Which event ended the "Fifties" culture in the U.S.A. - the Cuban Missile Crisis or the Assassination of JFK?
Which event ended the "Fifties" culture in the U.S.A. - the Cuban Missile Crisis or the Assassination of JFK?
>inb4 "it were the (((jews))) who brainwashed kids against literal utopia with their marihuana and negro records"
Neither. It was the draft for the Vietnam War.
It was young people having enough money to choose not to have a regular job.
The other stuff is flotsam and jetsam.
Though the draft DID end the short sixties.
>the short sixties
What did you mean by this?
The 'Fifties' lasted until around when OP says, 63-ish times. The 'Seventies' began with the step up in Vietnam. This leaves a 'short Sixties' in between, when we had the hippies and the squares and all that stuff. Once they became political with the War, paradoxically, they stopped mattering as much politically. And definitely when the CIA got them all hooked on drugs.
Korean war was the precursor. But due to lack of media, this flew by American heads.
So 1963-1966ish?
The fifties were that feel good atomic age. Got the wife, 2 loving kids, dog, mortgage, 9-5 job, a car, etc. We were coming out of WW2 with a booming economy, an arms race with the Reds, and innovation. Shit got heated in the world more and more and then Vietnam happened. Population became opposed to war, mass protests, etc.
>RIP Fifties
Nothing of said things,that were culturally irrelevant political catastrophes,the 68-movement and Hippies are responsible for all of that.
>Got the wife, 2 loving kids, dog, mortgage, 9-5 job, a car, etc.
The end of postwar prosperity
Escalation in Vietnam began in 1964. You're saying that was the 70s?
I generally agree that the Vietnam war was what kicked the table over on the 50s culture, which wasn't all that stable to begin with.
the british invasion
Economic realities.
Came here to post this. What a fucking waste too, Doo wop was the Pinnacle of pop music before the Beatles came singing their fucking show toons and ushered in stoner culture
> stoner culture
Olfag here. Drugs were hyped by the media, but they had always been around, and were really superfluous to the larger changes going on:
European and Japanese manufacturing recovered, and American manufacturers could no longer sell everything they could make, so unions could no longer demand a bigger piece of pie every year.
The Vietnam war drained all kinds of resources. We're still paying for it today.
Baby boomers grew up and went looking for jobs. Labor was cheapened.
>9-5 job
Actually they worked more hours per week than we do today. Keep in mind though that that factory job paid the equivalent of something like $45/hr by today's cash.
lower taxes ended the 50s
Neither - it ended when Europe and Japan recovered from the war and ended the virtual monopoly the US had on quality manufactured goods.
Once that dominance ended the US lost the ability to enforce the Brenton Woods system and Gold Standard.
This olfag agrees.
This guy know what's up.
No. Due to cold war being at its coldest Americans had no problems in going to fight against commies that were existential threat to US way of life and economy. By the sixties Jewish communists were already the dominant force in US academia and were able to subvert US war effort in Vietnam.
>Keep in mind though that that factory job paid the equivalent of something like $45/hr by today's cash
We have to go back
>t. 23 y/o ditch digger
Literally goat era. Rip.
>By the sixties Jewish communists were already the dominant force in US academia and were able to subvert US war effort in Vietnam.
Here we go lads.
Kys anglo scum
The civil rights transformed the greatest country in the world into a communist brazilian hellhole, as orchestrated by cryptomarxists such as Eisenhower, JFK and LBJ
Not even close. Good jab though, if I were British I'm sure that would've stung.
t. kr*ut
January 1st 1960
Probably the assassination of JFK. People considered him and his family to embody the best aspects of American life at the time - patriotism, civic nationalism, liberalism, family values, and civic virtue. People were literally crying in their living rooms when they heard on the radio.
The "Sixties" are generally regarded as running from about 1963-1974, or from Kennedy's murder to Nixon's resignation.
This is bullshit.
t. Jewish socialist
How's the weather up there, Igor?
Vietnam and Hippie culture. Youths stopped having a blind faith in their goverment.
The British Invasion.
Dec 31, 1959
i dislike 50's romanticism, if they were so good, why did the culture turn into the exact opposite so easily less than 5 years after the 50's ended? idolizing it is honestly worst than those people who never shut up about the 90's because none of you lived through it and you've got this image of a perfect era that ironically comes from commercialism (happy days)
The 50s was the last great decade and its been downhill since.
Apparently a car factory worker today makes 75/hr if you include the value of their benefits.
Kinda reminds me of people saying the crime rate is so bad, when it was double that in the 90s, you just didn't notice because you were a kid.
Assassination of JFK, escalation of Vietnam, and the British Invasion really setting in. There was still a lot of holdout through the 60's but in terms of popular culture there was clearly a hard swing away from the "50's"-styled culture in 1964. That being said, that period of culture actually lasted from about 1947-1963.
Is this another meme where people ironically pretend to be newfags?
Wait, do people really romanticize the 90's?
I lived through the 90's. They fucking sucked. Good riddance
50s culture pervaded well into the 60s even among the youth. It wasn't until the 70s when it became ubiquitous
People who romanticise the 50's have no idea what it's like living in a stifling, conformist society where individualism and emotion are frowned upon and othered.
There's a reason why the hippies and the counter-culture started. Living in a household where Dad comes home and drinks himself to sleep in front of the TV and doesn't want to talk to his kids about his or their problems has gotta cause some people to rebel.
Sounds like it'd be pretty sweet to be the dad in that scenario. Boomers were fucking pussies who couldn't handle their problems on their own and had to rebel against daddy.
My parents always say how its not as safe anymore but I have to remind them that the crime rate in our area was literally 6-7 times worse in the 80s.
