Follow Jared unto the light

Follow Jared unto the light
For he will relentlessly fight
Rapidly approaching a Lambo
As new fags scramble
Those who hold will be rewarded
Your wildest dreams can be afforded
All thrusters pointed straight ahead
Don't get pumped full of FUD lead

Our time is coming, lads.

DGB my guiding light
Your green candles glowing bright
Soaring higher than a dove
To the lambo up above



Will Pajeeta ever stop trying to FUD and move on with his life? Can this menace truly be stopped after a breakout occurs?

Will Hodlku have the strength to hold those bags long enough to see the moon?

Find out in the next 1000 threads of DEEEGEEEBEEE

*exit tune plays*

So you're saying I should cancel my sell order at .500 sat?

we are the digimarines

No, weak hands should be culled

No, I'm not a faggot digimarine. Fuck those cancer memes.

I'm a DGB minecraft/citi fag. We are the old school moon memes.

We will be rewarded. October 2nd.

I have spoken with Laura at Citi through DM on twitter. We already won something.

We will moon.

All those who hold will be rewarded. Your wildest dreams will be afforded.

I had a dream that digibyte mooned. Back in early 2016, I had a dream that ETH mooned to $80 - $100 but I thought I was delusional. I've had other dreams about crypto and they've all come true. Should I go all in on DGB?

I had the same dream about DGB a week ago.

I went all in at 350. I fucking did it.

They will win something. They have to. October 2nd my friend. Maybe not another moon to 2000+ sats, but at least 800-1200 sats.

DGB is way too fast and the community is like rabies.

Fuck all these cancer digimarines. Fuck all the salior moon cats. We are the original DGB holders. We will win.

honest question. where can i short shit coins like dgb?

7777 get and DGB will get to 777 sats by October 2nd.

nice script faggot

never fails.
include me in the screenshot

All in DGB




thanks kek


Praise kek.

Kek speaks in numbers.

999 get to prove it.

Bittrex is fine btw. Same fudders that tried to keep DGB down.

All in DGB

Dude you just ripped a hole in digibyte


It's back at 381?

I just made you so much money. Buy at 372, sell at 382.

DGB is actually doing well in this selloff by maintaining its market cap ranking and even moving up a few notches.