What would the world look like if communist international achieved their goals?


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It'd be a lot shittier.

communist internationale was just a theory, it couldnt work


I don't know, but the 1950s would look like this.

>win an incredible revolution
>on top the world can literally do anything
>end up killing each other
>end up shuffling people around like cattle for 50 years

they could have done something legendary like the american revolution
create some great legacy


jews are so fucking ugly


Mass starvation and misery. Communism.

>a form of government
pick one and only one

Did you know the basis for the word 'Utopia' comes from ancient Greek 'U' meaning 'No' and 'Topa' meaning 'Place'

Read the Soviet Experiment by Suny. The USSR was the first socialist state and although it failed and caused quite a few human rights violations it did manage to accomplish a lot and compete with the top capitalist country economically and militarily for a while. The USSR was implementing social programs in the 1920s that the US wouldnt get around to until even the 1980s and some that the US still hasnt implemented. The Russian revolutionaries were trying to improve and do a better French Revolution, just like the French were trying to improve and make a better American Revolution. They failed but they were aiming for a much higher egalitarian goal. The American revolution was a success but for all its egalitarian rhetoric it had to overcome voting rights issues, slavery, and has been and still is plagued by crony capitalism. I love American and everything the revolution stands for, but pretending like the Russian revolution was squandered I think is just not true. As far as first experiments go, as any scientist will tell you, it was actually quite promising for the future.

And before some dumbass mentions N. Korea (the fact that its referred to as anything except a dynastic totalitarian monarchy is absurd) or China I want to point out that they were not based in egalitarian theory and were just rip-offs of the Stalinist model. However, I will accept criticisms of Cuba and Venezuela because I feel like the revolutionaries there had a clue.

Actually utopia comes from the Greek word "Uto" which refers to the patron Goddess of Upper and Lower Egypt and the suffix "-pia" which means "holy."

Therefore Utopia means the Holy Goddess of Upper and Lower Egypt. Meaning that actual utopia is EGYPT but of course the white ma would revise history to have it mean no place. baka.

killing children for owning jeans is progressive?

Are you claiming this was a commonplace occurance in the USSR? Just because jeans weren't widely available does not mean people could not get them under the table for a hefty price. No one regularly got killed over jeans. Its this type of senseless nonesense that makes the discussion of what actually worked in the USSR so difficult. The commies in Russia had very harsh policying people werent just killing each other for stuff. People were sent to gulags for minor political offenses and whatnot but brutal crime was not rampant in soviet russia.

You could also ask:
Is killing captured British officers, being against the military code of conduct at the time, progressive?
Is trashing millions of dollars worth of goods over taxes progressive?
Is beheading the opposition progressive?
Are kangaroo courts that make snap judgements on people's loyalty progressive?

All revolutionary governments are guilty of inhumane crimes. That does not take away from their accomplishments you ignorant twat.

>Hundreds of millions of people under Stalin and Korea don't count as communists even they fought the hardest for comminism and called themselves communists bc it makes user uncomfortable trying to defend it

> misrepresenting my arguement
I literally never said that. I did not mention Stalin at all. I only mentioned that Korea was not because it is not and has never been by any definition communist. I have no issue accepting Stalin's death toll and his contributions and offenses in the name of communism. But it you think North Korea was ever actually commie, you are as retarded as you sound. They don't even consider themselves communist anymore, but you probably arent even aware of that. All you care about is blind rage and childishly categorizing things as completely good or bad.

millions of people were killed in ussr for property crimes not just starved but systematically killed. not only was it common place but it was the status quo

only in your perverted mind could anything related to ussr be considered progressive

Everyone would be hungry.

> millions of people were systematically killed for property crimes in the USSR
Well thats a load of crap and if it isn't then I would like several peer reviewed sources. I have read multiple books on the soviet union by reputable american historians and this has never been mentioned. Nor has it been mentioned to me by my family who lived through the USSR or friends of russian descent. You are a liar and do nothing to contribute to intellectual dialogue.