And even worse in the 70s.
That was back when people bothered to report crimes though
Nope. The Nineteen Fifties formally ended during the epochal shift from the assassination of JFK in late '63 to the initial Ed Sullivan Beatles appearance in early '64, with the interval being a pregnant transitional phase. This is well-established historical fact, and if you disagree, then you are wrong.
The decade of the 1950s ended on 11/22/63. The decade of the 1960s began on whatever the Beatles Ed Sullivan 1964 date is, exactly.
People still report crimes most of the time user.
As much as I frown on 50's weebism you point isn't exactly accurate either.
>implying marijuana and hiphop have been anything other than negative influences
>the Beatles created the rust belt
For what it's worth, most regular peoples' hairstyles changed drastically from the 1950s holdover styles circa 1966-1969. I am less knowledgable about womens' hairstyles, but a lot more men stopped using slick hair cream and pomade products in favor of hairspray in the late '60s. Some even took until the early 1970s, or later to make the style shift. Slick hair came back again in the 1980s, of course, but the hair was usually cut slightly longer than 1950s haircuts were, and gel and mousse were typically used rather than pomade or hair cream, to accomplish a slick shiny look.
Neither, it was the natural degeneracy of the American White. Literally just compare them with their European contemporaries at any point in time and you'll see what I mean.
I make 15 An hour mate
You mean institutional racism, discrimination and economic oppression for the black man?
That culture never ended, my friend. It's just not government supported anymore.
>JFK wasnt the last president who tried to stop the jewery and was murdered for it
>with their European contemporaries at any point in time
I don't get the Costco membership
Except the das probably grew up in a house where his own father treated him better. Sounds like he is the pussy.
>people who idolize the 50s
Religious, conservative,patriotic, productive, upright, wholesome, family centered
>people who idolize the 60s-70s
SJWs, druggies, feminists, BLM, atheists, partiers
Really made me think
Yeah, it's not that we work more or less hours. We're paid like shit and de-industrialization and the shift to a service economy + open borders and agriculture subsidies (who largely employ illegals) is the reason.
Don't kid yourself, reich-wingers are looking back fondly on the 1950's because of Jim Crow laws, left-wingers look back fondly on the 1950's as the time when income inequality was at historically low rates
Modern left wingers are nothing like the old left wingers. Modern left wing gives more of a fuck about racial rights and sex rights than about wealth inequality.
>inb4 they aren't left wingers, they are liberals
More like liberals are the only thing the left wing has left.
70s were an abject catastrophe of a decade. It wasn't even so much partying as it was constant dread, existential crisis, economic instability and unreal crime rates.
>Modern left wing gives more of a fuck about racial rights and sex rights than about wealth inequality.
As opposed to right-wingers bitching about muslims/spics/negroes and social degeneracy? If they really cared that much about economic issues then why did they get so autistic about a guy who promised to build them a wall to keep all the spics out, rather than a Rand Paul or Ted Cruz who promised them laissez-faire economics?
Both sides take refuge in identity politics because they're safe spaces which won't make wealthy party donors nervous
Right wing doesn't give a fuck about economic issues, thing is we don't really pretend to give a fuck though, unlike the leftists. We love identity politics, leftists say they hate identity politics and then engage in identity politics nonetheless.
>Right wing doesn't give a fuck about economic issues
Those are rooted in nationalism and even racialism when you boil it down though. Well being of whites > well being of foreign nigger hordes.
I love how you claimed right wing doesn't care about economic issues and then did a 180 and claimed they do literally 4 minutes later.
We're different people. Between you and me, I think he's a little stupid for thinking that right-wingers blame Capitalism for costing them their job. They're way more likely to cite illegals soaking up welfare dollars or negros on welfare or some other brown-skinned spook
Literally my first post in the conversation.
>I think he's a little stupid for thinking that right-wingers blame Capitalism for costing them their job
I merely threw in capitalism there to highlight the irony that right wingers totally back it but when they're losing out its suddenly "protect us dear gubmint!"
They'll never blame capitalism, they just blame poor colored folks and want them punished. They don't even care about being poorfags as long as they have poor colored folks to kick around and moralize about for being the source of society's problems.
That's why they wail all day about the dangers of big government and then turn around and defend a police officer caught on bodycam shooting an unarmed colored man even though he was laying on the ground with his hands behind his back and the judge let him off the hook. They warn about the dangers of centralized power but have nothing at all to say about mass incarceration because it disproportionately targets men of color
>protect us dear gubmint!
Cringeworthy sarcasm with intentional misspellings is Reddit/Goon as fuck. The one advantage of imageboards is we can always tell where these faggots are coming from just based on their posting style.
it was
took some time to sink in
Everybody should know by now that cultural decades, at least in the 20th century, are (roughly speaking) 5 years out of sync with actual decades. People would do well to remember this, especially in the case of the mid-century, as there were basically two 50s: 1946-1956, when the dominant music was still Jazz in various forms, when the winning powers in WW2 still tried to pretend to be empires (until Suez and Dien Bien Phu), when radio was still the most common form of mass media; and 1956-1964, when rock'n'roll became a mainstream thing, cars started to get that retro-futuristic look, the Euros started to think about dropping their colonies and civil rights was on the horizon.
>What ended the 50's
Feminism, drug culture, consumerism, degeneracy pushed by ((())) via pharmaceuticals, baby boomers growing up, etc.
I will never understand why Americans have such a fetish for the 50's, it was a time filled with nothing but consumerism
And polio and the constant threat of annular annihilation...ahhh the 1950s
You could buy a house with average pay in a year or two if you tried.
And all those you listed, before you hit 20.
But virtually all pop music in the 50s is negro music
Leave Civ IV out of this.