the end you have gained no territory and no advancement to your culture/people, does it hurt?

You don't need to be a brit nationalist to do this. In fact, it's often anglos outside the UK (americans, strayans, etc.) who do it. Brits are arrogant fucks but more intelligent and sensible than their spawn.

>Russia won the war using American resources, and that's pretty much it
yes that is my point
I'm not belittling the efforts of American and English soldiers, but they didn't win the war
they wanted to push east to prevent the Soviets from pushing too far west
they did not win the war at all, and D-Day was completely unnecessary

>The UK did fuck all except managing to defend their islands with the strongest navy in the world, which is something a toddler could do.

And Fighting half a million Japanese in burma

And fighting in Italy, France and the Low Countries.

And losing more men than America.

But this is the thing, Brits are actually very measured in nationalism and have never given any serious support to major nationalist movements. 52% of brits think the Empire was a bad thing. The main British Nationalists are largely canadian and australian.

They're are all anglos. There's a reason we talk about the Eternal Anglo and not so much about the Perfidious Albion.

>Fighting half a million Japanese in burma
After managing to lose Singapore, Malaysia and Borneo to the notoriously shitting IJA
>fighting in Italy, France and the Low Countries
And proving to be nothing but an annoying distraction to the German war machine. You were facing less than a tenth of their forces and you still struggled to advance.
>losing more men than America
So ?

America undeniably won the Pacific war though. The Soviets wouldn't have been able to deal with the Japanese if they ever had to
Does that include civilian deaths?

>The Soviets wouldn't have been able to deal with the Japanese if they ever had to
>implying they'd even need to actually fight the Japanese
I would have loved to see the Japanese army trying to march across Siberia, stretching their supply lines and dying without ever having faced a single Soviet soldier.

How does it feel that your children are way more successful and relevant than you?

No-one else did more, politically or militarilly

>After managing to lose Singapore, Malaysia and Borneo to the notoriously shitting IJA

People always say this, but never criticize the Soviets for facing dozens of encirclemnts by Germans half the size. The british were cut off from supplies and had essentially no ammunition left.

>And proving to be nothing but an annoying distraction to the German war machine. You were facing less than a tenth of their forces and you still struggled to advance.

Really? Then why did Hitler call off all offensives on the eastern Front the moment Sicily was attacked, and sent 20 divisions to try and prevent the attack?

>So ?

Because it shows they didn't do 'Fuck all', but rather genuinely fought and sacrificed.

Why do you keep saying 'You', as if I was there?

Nope! Add an extra 80,000.

Yep, British Civilian deaths make up nearly a third of US army deaths.

Hence the "if" part. No other country besides America had the capacity to face the Japanese at sea. If, for whatever reason, the Russians tried to take on the IJN, it would be a repeat of the Russo Japanese war

Literally only the USA has outpaced us.

>muh Empire
>remaining overseas territories are ten times smaller and ten times less populated than French overseas holdings
How can anyone even take you seriously anymore

U srs?
I've never heard of that third battle but it seems pretty insignificant and far reaching on your end that you had to include that in the three total battles Britain won.

And yet, the UK has a larger economy than France.

Despite a lower population!


I dunno, the Soviets relocated almost all of their industry to the far east

The Japanese wouldn't have had to march really all that far to deal a pretty damaging blow, especially when you consider that Vladivostok was an incredibly important route for American and British lend lease, and that the railways are already there

The soviets would have to destroy the railroads, thusly cutting off a huge chunk of supplies, and furthermore would lose their only major port city on the pacific

Maybe 100-200 miles further and they reach the last of the Soviet industry

They would definitely need to send a fairly large force to deter them, or else would be pretty soundly crushed. The Japanese don't really even need to keep marching once they reach a certain point, the damage will already have been done



Well yeah, people never criticize the Soviets for this because the German army was actually competent, while the IJA was complete shit and still managed to steamroll you.

>invade Sicily
>a fucking island
>have naval superiority all around the island
>fail to prevent the enemy from withdrawing by sea
Not your greatest moment, sunshine.

>Why do you keep saying 'You', as if I was there?
Because you're obviously a teaboo.

>implying UK population census is accurate
Nice try, Pajeet

I'm going to ask you for a citation as a quick look of Wikipedia's cited numbers shows that as woefully wrong

niggers, I can go to anyone of these dark blue countries and experience the same language and culture as in Britain, and in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and parts of America I can speak to my kith and kin, whereas you crack heads have nothing but a 5% dutch population in South Africa which is quickly dying and a back water in Canada (Quebec) which is the most irrelevant part of the world and would be unknown if we Brits didn't conquer it and incorporate it into Canada

and yet you cannot enter your own capital city without having a greater probability of running into a brown person than a fellow Englishman

>implying Japan would have gone to war with the USSR anyway
Lad, they were so fucking terrified of this happening that the Soviets declaring war on them got them to surrender instantly
Even though burgers love to think that their two nukes were what did the trick

same with every western and Northern European country, stop acting like the UK is the only place with third world immigration

Dude I'm American. We can't even understand most of you fuckers when you speak. I just nod every time a British person ends a sentence with "mate" before directing them to the nearest emergency dental care facility.