>psychotic serial killer firmly believes himself to be a duck
>murders in the name of duck-kind
>wooooow why the fuck are ducks so awful? how can they condone this sort of thing?
And now you'll accuse me of being a commie.


You read books that didnt even mention the gulags? Pffffff

Gatekeeping commie faggot

>Japanese massacre in Singapore
>Capitalist death toll


> gulags were used to systematically kill millions of people for property crimes in the USSR
I'll take those sources now faggot

This is equivalent to that retarded graph about the dark ages

>don't true capitalism

i know it was a civil war which is not pretty but one of the highlights is blasting the tsar and his family

as far as social features i like them and i like stories about them from students and workers but the goverment never trusted its people it is infamous for its heavy oversight and zeal from start

Radio Yerevan
>This is Armenian Radio; our listeners asked us: “Is it possible to build communism in America?
>We’re answering: “It’s possible, but who will we buy grain from?”

everything would be shit and the economy would be non-existent

>just us bombing in Yugoslavia is 300,000
Every /pol/ is a shit /pol/, /leaftypol/.

If economically developed countries went communist the world would be a better place for sure.
It made agrarian shithole Russia world's 2nd superpower. China too.

>African Slave trade: 150,000,000
>Indian Genocide: 95,000,000

None of those were real capitalism.
They were revisionist, reactionary regimes that had nothing to do with what Adam Smith wrote in "The Wealth of Nations".

Of course they consider themselves communist, they're just not marxist-leninist. They have Juche communist, which includes elements from buddhism, confucianism and other traditional Korean elements. But the economical principles of the country are clearly communist.


It also made Eastern Europe poor as fuck.

The Soviet Union stagnated for two decades before it finally collapsed. Its 1973 GDP per capita was the same as its 1990 GDP per capita.

China only became revelant due to Deng's reforms.

Communism does not work as an economic system. Period.

>A lolbert calling reactionaries to other capitalists.


>had nothing to do with what Adam Smith wrote in "The Wealth of Nations".

Indeed :^)

>Great Depression
>India in 1947
>150 million in the transatlantic slave trade
>Being killed by an epidemic brought over in the 1500s = 95 million native deaths because of capitalism
>Generally including fascist countries like Japan to inflate the figures
>Stateless capitalist somalia
>US Sanctions
>Feudal Russia
made me think


Nice strawman

Nice non argument

nice refusing to accept that my argument clearly refutes yours

OK, I will definetely not let the Allies of WW2(Also not the Entente of WW1) count as ideological representators of Democracy,beeing exact you could describe Communism or Fascism too as giving "power to the people",which they claimed as well.

The ancient Greeks would have considered that and Modern "Democracy",moderate Olligarchy,stuck in between strict Olligarchy and Democracy.

So I would say the deaths caused by them,roughly 30 Million, will count as deaths caused by Capitalism,the US for example entered both wars due to the fear, of Britain(and France)would not beeing able to pay the debts they made through trade.

Atlantic slave-trade caused 20 Million deaths,Middle-Eastern slave-trade 30 Million,Roman slave-trade and Circus 10 Million,Medieval Merchant Republics are responsible for at least 1 Million dead People and indirectly caused the Black Death and Turkish Wars to happen.

Carthage and Greek city-states could be responsible for 1-2 Million deaths.

Colonialism killed probably 250 Million People.

Modern Wars in the Middle East and Africa,on ressources,could have killed 20 Million People through war,lack of food and water and disease.

The Oppium War and the American Drug War and Prohibition killed 5 Million People.

Let's just say all other financial crisis,trade deficits,bankruptcies,currencies,deals,fraud and robbery, have a death toll of 10 Million people.

So Capitalism could have killed 350 Million humans,but I would argue that it only includes 100 Million,as Colonialism is a part of Imperialism.

