Reminder that the Romans were cruel and evil vile oppressors of native Bretons according to British historians.
Reminder that the Romans were cruel and evil vile oppressors of native Bretons according to British historians
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should've done to britain what they did to carthage
Colonized it?
I want to colonize Brettany Hughes' colon.
Anglo Saxons > Romano British > Celts >>>>> Normans
What did user mean by this?
genocide the people first
Why does she keep referring to ancient Bretons and Celtics in the same manner as if they were continuous in nationalism to modern day Brits?
You act like that's something she invented. It's pretty normal for British to see this time period as the beginning of their history.
Everybody has ancestors that oppressed their other ancestors.
>It's pretty normal for British to see this time period as the beginning of their history.
do those pigskins really do that?, LARPers
99% of them are germanic or mostly germanic, they should related more to post germanic brittany than pre germanic brittany
what the fuck is wrong with germanic?
that is some negro shit they are doing
Do not sexualize her!
Her Sparta doc was prime-time Hughes
great post
My god...
She understood that Hellenes > Latins, and appreciated the importance of Sparta. So amaze, much love
>says the Saxon
Why are Anglos this retarded?
>Hellenes > Latins
Shoo shoo Byzaboo
Byzantine era is pure decline. Hebrew mythology infected the west, buddhism infected the far east, and the world was plunged into a dark age that only started to brighten during the last half of the 20th century.
>the jews did it
guess jesus was still on a cross
damn she thicc
that is not true at all, most brits are still genetically at least the original inhabitants of the isles, while all later migrations were mostly just small groups of elite that dominated the natives without impacting the gene pool that much
>Hellenes > Latins
No. And she's a dumb bitch, and you are even dumber for believing her.
t. butt hurt roman late to the party
5th/4th c. Hellenic civilization represents an absolute high point in European society.
>Hellenic civilization
*turns Greece into Roman disney land*
Pssht, nothing personal Hellenes.
Rome didn't turn 5th/4th c. Hellas into anything. Rome was a collection of mud huts, populated by sub-90 IQ Latins incapable of complex thought. Plato could have conquered them with a few holites on loan from Dionysius, but had better things to do with his time.
>autism the post
>400 BC
>of native Bretons
Bretons are the people from Brittany in France
Lol, LARPer
Do you think those tribes were 1000-5000 people?
They were over hundred thousands
oh the irony of this shitpost from OP. Romulus father who conceieved him in a hut, is the same exact direct bloodline of the man who led the expedition to the british isles. The original tall strong exotic stranger who begat romulus and rome is the exact same tall strong exotic family who begat the rulers of the land now called britain many many generations ago. its the same exact family. only the plebs were med mix muts in rome or celtic muts in the british isles
t. perfidious Anglo
I'd fug her in that period too. Though she fell for the Spartans were gay meme hard.
I'm not sure we really want to know.
Equal opportunity
cry harder. Fundamental point remains: the high point of human civilization in many fields was achieved in 5th/4th c. Hellas. Further, Romaboos are dead wrong if they think that Romans did anything to 5th/4th c. Hellenes, other than make them laugh due to their primitive, sub-human latin ways.
>high point of human civilization in many fields was achieved in 5th/4th c.
That is what you mongrels think
imagine being so butt hurt that you attack people you think might be mixed race
>high point of human civilization
>ancient Greece
T. Mongrel
anglo shmanglo. if you actually knew the people with their exact bloodlines you would know a little more but your textbooks are written by outsiders proffessed by outsiders, and regurgitated by dummies who pay these know nothings to teach bullshit and get a degree then declare themselves experts. your history class is a joke. the same family who made dublin is the same family who made rome is the same family who produced hercules. Anglo is nonsense term. britain is a new land in the big scheme
Mongrel? The future belongs to the anglo-han master race. The meds are a degenerate people who were properly succeeded by the anglo. The other great tradition is succeeded by the modern han.
The future consists of the master race exploring the galaxy in city-state colony ships under the guidance of a supreme emperor and his immense imperial bureaucracy. Whatever degenerate type of human you are, your progeny will remain on the earth and be swallowed up by the sun.
How else would you describe it?
First the Iberian fisherman horde arrived and killed all the early Northern European hunter-gatherer tribes, in a huge race war.
Then the Celtic horde came to Britain and displaced and raped the stone-age Iberian inhabitants.
Then the Roman horde arrived, and raped the Celts, which made everyone more Mediterranean looking.
Later the Anglo-Saxon horde would arrive, and drive the Celts to the mountainous areas of Britain, which explains why Scottish people are ginger but no one in England is (due to Germanic genes).
Then the Viking horde arrived, and everyone was Viking for a while.
Then the Norman horde arrived and the rest, as they say, is history....
Dumb dumb.