I thought this was a meme until a Paki girl I know told me that there was only one white guy in her uni class, and he was much older than the rest

no, but you are the only one that far gone
even Germany is at 70% white in Berlin
it's because of your colonial """empire""" that you have so many shitskins in your native lands

As a Brit, even though my country is completely going down the shitter, the fact that its existence still creates mass butthurt in people like this thread demonstrates shows that we clearly still have a large enough influence to be important.

70 million people on a small Island nation and you cant stop going on about us.

>I can go to anyone of these dark blue countries
Yes ! Exactly ! Countries. Independent countries. While you only have your small, inhospitable island lacking natural resources and cursed with poor soil.
The only reason you're still somewhat relevant is that you're still living off what you stole from your former colonies. Once that runs out, you will go back to being that funny little kingdom nobody really payed any attention to or could take seriously.

you can understand me now can you not?
you speak English, your base culture is Anglo-Saxon/Celtic (British), you founding fathers were English, you population was homogeneously British/English pre 1840

yet you live in doubt of our superiority as a culture, your lying to yourself as you enjoy the liberty provided to you by your rights as an Englishman pre ordained to you by the 1689 Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta 1215 etc, either you are stupid or your a bitter immigrant of the famine

>Being proud to be isolated on an island with so many brown people

it is irrelevant if they are independent, this is the fundamental retardation of the Continental European countries, they main goal of a people should be to become the world race, and no race in Europe has done that better than Britain; meanwhile you were still trying to annex other cultures in Europe even though you couldn't possibly replace them with your own

Oh my, I bet you believe that the increase of secondary English speakers is due to English influence.

Your nation was still taking orders from a king when mine was practicing democracy since it's founding. You're nothing but a dead beat father of a successful athlete who's trying to get in on the cash grab.

Every achievement, record, marker, etc your country has ever set has been long since eclipsed by America. The game has changed a lot, when the influencer (the UK) has become the influenced by the US.

>Tfw American accent is older than the British accent

Did i say that?

It isn't, and don't try that bullshit about how American is how British used to sound, it isn't, American accent is the result of many accents mixing, there are places in North West Canada where the earlier immigrant accent still exists and its a sort of proto-American/British combination

>no race in Europe has done that better than Britain
Given that there are noticeably more Americans with German ancestry than Americans with British ancestry, that Canada's population is small and half of them have French ancestry, that Australia and New Zealand have tiny populations, and that Krauts are noticeably more numerous than you here in Europe, I'd say they kicked your ass in this particular contest.

>Oh my, I bet you believe that the increase of secondary English speakers is due to English influence.

no I don't, because I don't give a fuck about secondary English speakers, I wouldn't care if they didn't even exist

our culture is still your base culture and we have spread our culture further than anyone else in modern history, given that our culture now covers the most amount of land today

how? Americans don't speak German, they don't have a German culture; German immigrants got cucked, you live in an English world

>Things brainlets say

>British are the most successful race
>Did I say race ? I meant culture


your actually retarded, I acknowledged that British people don't make up the bulk of the American people anymore. Our culture is still that base culture of America though. off yourself

I should hope so, cause it's true.

>pointing out a fundamental logical fallacy
>your retarded
Thank you for playing, better luck next time

native English speakers, everyone!

*mic drop*

I made a typo ahahhahahaha

I wasn't actually pointing out the typo. Just the reply that showed you really don't know what you're talking about and don't understand why you're wrong.

American culture is now it's own. If it wasn't, we wouldn't be experiencing such a disconnect or quarrel right now.
>Muh base culture
The Romans and Germans would like a word with you.
>we have spread our culture further than anyone else in modern history
Where have you been Gramps? Your culture doesn't even exist in London anymore and has been all but erased and forgotten in former colonies such as India and America. If anything, Britain receives more American culture than it exudes.

Hell, your country can't even advance past the group stages in a world cup anymore but you wanna act like it's some shining light to the Anglo world.

you are right I don't understand; we are talking about America, which has a British culture because of guess who, the British race, I don't get your point Mr charisma

We don't buy British products, cook British food, watch British movies, etc anymore.

>Roman culture permeated every layer of European societies so much it's pretty much the foundation of the modern world
>Roman race is extinct
See the difference ?

