No wonder Stormfags are so stupid, when even the German soldiers themselves believe the lies religiously
>we dindu nuffin
>we just defended europe against communism :)
>what is netherlands and belgium? never heard of it :)
>where is muh evidence
No wonder Stormfags are so stupid, when even the German soldiers themselves believe the lies religiously
>we dindu nuffin
>we just defended europe against communism :)
>what is netherlands and belgium? never heard of it :)
>where is muh evidence
The Wehrmacht was clean tho
They even fought against SS to save jews at the Battle of Castle Hitler
Denazification was a failure.
dude germans didn't rape lmao it was forbidden
you just want to bash their fucking heads in.
literally this fucking pic
We should've executed everyone that served in the German army
>We did it Adolf! We saved Europe from communism!
Fuck Germany and Germanic people
Bomber Harris do it again!
Meanwhile all Russians from the president to the regular bydlos are still claiming they dindu nuffin and are still having parades glorifying their occupation of Eastern Europe.
Perfectly ok.
>Castle Hitler
That's just Russians being Russians
Strange way to spell liberation, comrade.
ah yes, indeed
They are not entirely wrong though, people are mixing up Wehrmacht and SS, plus nobody talks about what the Russians did, they were basically Nazis minus the Holocaust, and yet they see themselves as the great liberators. It's disgusting.
Wehrmacht also committed numerous war crimes. Of course not all soldiers were war criminals so it's not that surprising that some German soldiers don't feel guilty.
>they were basically Nazis minus the Holocaust
You can't say things like that. They of course weren't some great liberators, but their goals and crimes were of different nature.
both germans and russians were the fucking inhumane scum that should've been genocided
Decades of Jewish propaganda would do that to you
yes, like when stalin singlehandledly decided that poland should really be located some hundred kilometres to the west, and then poles got relocated to east prussia, and germans got relocated from east prussia to germany.
if it werent for the holocaust, stalin would actually be worse than hitler. and yet russians celebrate him like a hero, although he literally killed more russians, than hitler did.
>castle hitler
>Castle Hitler
Is that the final level of the new Wolfenstein? Do I get to rescue pregnant Anne Frank from a Gestapo interrogation center?
Hitler destroyed Poland, Poles who lived in territories annexed by Germany were deported to General Government. He also exterminated Polish intellectuals and elites, closed Polish schools, enslaved the population and killed some 2.7 million ethnic Poles.
Stalin was of course a monster, but he only wanted to transform Poland into a communist satellite state, while Hitler wanted to completely erase national Polish identity.
>although he literally killed more russians, than hitler did
I doubt it.
>Stalin was of course a monster, but
Like I said, but his goal was different.
>Castle Hitler
American education strikes again
And then your character BLACKS her before she transition into male
The fact that this was probably written by a cummunist makes me smirk.
>Two old geezers look at their past with rose-colored glasses
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
But Anglos are Germanic.
>destroying europe is a favorite hobby among anglos
>destroying europe is also a favorite hobby among krauts
Time to take the potato pill and realize that Anglos are nothing more than an island dwelling subspecies of German.
You're a fucking idiot. The Wehrmacht was complicit.
>i don't get the joke
you realize the wehraboo meme doesn't work when 90% of the leftypol shitposters on Veeky Forums just spam DO IT AGAIN BOMBER HARRIS XD all day, right?
you're just as if not more cancerous at this point
Krauts will just never understand it.
They will ALWAYS try to fuck up Europe.
That's why I support German geno- or at least spermocide.
Well meme'd
So they gonna fuck up themselves? Germany is literally the only European country worth something. The other lazy bums just want to make siesta all day.
the clean Wehrmacht was literally made up by NATO to justify rearming West Germany
>The Wehrmacht was clean tho
Form their viewpoint I can understand why they'd rationalize or romanticise what happened, it happens to all war veterans, not just germans
And some of the stuff was true, when nazis seized power Germany was at risk of being overrun by bolshevism
Doesn't mean the wehrmacht itself didn't commit war crimes although some of those veterans might have not experienced it personally
Any person that has the full knowledge of why the Germans invaded so many countries would understand completly what they were trying to save. But, unfortunately the majority doesn't know, and by ignorance people misunderstood and misunderstand this question to this very day. The war started 1933, not in 1939, in a form of economic blockade to the German nation, very similar to what the West did with Russia these days. This blockade was initiated by zionist jews, it is well documented, The british newspaper "The Daily Express" of march the 24th, 1933 had the following statement: "Judea Declares War on Germany". The whole Jewry were from that point on, in a sacred war with Germany. They would force the destruction of Germany by not allowing any german product to be sold in the world market. As you may know, Germany was totaly dependant of it's exports, to buy food and other indispensable supplies. That has been done just a few weeks after The National Socialist Party took the Goverment. Before any allegation of jewish persecution by the germans. It happens that the Nazi Party took the proeminet key positions in the society from the jews, specially the jewish controlled banks (The German Central Bank as well), and finances, the ones that were getting unbelivable rich, in detriment of the german people, the true owners and citizens of the country. The same thing that is happening in the West, more specifically in the United States. This mafia were back then responsable for many economic crashes, that they did on porpuse, to get more for themselves and to leave less for everybody else.
