What happened in the early 90's such that everything before is "History" and everything after is not "History"?
What happened in the early 90's such that everything before is "History" and everything after is not "History"?
Other urls found in this thread:
I impregnated your mother.
The collapse of the Soviet Union.
Fukuyama published this:
It is more or less globalist doctrine now
>the iraq and afghanistan wars were 15 yeas ago
Is this a meta post asking why we have a 25 year rule?
>Get a new private to my Artillery unit
>Someone brings up 9/11 and we start discussing it
>We ask the new private if he remembers what 9/11 is
>He just shrugs and says "I was born a month after 9/11"
Perpetual war keeps the MIC gears greased.
We'll be there for another 15 too
>Veeky Forums in 30 years
What happened in 2017 to make it the end of "history"?
>Veeky Forums 30 years ago
what happened in 1970 to make it the end of history?
>Muh MIC
Yeah dude the world was completely peaceful until the ebil MIC came along.
Because it was only 20 years ago?
> Meanwhile, in an alternate universe where the internet was made way earlier
> 1947 OP: What happened in the early 20's such that everything before is "History" and everything after is not "History"?
We were alive and remember it. It's not really history, just shit that only happened a couple of years ago.
>Everyone born before 1992 is dead
Such a vulgar understanding
Not physically.
Sorry, by "we" I meant the average guy on Veeky Forums, 25ish year old.
in one sense its fukuyama postmodernist bullshit that he himself retracted and wrote a book on how and why he was wrong
in another sense its that the 90is didnt realy end ever, from around the 1989 till today everything almost rhymes, all that realy changes is fashion, music and shit like smartphones, other than that things just repeat in bland generic pulses except events get more and more major and the situation is more and more critical each year
>this is an actual live thread
How stupid can you people be for fucks sake
Well lets see before MIC (pre 1945) American wars (not counting subversive support of coups and rebel movements) were
each spaced about 20 years apart
After we got
Lebanon (MNLF)
Gulf 1
Each separated by around 10 years or less with the exception of Jimmy carters presidency.
I'm not saying war doesn't exist without MIC, but it sure makes the insentives to go to war much higher and the barrier to use the use of force a lot lower.
As opposed to a fake dead thread?
I was birthed
Can any of Fukuyama's acolytes defend how utterly wrong he was about Islam?
the dude basically said it had no appeal to anyone outside of its heartland and yet it is seeing widespread acceptance (albeit with some turbulence) in the western world to such a degree that even England gives Islam a degree of special protections for family courts. England, the nation that gave us the Magna Carta, and for a long time the most powerful liberal democracy in the world, proves more and more every day just how much of an appeal Islam has.
Now you can of course argue that this isnt a change in actual western values and just a result of immigration but the immigrant populations really arent at the height neccesary to so drastically change the perception and acceptance of Islam.
I see no reason to believe we have reached the end of history when liberal democracy's greatest competitor, Islamic psuedo democracy thats really just a slightly less extreme theocracy, is at its most powerful and only growing in influence.
>inb4 pol
I have absolutely no problem with how Europe is handling the refugee crisis and dont buy into any of that "muslims are literal savages" nonsense.
For "history" to be considered "history" it has to be at least 25 years old. 25 years from this year was 1992.
This basically says that it can't all collapse and have to start over. History is not an uphill trend, it has tended to go up and down like the stock market.
>For "history" to be considered "history" it has to be at least 25 years old.
Says who?
This, most likely
The sticky. Same reason you can't fuck 17 year olds. An arbitrary line needed to be drawn somewhere.
Granted, the main reason for that was to prevent the board from devolving into "/pol/ with dates" as per the other rule in the sticky, and that failed miserably.
Though, 18 woulda been a better number - "If it's too young to fuck you can't talk about it." woulda been more convenient, seeing as how most of us are doing that math all the time anyways.
...well, some of us.
...a few of us?
You have 16 year olds in the army?
Conscription is a hell of a drug
I guess since we were talking about 9/11 you'd think we're American, but we're not.
Its impossible to objective about recent events. Only with the passing of time and the cooling of tempers can events become history.
self-righteous liberals proclaiming the end of our mortal coils
guess not
You have 16 year olds in the turkish army?
Not Turkish, but yes, if you drop out of primary you start your two years conscription then in a non-combative role, but you can be assigned to combat units.