
Was he the most badass general to ever fight in a war?

teddy roosevelt

no that would be Gustavus Adolphus

Alexander the Great was literally undefeated. There was also some Arab general, Ibn Khalid Walid or something like that who was undefeated.

that would be Nelson

More like Patton on the bum lmao

Not a general.
Also while he was pretty inspiring although reading about him and other people from his generation like Lodge or Hearst made him look a bit pathetic if that makes sense.

Basically people like TR wanted to fight in *any* war so badly (the last major American war took place more than 30 years before) that they weren't very picky so they decided to have some fun for a couple weeks.

He wasnt, his trained army were good and the achaemenid were in decline

So we can put it this way

Alexander = germanics tribes
Achaemenids = WRE

Not even close
Ney and tons of other generals were hundreds of times more badass

>ney during waterloo.
Full on badass.

He was so pathetic

General cuck, shilled for Germs while fighting them.

>the wrong targaryean died

commanders in chiefs are generals, and he was responsible for the destruction of the native american tribes as a major military force. On top of that he had three terms, during which he codified big-stick docrtine and and enshrined monroe doctrine against the europeon powers. Efectively fighting a war on all fronts, and winning. As a child he defeated native american tribes at the age of 16 on the field as a military officer.

> As a child he defeated native american tribes at the age of 16 on the field as a military officer.
At age 16 Teddy Roosevelt was at home, studying to enter university.

>enshrined monroe doctrine against the europeon powers
Believe it or not, it was Monroe who's responsible for the Monroe Doctrine.

>Efectively fighting a war on all fronts, and winnin
Uh no, not fighting a war on all fronts does not equal fighting a war on all fronts.

More like these. Patton never fought.
The last time a general actually fought was very long time ago.

Some say he slayed six soldiers with six skull shots from a six-shooter solo in some smaller struggle.

Is this the wrongest post ever on Veeky Forums history?

>commanding your own firing squad
I can't even imagine the courage that would take


The fuck are you talking about?

Georgy "If we kill more of our own countrymen than the Germans, the Germans will get bored and just leave" Zhukov

Forgot pic

>Patton was heard by a war correspondent angrily denying the reality of shell shock, claiming that the condition was "an invention of the Jews."

was he, dare i say it, /ourguy/?

I love that picture.

>hitler destroyed Germany

The disinfo shills are out

do it again Hitler