What age Group does Veeky Forums belong to?
Age poll
>tfw over 40 and using what spare time I have left to rant on a anime board.
>tfw almost 24
>been on here since I was 15
I thought I'd have some pride in calling myself an oldfag or something by now, but I realize I just wasted my life. I wish I were a newfag again
It's weird knowing there are people over 40 on this site shit posting and green texting
I was just thinking this in the oldfag thread on /tv/
Link? I want to feel feels
>tfw old Veeky Forums is dead.
>no fun just numbers autism now
feels bad.
I'm pretty sure my 60+ year old Roman history professor to use Veeky Forums, because in the last class session, he said that Germans aren't human and that "as Voltaire said, the Holy Roman Empire wasn't holy, it wasn't Roman, and it wasn't an empire."
*pretty sure he uses Veeky Forums
That isn't a Veeky Forums meme, that's a famous quote by Voltaire. I've heard people use that same phrase ver batim throughout the years.
Yeah, that's what I thought because he has used it before, but he also jokes about obscure Roman history insults for Germans, and takes lots of shots at the Germans too. His lecture on Tacitus' Germania was a gold mine.
>TFW older than moot and was within the first 100 post on /b/
>youngfags think when I say that I'm bragging
If only they knew
Moot left Veeky Forums before you did
No wonder Veeky Forums is so shit, underaged b& are the third most populous people here.
There's a dude on /k/ that's in his 60's.
I'm as old as Enoch at 365 years.
> 18 - 20
> 20 - 25
wtf am i supposed to pick i'm 20.
If you're 20 and
>17% of the voters are under 18
26 yrs
Been posting since fucking 08
You do realize that being an adult and browsing Veeky Forums is very sad right?
over 50% is 18-25
literally repeating everything Dr. Shekelstein at Uni tells you
>nearly half the board is teenagers
explains a lot
I'm 19 but is a bigger problem then us, no?
not really. the whole "SJWs dominate uni" thing is pretty overplayed and varies wildly from uni to uni. i'm 27, did a history degree, and never had to deal with it at all, in any form, at uni. the only thing that came close was some chick trying to draw a parallel between christopher colombus and heinrich himmler during a presentation, and she got slammed hard by the prof for it.
the problem with teenagers is they don't know how much they don't know but go off on passionate rants with very limited knowledge/experience anyways. also leads to very narrow and boring topics and interpretations of those topics. in a way a lot of it isn't their fault, as you can't really blame the young for being inexperienced, but it does get tiresome dealing with their limited world view. i honestly look back at myself when i was that age and just cringe.
it really, really does