The foreign (most of it jewish) capital was taking a great advantage of the weakness of the german society post WWI. Property prices were down (due to massive unemployment), the german currency was totaly devaluated, people were starving, suicidal rates were growing by ridiculous figures, prostitution (mainly pushed by jewish businessmen) was growing exponentialy, the christian morals were failing, the family structure was broken, the corruption was flying high, and the people were suffering deep from alcohol and vices, in other words, the german society was dying in agony... Plus the comunist (judeo-bolshevik) were taking advantage, and trying to stablish a comunist government (Soviet Comissars, and soviet armed militia had come to Germany to accomplish that), Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebneck even managed to creat for a few days a Bavarian Soviet Republic... The National Socialists were the only power able to stop and destroy this Foreign (most jewish) attempt to destroy the german society for ever. After the "Nazis" took the power from the people that wanted the whole of german society dead (their objective always was the Western Civilization as a Whole, as we can see so clearly today), they became angry with the rebelious germans, because they didn't accepet the receipt to their own genocide!! And therefore they would declare a holy war against that people, and bring every "slave nation" to the same cause England, France and URSS, wanted the war, they instigated the germans to a point that it wasn't posible to go back. If you had just a small sense of reality and military strategy, you would know that a tiny nation like Germany, could never win a war with The Biggest Colonial Empire (Britain), the Second Largest Empire (France), the Biggest European State and extremely powerfull and full of resources that was the Soviet Union and of course the Great Nation of United States (full of resources, lands, and money, far away from the hotspot of the conflict)
How on Earth the germans could win a war, that was bring to them by these people? If you have to go to war, and there is nothing more you can do about it, what do you do? You start taking everyone by surprise with the hope of breaking a little bit of the enormous advantage that the enemy had in materials, resources, land, and man power.... Otherwise you are fucked from the beggining!!
this can't be real.
>"The Daily Express" of march the 24th, 1933 had the following statement: "Judea Declares War on Germany"
My favorite source, tabloids.
>specially the jewish controlled banks (The German Central Bank as well)
Hjalmar Schacht was the Reichsbank president from 1923 to 1930 and from 1933 to 1939. I'm curious what you meant by this.
Yes, and he left the party over complaint of anti-Semitism
>When you're so indoctrinated by leftist and liberal narratives that you fail to recognize that the core meaning of what they were saying is that war breed violence in and endless cycle of escalating crimes regardless of side
>When you are such a sheltered normalfag that you cant even begin to understand the concept of bloodlust, vendettas, righteous defiance, etc
>News reports on the holocaust
>Becomes true ad populum
>News reports on jewish boycotts
>Is false a priori
You're emberrasing yourself
>he left the party
Which party?
>historicity is ever based on tabloids
You're the only one embarrassing yourself here.
The Jewish boycott of German goods is a fact, but calling it "Judea Declares War on Germany" is laughable sensationalism.
>News reports on the holocaust
This is obviously not the source used by holocaust historians to research the genocide.
>Jewish boycotts are only recorded in tabloids
Fucks sake
>is laughable sensationalism.
Literally how? Having entire nations of Jews boycott German goods because of anti-Semitism is not some light matter, it's obvious that they wanted to out a large amount of pressure on Germany en mass.
Which one do you think?
Has any seen a Wehraboo try to take the Veeky Forums holocaust challenge yet?
I've done it multiple times and every time I do it (even though its a gish gallop) people end up not responding. Because they can't, they can't actually debate points with just saying
>Durr go back to /pol/
Plus starting off any thread with gish gallop is just going to kill it and any kind of discussion, because the people start spamming pasta
So why did you feel the need to cite the Daily Express? Notice how Wikipedia made the entire article without citing any tabloids?
