Did the Celts descend from the Scythians?
Did the Celts descend from the Scythians?
The other way around is more plausible.
they are cousins
stupid question
stupid answer
not even close.
scythians were indo-iranic, not celtic.
Yes, and?
Yeah that's why I said "more plausible".
and they had nothing to do with celts? not even their y-dna, not a-dna, not culture, not language.
Are you seriously posting on Veeky Forums and not knowing what Indo-European is?
Then where did the celts come from?
central europe
what's the date of indo-europeans and what's the fucking date of celtic and indo-iranic splits?
answer this, so we can close this shitty thread
hallstatt. totally unrelated to sintashta and andronovo
>hallstatt. totally unrelated to sintashta and andronovo
except in that they both go back to the corded ware culture
Hallstat was more Bell Beaker than Corded Ware derived
Bell Beaker was derived from Corded Ware
Nope. Yamna in Hungary is a more realistic source.
>except in that they both go back to the corded ware culture
And? You fucking retarded Celts weren't around neither when CWC or Beakers existed. Earliest culture that's linked to Celts is Hallstat.
and corded ware was derived from yamna
whether it went yamna -> corded ware -> beaker or yamna -> beaker is irrelevant to the point of celts and indo-iranians being cousins anyway
this may surprise you, but hallstat didn't just pop out of thin air, it ultimately goes back to yamna/corded ware
There is a strange Pole here who insists that the origin of Central European Bell Beakers is in non-IE, non-steppe R1b males from somewhere having sexual intercourse with the women of Corded Ware.
Personally if I were a Pole I would argue against this theory(as there is no proof to support it anyway) as it's humiliating for all Corded Ware derived populations.
>There is a strange Pole here who insists that the origin of Central European Bell Beakers is in non-IE, non-steppe R1b males from somewhere having sexual intercourse with the women of Corded Ware.
>Personally if I were a Pole I would argue against this theory(as there is no proof to support it anyway) as it's humiliating for all Corded Ware derived populations.
it's not really my fault that you're completely illiterate and like to make shit up on the way.
i never said anything even close to what you just did.
Yeah okay so it's not you but he does post a lot and is obsessed with the topic
no, the guy that made the whole "bell beakers had sex with cwc women(cwc women lol)" is a finntard kang that also spammed /int/ with his theories about mighty n1c kangs rulling over everyone.
he's also obsessed with everything nazi-related and hates polacks for some reason.
>this may surprise you, but hallstat didn't just pop out of thin air, it ultimately goes back to yamna/corded ware
Woah we got a wise man here? We can go all the way back to apes. Are Apes Celts?
Neither Corded Ware/Beakers were Celts because they didn't speak Celtic languages retard nor they were culturally Celtic.
More this.
Not these at all.
Proto-Celtic language is indo-european. Their origin lies with the Hallsatt culture which is where the southern Germany is today. The Hallsatt stems from the ultimately older nomadic PIE people from Asia. The same PIE people also went east and became Scythians as well.
So they're technically cousins, around 4-5 times removed culturally speaking. Generational speaking, they're probably around 100 generations difference between them.
I've seen the guy I'm talking about on /int/ with a Polish flag.
no. ukrainians are descended from the scythians.
There's many "Finntard kangs" and every single fucking one has R1a for some inexplicable reason.
The original Celts were Austrians
>The original Celts were Argentinians
Why the fuck are so many people obsessed with claiming their ancestry as Scythians?
Because they were a strong warrior people.