Honestly, why would anyone be anything but a liberal?

Honestly, why would anyone be anything but a liberal?

I mean, it's the rule of law, no hereditary rights, all men being equal before the law, freedom of speech, freedom to disagree with authority and the government, you get your individual liberties and rights that the state cannot infringe upon, etc... Why would you not support all that? Why do people want to be slaves to authority?

>no hereditary rights
>allows inheritance

Ummm sweetie thats not how it works.

"Hereditary rights" as in inheriting a certain political office or special status. Referring to nobility and similar concepts.

Not so sure about the mastubatery shit on the left, but that political spectrum is kind of neat.

Inheritance is modern hereditary rights.

What does that even mean?

Money = Power right?
So if I give money to my kids, I give them power the same way i'd give some power to my kid as a king

Liberal economic systems, left to their own devices, end up as economies controlled by a couple big Monopolies

[citation needed]

>Gilded age
>Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism

Thanks for proving me right.

Edgy and contrarian fucks

That question is a little loaded, because being a modern day liberal is completely different than being a classical liberal.

>that political spectrum on the right
Pure ideology or deliberate misinformation?

Classical liberals are modern conservatives.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm under the impression that this is true when it comes to economics, but not so much when it comes to social issues or the importance of tradition and religion.

considerable amount of difference between ensuring the economic security of your offspring and maintaining dynastic control over an institution

(not true, by the way)

A lot of the most glaring injustices of modern day global market capitalism are deliberately out of view of your neighborhoods. Its the suicide nets on the Foxconn sweatshops in Taiwan, the staggering rise in suicides among indian farmers saddled with debt burdens by the introduction of GMO seeds, and the IMF instituted "Special Economic Zones" in Africa exempt from labor laws where workers are subjected to noxious chemicals for a brutal hand to mouth existence, among many other examples.

>so yeah so I'm non-gender so please call me Zi or Zis.
>also punch nazis and whiteys at this point lmao they so fucking need it rit now
>I think our society's most biggest problem is racism, facism and white men hating women
Honestly I wonder the same thing. Why would anyone be anything but a liberal? like seriously dude

>Rule of law
Law absolves the necessity to value.

Build a fence outside; it protects the child; the child doesn't need to learn how to be safe; the child grows no defensive value.
Remove the fence; the child is unprotected; the child needs to learn how to defend and be safe; the child learns defensive value.

>Rights and freedoms
People always have preference over their own. Rights requires equality; equality doesn't exist.

You either can save a beloved family member or a random stranger from half way around the world. Who do you choose? Did the person you didn't choose have less of a right to live? Yes!

>Private property
Literally can't be determined by any objective measure. It's appropriated directly from the Earth itself, and the people act as though they have some sort of objective claim over the territory that bugs crawl under, animals tread on, and birds fly over. What justifies your claim to your private property?

>economic freedom
There are objective ways in which people have economically forced us into servitude. You can't call that freedom.

>self interest
Greedy.. Yes.

Progress at whose expense? In the end, we've become a bitter people. There are record number suicides all over the modern world in the most developed countries.

Mehmet pls

modern libertarians*

>socialism and communism
>equality of ends

>Why do people want to be slaves to authority?
Because most of Veeky Forums are NEETs that desire to be dommed, and being told 'you're part of something important and strong' is incredibly alluring for someone whose weak and holds no ideals.

Same thing for most religions I suppose.

Yeah but why should I care?

No. I don't want to become Sw*den.

Yeah well classical liberalism that is. A lot of people today who identify themselves as liberal, particularly in the US, adhere to practically none of these values. Some are straight up Marxists. I see myself as a liberal, but when I call myself that in public I inmediatly feel the need to explain myself that i'm not "that" kind of liberal.

Well, in theory at least.