You're not talking to the original user, probably should've clarified but oh well
Well you should know that the best way to counter a gish-gallop is addressing the weakest points of the argument, not every single one. This makes the other points less/as plausible as the others. I'd be interested in your points.
what even is your point
They are hypocrites - on the one hand they criticize the Soviets, saying that they didnt abide by the rules of war and didnt sign the Geneva Convention, then when the lady points out that the Germans invaded the Netherlands without declaring war - they brush it off as nothing saying "War has its own rules" - clearly the Germans did not abide by the rules of war either, and thus by that measure were every bit as evil as the Soviets were.
>Having entire nations of Jews boycott German goods because of anti-Semitism is not some light matter,
Except this did not happen.
I don't know. He wasn't a member of the NSDAP.
These are so fucking annoying, just put the fucking text on one image you fucking autists
M8 I just got off of a 12 hour shift, fuck off I'm going to have a drink, it's Saturday night.
I keep having to say the same thing in every thread idk maybe I should make a "21 responses for Holohoax believers" or something. I've had pretty dialectical discussion on the matter but not just today alright? I usually enjoy the discussions thought because they're always pretty grim
>maybe I should make a "21 responses for Holohoax believers" or something
The image you replied to is a parody of exactly that kind of retarded pic stormfags use, actually.
>Except this did not happen.
It literally did. It's not even a revisionist thing to say, jews pretty pissed off Hitler for saying things like "Jews are leeches" and "we need to deport all the jews"
>He wasn't s member of the NSDAP
Except he was
>The war started 1933, not in 1939, in a form of economic blockade to the German nation, very similar to what the West did with Russia these days. This blockade was initiated by zionist jews, it is well documented, The british newspaper "The Daily Express" of march the 24th, 1933 had the following statement: "Judea Declares War on Germany".
It's pretty evident that your entire knowledge of history comes from /pol/tard infographs. Pathetic.
Is it? You know what I think I might know what you're talking about, but it's been awhile since ive seen that.
Whatever. Next time one of these threads rolls around I might have some oc , maybe not. Who knows.
Do your best, you're gonna get BTFO as always.
Sure, whatever you say pal
Just answer a single question (I was the one who created this image last May) then.
Schacht never joined the party. Wikipedia says he was a honorary member.
>it literally did
>for saying things like "Jews are leeches" and "we need to deport all the jews"
That's every nationalist movement in prewar Europe.
Your own article says it was a minor boycott with groups of jews that didn't participate and basically no effect. It's a non event that stormfags cling to to further a ridiculous narrative. It's hilarious that they are trying to make a minor boycott into a war declaration due to a sensationalist headline and retards actually swallow it up. And jews had every right to not trade with a country that was treating jews like shit.
what he said isnt conspiracy dude. its open knowledge but it goes back further than even 1933. jews attempted an over throw of germany after ww1 in the german workers revolution that was openly funded by lenin. you can dig through the wikipedia articles of the people who lead that attack on germany and 90% of them were jewish. lenin was openly attempting to create workers revolutions all over europe again not conspiracy. he started an organistion called communist internationale and their moto was:
>"by all available means, including armed force, for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie and for the creation of an international Soviet republic as a transition stage to the complete abolition of the State."[1]
you can dig through all the political parties associated with this movement and the leaders associated with each party and you will find jewishness on every single level. ussr and its entourage of jews tried to take control over germany countless times throughout the 20s with paramilitary groups, anti fa and a string of pro communist movements that were pushed on germany. it was only when hitler rose to power and crushed them that they gave up and this set the tone for ww2
>what he said isnt conspiracy dude
See >jews attempted an over throw of germany after ww1
Communists did, among which jews were overrepresented for obvious reasons.
>german workers revolution that was openly funded by lenin
[citation needed]
German communists were anti bolsheviks by the way.
The rest of your post is conspiranoid shit.
That would be like Black people throughout the world declaring war on Montgomery Alabama in 1955 during the city bus boycott.
Why even bother. W have the same dumb threads every day. Stormfags don't know facts, dates, chronology, context, names... It's always some vague nonsense about saving Germany from le evil communists Jews and similar crap. It's not even funny anymore.
