How did they do it

How did they do it

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Same reason Euros conquered the world.
New military technologies that no one were able to counter with existing technologies

They did it while gang fucking your mom, all of them

Rape, rape, horses, and rape

more testosterone than native folk of europe

They were the native folk.


Just a fact. R1b was present in Europe since at least 14000BC. R1a at least 10000 BC.

R1 originated in Siberia or Central Asia, not Europe.

Irrelevant where it originated. It's attested in the genetic record of Europe not too many thousand years after.
The new arrivals became a part of the European gene pool.

you're right. i should've said "natives of pre-IE Europe"

Irrelevant because you said so and made up arbitrary qualification for native.

Okay bub.

Nothing arbitrary about it.

>irrelevant where it originated
Are you fucking retarded?
Should I call you a fucking African because your ancestor left Africa 100kya?

Your post doesn't make sense.

I'm arguing that relevant circumstances define concepts.

Climate change probably.

Complete idiot about this shit coming thru.
What is the difference between R1a and R1b?
Do they make you look different? What are their genetic traits?

Thx b

It hurts...

t. urk