>chad at work fucked my crush after only working there for 2 weeks
>tfw been here 4 months
what do
>chad at work fucked my crush after only working there for 2 weeks
>tfw been here 4 months
what do
Time to get a new job.
wrong board, retard. We're here to get rich. Either buy all-in SIGT and pick her up in a lambo...or stay a kissless nerd your whole life.
Castrate yourself.
talk to more girls, stop fixating on the first girl that seems to like talking to you
Start lifting. Get a new haircut. Get some interesting hobbies. Tell her about your crypto fortune.
She'll be yours in no time.
Pretty much this.
learn that women are things. dont put any real stock in them.
Learn from crypto - cut your losses and move on. You'll fall in love with some other whore later.
>girl at work getting married this weekend
>we had a lot of chemistry but I was too cuck to act and got friend zoned
>she really hopes I'll be there
>gonna stay home alone crying, drinking by myself, and trading crypto (for a loss like always) all night
You know a board is peaking when blogthreads like this start popping up.
>he fell for the women meme
Thanks god i just like boys.
>Tell her about your crypto fortune.
>L-let me tell you about Etherium.
>Etherwhat? O-oh it's a type of Cryptocurrency alternative to Bitcoin you know Bitcoin? It's an Altcoin for short.
>Drop you off over at your friend Jammal's house? Oh okay sure y-yeah I'll see you tomorrow.
>y-you too! Heh...
Honestly? Don't shit where you eat. Don't fuck where you work. Simple life rules.
If you develop feelings for a colleague in the future - casually ask them to do something non-threatening...
>Hey - would you like to grab coffee some time? I'd like to learn more about you outside of work.
If they say no. That's it. Stop. Never ask again. Sexual harassment panda.jpg.
If they say yes, tread carefully. Sexual harassment panda.jpg.
Either way, be ready to get fired for sexual harassment.
Stop being a fucking orbiter. Be a lander. You don't want to hover around a chick, you want to put your dick inside her. Act like it, you feckless virgin neckbearded faggot.
Just tell her you bought Iota.
Iotafags will get rich until the end of the year.
I work in a restaurant not an office its a different environment. everyones fucking each other
That makes you even more of a pathetic orbiting cuck. If you work with a chick for 4 months and don't bother asking her out / grabbing a drink after work.. don't get upset if Chad slays that shit at the first opportunity.
Its literally what we do. We slay that shit before you get a chance to circle in on an outer valence.
Pathetic orbiter. Become a lander.
Best advice. Also learn that women want what they can't have. As soon as they can have you they don't want to.
t. virgin
>not getting yourself a lgf
She probably doesn't even know you exist does she? Did you ever talk to her?
>never talk to girl or show interest in her
>she fucks chad because he had enough balls to actually talk to her
Stop being a bitch, OP. Sick of you /r9k/ incels whining on this board.
> t. married dude who spent years being an orbiter until I figured out it was weird and creepy and that just being direct actually worked.
High school was fucking rough for me. I watched Chad fuck the few girls I decided to objectify / orbit and was dreadfully jealous and upset.
College changed that and I decided to reinvent myself / stop being a little bitch. Got a lot more life experience during that time.
Now I'm an older (30s) married guy.
Not a virgin anymore, but I probably would be if I kept the orbiter mindset.
mfw I've been at my job for a year.
Cute R&D chick stops talking to me after turbo chad is hired in finance.
Mfw she is laughing at his dumb fucking jokes and is probably fucking him.
So ronery.
>being direct actually worked
it doesn't
I mean it does tho. Thats how I got my current gf. Just dont be a creeper
Buy 0x
>crushing on thots
that's where you went wrong in the first place OP. you gotta learn to ditch that pussy on a pedastel cuck mentality.
women see you as a means to an end so you should view them in the same light.
Don't fall for this shitscam.
Buy the revolution of Blockchain, buy IOTA.
Works better than doing nothing.
Yeah it does. It might not work every time, but not being direct almost never works. You don't have to be an alpha, but you have to adopt some alpha characteristics.
The truth is office romances never work but that its common to crush on people you see every day
inb4 muh boss and me got drunk once
Are you any one of the following?
> Ugly
> Obese
> Acne ridden
> Stinky
> Grungy
> Ungroomed
> Stupid
> Abrasive
> Mean
> Obnoxious
> Creepy
Odds are you don't have a chance with Stacey. You could possibly bag her ugly sister, Scarlet, though...
Or you could stop being that thing and go to the gym / lose weight / grow up / etc.
Chad crushes it regularly because he's generally:
> Good looking
> Not immediately obnoxious
> Direct
> Self-serving
Are you all 4 of those things? Then find more bounties and ignore rejections. They happen to everyone.
Did he fuck your boypussy?
Also, you are using INB4 in a wrong way.
>3 months ago start banging girl in office
>she breaks it off with me once i show her attention and start dating
fucking clock work. see her all the time now and its awkward as fuck. dont know how to proceed. she said she wanted to be friends and i said "ok" but stopped talking to her. whatever, I already banged. just wish i had banged her more and in different ways. that regret will never leave.
>> Mean
>> Obnoxious
those are me
Grills will never give a shit about crypto, other than that, solid advice.
just be yourself user :^) thats the most alpha thing you can be :\
The good news is that's all fixable. The bad news is that change is not easy. You can change, but it'll take work.
I'd recommend you (seriously) see a therapist.
Just be your shelf. Works with we.
>I'd recommend you (seriously) see a therapist.