>citation needed
my source is in my post read through each of the names of the belligerents and look at their ethnic background. then look at which government sector they were supported by and who the head of that government was
>german communist were anti bolshelvik
no they werent dumb cunt. the german communist party was one of the main parties associated with communist internationale and leninism. they were the largest bolshelvik party outside of russia at the time and attended every single internationale communist meeting in the 30 years it ran and were directly funded by russia
i posted my sources that show every single detailed fact on these events. this isnt conspiracy
read through each of these names only like 4 of the leaders of this movement were not openly jewish then look at the government body that funded and supported them and who lead that party
it goes even deeper than this if you really wanna drop a red pill go read through the whole internationalist communist movement and see what they were about as a movment then dig through each of the parties associated with that movement and look at the founders of those parties ethicity. its a very deep rabbit hole to go down but its interesting stuff
or alternatively you could just call me a storm fag and pretend this conversation never happened
You should read the articles, not only the names. You can learn interesting things, for example how Friedrich Ebert, Gustav Noske, Philip Scheidemann, Otto Wells and others were part of this revolution.
>my source is in my post read through each of the names of the belligerents and look at their ethnic background. then look at which government sector they were supported by and who the head of that government was
Are you unable to read? I was asking for source on your claim about their funding.
>no they werent dumb cunt. the german communist party was one of the main parties associated with communist internationale and leninism.
False. German communists were closer to mensheviks, they did not believe in a vanguard party. For example, luxemburg wrote:
>But when it comes to a suffrage law which provides for the general disfranchisement of broad sections of society, whom it places politically outside the framework of society and, at the same time, is not in a position to make any place for them even economically within that framework, when it involves a deprivation of rights not as concrete measures for a concrete purpose but as a general rule of long-standing effect, then, it is not a necessity of dictatorship but a makeshift, incapable of being carried out in life.
>We did not consider above the destruction of the most important democratic guarantees of a healthy public life and of the political activity of the laboring masses: freedom of the press, the rights of association and assembly, which have been outlawed for all opponents of the Soviet regime. For these attacks (on democratic rights), the arguments of Trotsky cited above, on the cumbersome nature of democratic electoral bodies, are far from satisfactory. On the other hand, it is a well-known and indisputable fact that without a free and untrammeled press, without the unlimited right of association and assemblage, the rule of the broad masses of the people is entirely unthinkable.
Ironically, after she and liebknecht were killed, the party did become a russian satellite, but at that point the leaders were non jews, ironically.
>or alternatively you could just call me a storm fag and pretend this conversation never happened
Or alternatively, you could actually read history and realize how shit actually happened instead of repeating propaganda like a drone, while trying to understand why oppressed minorities would be attracted to radically egalitarian ideologies, just like blacks in murrica, natives in latin america, or kurds in east asia.
>double ironically
I'm tired.
yeah they were centrists who rose to stop the marxist who were attempting to take germany but they also supported the revolution to take the traditional german government out and they suceeded in doing so for about 8 years until hitler rose as a reaction to communist and jewish aggression. lenin and his gang of kikes got btfo in the german workers revolution despite being the ones to create it. they thought they were going to do what lenin and his bolshevik kikes did in russia. but they only pissed people off. they tried over and again all throughout the 20s repeatedly but they werent able to recreate what they had done in russia. this is when they started pumping out militias, special intrest groups and even the anti fascist movements to attempt to quell the reaction they created with their authoritarian attempts at violent take over.
>for saying things like "Jews are leeches" and "we need to deport all the jews"
That's every nationalist movement in prewar Europe.
That's every fucking nation's idea prior to the holocaust, the jews are leeches.
Stormfags tend to forget that a big chunk of german contribution to the world was in fact made by German Jews or germanised Jews. Take that away and you come very short.
I bet many Germans are in fact Jews as the Jews were assimilated into German culture.
Today, /pol/'s parallel history presents...
>Are you unable to read? I was asking for source on your claim about their funding.
it says it up the top dumb cunt
>False. German communists were closer to mensheviks, they did not believe in a vanguard party. For example, luxemburg wrote:
ahh no you fucking retard they were openly leninist to the core
>"Founded in the aftermath of the First World War by socialists opposed to the war, led by Rosa Luxemburg, after her death the party became gradually ever more committed to Leninism and later Stalinism. "
literally the first paragraph of their wiki page dumb cunt. mensheviks were a branch of bolshelviks with in russia that had slightly different views to lenins
>its okay to force a openly violent regime on someone elses country you're a guest in because you're a minority there
at least you admit it after being presented the facts i guess
cool argument
no they werent name one jewish scientist with a house hold name that isnt einstein. jews have very few contributions in science. all of the treatest scientists have been white. edison,farady,copernicus,tesla,newton, galileo, darwin, aristotle, davinci, kepler, hubble all white
jews have einstein and bohr and thats about as far as jewish contributions go