Considering those things Capitalism is intriguing,as the same could have happened if Communists or Fascists were dominating at that time and Capitalism itself was not even a term at that time,classfying those actions as part of trade and Expansionism is more accurate.
But,that claim is odd,as it is not an ideology, as Communism,you cant kill for and Capitalism cant kill by you.
Economicc systems aren't potentially lethal.
Human greed and incomptetence is.

[citation needed]

You're the useful idiot Lenin was talking about. "Won't even see when we'll be coming for them"

at least I'm not a useless idiot like you

Only in the sense that everything is state controlled, which happens in totalitarian regimes. They do not uphold any of the traditional values of communism, which I do not consider strictly marxist lennenist, I think it comes from enlightenment philosophy. Juche is not communism. But I get where you are coming from

I feel pretty productive. And I know at least one way I'm not gonna die. Fighting commies is a tradition for some nations but now in more peaceful times all we need is the knowledge that we should just keep them away.


A lot of dead people. Those alive in complete misery, kind of like North Korea and Venezuela today.

Great Purges were not over property crimes. Try again sweety

>Op mentions Communism
>Thread immediately becomes a battlefield for /pol/ and it wasn't real Communism /lefty pol/

Trying to give something.

Internal order: most countries would apt a local version of Communism much like it happened in reality and could try to drift towards a more Russian model or create regional blocks based on a regionalist common visions (eg. A Latin-American communist block ).

Trade: International trade would be in shambles since most financists and jews would be dead. International trade would become barter and stronger countries like USSR or commiefornia wouldn't fear invading neighbors for resources

World order: several regionals "Comintern's" would be founded with most of them grouping according to linguistic and cultural ties. The Soviet would be the most influential probably followed By the American


smallpox isn't real capitalism

you're one special kind of retard. dear god i hope you don't vote

>2010 article as source
Nice try commie scum

provide better one cuck


>all this "it wasn't REAL communism"
if anything all the heaps of dead bodies with no actual communism to show for it makes me even more wary of future attempts

Its Τόπος (Topos) not Topa you dumb fat burger.

None of this shit is true.

Fuck off nigger.

A greek.

>Let me guess, you read the Black Book of Communism and the Gulag Archipelago and think you know everything about communism.

ironically shitposting counterarguments doesn't render them invalid

Capitalism kills ~20 million people every five years *due to poverty related issues*--no, the union organizers in Latin America killed by Coca-Cola were not included, nor were people killed in the wars that rocked Guatemala, Chile, Nicaragua, so on. Just poverty related reasons. The only reason no one cares, and by that extent not care to look into, is because most of the deaths are exported from the US & co. to third world countries where they're poor, brown or both for that cash bb.

If this was an honest to god number issue that you cared about, you can take half the amount of those that die due to poverty and scale in the ~100 year count given to "commie states" and we break about even.

Shit man, we can take JUST the count of children who die

Hard to say, because communism turned mostly shitty because of Stalin (or in turn, turning into Stalinism).

It was already shit before the paris commune

You do understand that the world was shit at that point, right?

ITT: Communism can get away with killing because people die in capitalism as well

I don't know why I bother coming here.

>all these jackasses with that HUUUR DUUUUR CAPITALISM KILLS MOAR
>cite african countries when most of them are either literally leftists or feudalistic-esque despotic nations
>all the other arguments mention state policies
It's not even funny anymore

Stalinism, while not communism, is still a flaw in communism. Yes, real communism has never been tried, but that's because the system is so easily corupted whenever someone does try, it imidetly desends into a 2bit dictatorship.

source of quote pls???

Cuba has done a fair job with how people do there, in terms of education (100% literacy) and healthcare (good life expentancy, low infant mortality rate, 50% better than USA).

>tfw capitalism has killed more people than communism


>Sun News

i believe this.

They really have to perform mental gymnastics like "deaths due to poverty" as if that was alien in communism. Even worse is when you actually take a look at the average life expectancy and it's pic related.

Communists are retarded.