No threads about WTC mooning tonight

>no threads about WTC mooning tonight

All right then


Thank you Based Walton

>coin moons
>someone notices and posts about it
>clueless Veeky Forumstards FOMO
Can't wait to see the wojaks when this drops 5%.

look at the dates, times, and price from the last week. This is a scheduled pump. Will dump within the next couple hours as usual. Time to buy back in is around 2am PST

Seems steady. Not seeing any signs of pumping. It took like 5 hours to go from 1.60 to 2 dollars and I was watching it all day.

I won't be happy until it reaches what I paid for a while back: $2.91

That's right. I bought in at practically ATH.

Same signs from the 9/11 pump & dump

I'm buying qtum because I'm not a retart

Well apparently a lot of coins are going to need to pay royalties to WTC because of the patents they have so I expect that to be reached eventually.

It went to 1.98 and got pumped to 2.04 right as I was about to buy


>Well apparently a lot of coins are going to need to pay royalties to WTC because of the patents they have
>patenting blockchain tech and forcing people to pay you
how long till monero contracts get put out on the devs?


andddd right on queue, here comes the dump

>tfw I couldn't take the wild rile
sorry boys I just couldn't hang on with this one, don't want to get burned

>tfw buy order @ 511 comes in
>sets sell order for 536 (+5% gains)
>take a shit
>come back, someone bought like 20k walts in 1 min, my sell order fulfilled
>5% gainz in 2 minutes

Still looking good Mr Walton

Say my name

I shorted 1ETH of this into 2ETH the last 3 days, it's a great coin right now

lol it's crashing again, deluded waltonites.

how do you short on binance

you don't. he's a lying faggot