All i need to see is naked children.
fucking pro tip never ever show a girl attention. ignore them no matter how much you feel like you should talk to them. this gets more important the closer you get and after banging.
if i would have ignored this fucking girl she would still be on my dick. i fucked up by simply responding to her texts and trying to hang out with her once every few weeks.
if you have any doubt, show less attention and ignore the girl for 48 hours. LITERALLY 48 HOURS NOT LESS. if you read this, please take it to be true.
it would be obvious if I ignore her and she will feel my energy being fake
i meant once you have something going you have to manage the communication and ignore. if you have nothing going it doesnt matter what you do bud. you could kys and she wouldnt care.
Alright dude. Its really obvious you're not picking up on her energy.
She doesn't want anything to do with you. She probably tried to shut you down nicely, but when you didn't take the hint she started (fairly publicly) fucking the Chad to send you a message more directly.
Your entire comment reads like you're an aspie. Which there's nothing wrong with, but - if you are - you really need to spend time learning social cues and appropriate ways to react to them.
One thing's for sure, though: Stop orbiting this stacey because she wants nothing to do with you. Make one lander approach ("Hey - let's go grab a drink some time. I'd love to get to know you better.") and then let it go.
This is just pathetic bro. Did you really think she was going to leave her fiancé for you?
This only works if they are sexually attracted to you. If not, it doesn't mean shit
nah I never even made a move but she doesn't hate me. and she isn't publicly fucking him I found out through someone.
SIGT you say?
thats what we chads do bruh, we dunk and mash and throw her ass out like trash, do it enough and say what the fuck is this rash.
Do you even realize that you're orbiting and projecting your ideas of what she is onto who she actually is?
I have no idea what you even mean by that you implied she despises me but I've never gone beyond friendly conversation/made a move to see her after work. I don't orbit her I barely even see her throughout the day
Then why are you even worried that she's fucking someone else?
I like her?
OP aside, there's a milf that sits by me at work that I catch regularly eyeing me and I want to pound her senseless. She tried to indirectly proposition me a while back and whenever we talk the air is full of sexual tension.
How to fuq
so we've established user is a shallow cunt like the rest of us, this isn't a particularly new situation.
chin up user, you only like the way she looks. Maybe she snorts in her sleep.
>inb4 omg I think that would be so cute, I like everything about her
Ask her for drinks/coffee after work, not that difficult
Pfff, you want to go big, op.
Buy OMG.
>new job
>make friends easy because I'm not a freak
>notice a qt that's massive whore
>notice some freak is obsessive about her, always watching her following her trying to talk to her acting like a completely different person around her
>decide to teach the freak a lesson about being a man, so ask her out for drinks with mr and the freak and she accepts
>tell the freak I'm going out with qt and he can come along, my plan is to set them up because such a cute couple
>freak doesn't show because he's insecure and think I'll cuck him or something
>qt is devastated because freak doesn't show up
>I'm pissed off I gave up a night of watching charts and jerking off so I could try get the freak laid and he ditches us
>Fuck it, hook up with qt out of spite for the freak
Hope you learned your lesson dude. Don't be such an autist
>yfw OP is literally beating off to cuck porn tonight while he eats forgotten doggie bag food
>like girl at work but don't make a move because I'm a pussy
>guy fucks her
>make thread about it on biz
>somehow they assume I'm obsessed and stalk her
really makes me think
>tfw you care about the quality of the relationship and not so much about fucking the first chance i get
>people confuse this for being passive/beta
desu highly available pussy has no value, literal shitcoin
I'm the same user
Thats why I don't fuck them for the first few weeks
women are worthless cumsluts. once you realize this and blow a load on and in them all you want with impunity life changes for the better otherwise they'll see you as a cuck and a money siphon if you have any to steal
Just because you treat a shitcoin like a Bitcoin doesn't make it so. Try and fuck them immediately. Their resistance to your advances will indicate their quality. Also try to fuck them without a condom the first time and see their reaction
The red pill on reddit is full of angry larpers but the theory is sound on the whole. Lift weights, approach women, stop worshiping your own ideals of them. Most of them are silly people who want dick, just like you are a silly boy who wants pussy
You should probably consult a doctor about your severe case of oneitis.
Seriously, stop fucking locking on to the one thing thats good to you, grow some balls and engage other pursuits!
Also, MONA. Make her your bitch before she gets away too.
Women are not a good investment. They require maintenance, in the form of money and time (which is abstracted money), and they themselves typically do not yield money.
Women are dumb embrace 2d
> tfw asshole
I just have to stfu but that means office chicks are off limits cause they know me too well.
you need to fuck chad literally not figuratively
what mona
only if i was less scary looking....
tfw work in medical sales
literally 1 woman out of 30 of us
she's probably a dike honestly
we go out with $3000 bar tabs and fuck everything that moves
no beta males
just a team of chads
meets are a joke
rampant cocaine usage
rampant xanax usage
all usage with doctors too btw
no drug tests
When we see a beta male guy we size them up, and I'm like not even in the best looking guys in our company nor am I the highest earner by a longshot
It's just awesome. here's a story...
I noticed a cute waitress at a restaurant I'd go grab lunch at
noticed she was getting attention from hipster, non-fraternity, non-college type guys
asked for her number at lunch
we fucked for a month
2 of her friends tried to fuck me when i met them
her so called "protective guy friends" socially bent over for me, I would verbally use them as a door mat
ok so the virgins here hate me right?
but heres the secret
I'm really good looking
You took up way too much space to say
>I do drugs and bang sluts
welcome to every rap video lmao
Where do you live?
Except we work different shifts, don't get a chance to actually talk much, and she commutes 50 miles home after her shift ends
Also she has a family
>posts on Veeky Forums
that means leave it alone
The longer I wait the more they either love or hate me
Have her tell her husband she "has to work late" and bang in a hotel room. Be the bull, user, you can do it.
>chadposting on Veeky Forums
user we're here to make money not tell these pathetic nerds how to improve their lives. save it for r9k bro
>t. married dude
>thinks hes a chad