So you've given up on trying to spell "you're" than you've began separating it into "you are"? Lmao
>Mfw a Brit can't use contractions near me

>American culture is now it's own. If it wasn't, we wouldn't be experiencing such a disconnect or quarrel right now.

no, you just can't admit that your culture is based off of a European countries culture

the rest of your post is just as retarded

how is that relevant to our discussion about British culture

>See the difference ?
no Because British culture is still the base culture of America, whereas Roman culture has been given enough time to develop into different cultures, besides the Romans got their culture off the Greeks, but that still doesn't change my point

>doesn't post a picture
you can't even Veeky Forums, get away from me

>Well yeah, people never criticize the Soviets for this because the German army was actually competent, while the IJA was complete shit and still managed to steamroll you.

Kind of like how they steamrolled the USA, a far better equipped army than the UK's in the Philippines, who weren't encircked?

Not to mention the peninsula was under blockade and the soldiers had no supplies really left.

>invade Sicily
>a fucking island
>have naval superiority all around the island
>fail to prevent the enemy from withdrawing by sea

Considering the Mediterranean fleet was bottled up in the east, it's not surprising at all.

>Because you're obviously a teaboo.

No, I'm just not a butthurt german.

Don't say you, because, and this may be a shock, I didn't fight in WW2!

Over 430,000 Ger,man soldiers fought in Italy, over 40 divisions.

Another r*dcoat sent back with his tail between his legs. Now leave my American military industrial forum and go post on

>go on Veeky Forums
>5 retarded American yell at you about how "non white you are" and about how your wrong about history and culture without providing arguments
>proclaim they have won
>many such tales

Jfc nigger, YOU'RE. I'm not even a grammar Nazi but you've made as many grammatical errors in this thread as you have remaining teeth

No user I mean the claim that somehow the US lost less soldiers than the British did.

I'm not going to be around to break it down for you as my download is almost done
But America lost 400,000 military personnel.
The U.K. lost 380,000 if we include the colonies and 350,000 if we take them out.
The US army's non combat deaths were equal to British civilians total deaths during the war, that's about it.

Literally the only people doing any fighting where they win

>the sheer amount of butthurt in this thread
There is literally nothing wrong with admitting that the UK has played a very significant role in modern history. This is Veeky Forums, not /int/ or /bant/. Go there if you want to engage in childish shitflinging.

>criticizing a posters typo rather than the content of their argument
>criticizing a typo
>on Veeky Forums

I thought Fall had officially begun?

jealous? :^)

Coming back to the original question; the British provided huge sums of money that kept the Austrian and Russian armies in the field, without which the war wouldn't have been won.

Britain's economy and financial institutions were the only ones in Europe that were fit to survive such a war.

The Kings 1st Dragoons Guards practically won Waterloo on their own.

>weeb shit
R-rule Brittania..

Sailors aren't soldiers; admirals aren't generals. There's nothing glorious about dying at sea. Nelson got 420 Frenchscoped

The most important role of the British in the French Revolutionary Wars/Napoleonic Wars was in kicking the French out of their profitable colonies and using money from India to fund successive coalitions to grind down France's manpower. Also seriously Corunna??? That's just silly.

>notoriously shitting IJA

they seem to do well against seppos

>it's an 'americans insult britain in the hope europeans will give them the attention they've convinced themselves they deserve' episode
stay mad yankees

Brilliant argument, truly made me think. Also

>complaining about anime
>on Veeky Forums

Where is that copypasta when I need it?

>criticizes poster typo rather than the content of his argument
>is mocked
>criticizes posters reaction image rather than the content of his argument
>is mocked
i'm beginning to see a pattern

We're ahead of 3/4 of them. 4/5 if you include south Africa

>no one did more militarily.

People also forget that the BIA during the early stages of the war had a ton of issues like lack of armor, low morale and being a military police force.


British indian army. Since 1857 the indian army was a giant occupying force that had serious issues with officers during actual combat. WW1 started with a lot of british officers dying and the brits not using soldiers from the ranks. Artillery, mechanized forces etc were all on the backburner and instead of creating a cohesive fighting force things like honor and loyalty were stressed. After WW1 the brits slowly began to recruit more indian officers and training them properly. Early during WW2 the british indian army was pretty much soviet union levels of messed up in terms of hierarchy and still clinging on to the martial races theory.

This post reeks of newfaggotry. How many times are you going to validate that you browse Veeky Forums? If I got btfo of a thread as hard as you I wouldn't come back and post. Stay Muslim

>Butthurt enough to post

Hello, reddit

And you want people to think you've been here over a year?

Only somebody with a third-world American education could type this with a straight face.


It's true. The British accent we know of today developed in the Victorian era when common folk tried to sound like aristocrats by dropping -r's. Southern draw developed before this.

>He's actually this mad over a little banter
>on Veeky Forums

No i dont and thanks to bite my b8, m8

Veeky Forums is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

That's because white plebs are essentially the niggers of britain and all the bluebloods are in OxBridge or something, leaving high-performing migrants to fill all the lesser universities.

how come brits only like us when it benefits them? pretty selfish tbqh