ITT: People who did nothing wrong.
ITT: People who did nothing wrong
>inb4 Hitler
>inb4 Stalin
>inb4 Mao Zedong
>causes a nation-wide panic
>dindu nuffin
Fuck off, all he did was spout conspiracy theories that had little to no factual backing.
u can makes "wrong" from "brown"
He did lutherally nothing wrong.
I honestly can't hate Luther; however, the afterwards effects are hard to ignore.
Go to hell, without the Red Scare America would become a liberal hellhole 50 years earlier.
Not him.
The USA was already cautious about Communism, but specifically the USSR because that's how they spreaded their sphere of influence. McCarthyism is just plain paranoia, and some politicians used it as a political move to label some propositions as "red plots"
Psychopath deluded by egalitarian christcuckery
America's first shooter turned into a hero by the North. Americans have been following his footsteps ever since.
the hell is harvey keitel doing here
he had to do everything he did
Actually, his first act of violence was the Pottawatomie massacre where he and some followers hacked pro-slavery settlers to death with broadswords.
He was right about many people.
Martin "im a schizo and im mad at everyone" Luther.
How can anyone hate this guy?
Verano or whatever? Yeah, thanks Ann Coulter.
>considered a warmonger who was dumb enough to invade Russia during winter
>majority of his wars were declared by his enemies, only stayed in Russia because he was waiting for a reply to his peace offer that never came
Neither did Tito.
reminder that he wanted to liberalize the Soviet Union and withdrew the Red Army from the eastern Europe. For this the social imperialist Khruschev and the Bonapartist Zhukov led a conspiracy to kill him
So if /pol/ is always worshiping terrorists, why do they hate terrorism so much?
Based Beria