Tell me about the Arab Slave Trade Veeky Forums. Was it crueler than the Trans-Atlantic one? When did it end? How did it start? Did it make Africa weaker, thus making it easier for Europeans to colonize and conquer?
Tell me about the Arab Slave Trade Veeky Forums. Was it crueler than the Trans-Atlantic one? When did it end...
It wasn't crueler but it was probably more cruel than slave trade in Ancient times.
How so?
Much crueler because they captured Europeans as well.
It was much more crueler. All males were castrated. Life expectancy for the average slave was even lower than for a slave on American plantations. There was no incentive to keep slaves in good health to old age to breed and get new slaves because the children of slaves converted to Islam would be born free. So the goal was to work your castrated slave to death before he got old.
What would happen if the slave said "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet"? Would he be set free then? Or was there some keep a Muslim a slave loophole?
At least Euros gave their African slaves the chance to fall in love and start a family. Arabs castrated them
The Bedouin are hard niggas who basically starve themselves, how do you think they'd treat a slave
the heads of every man in the room that hears those words explodes instantly
There was no obligation to set a converted slave free but it was considered a good act that would cancel some of your sins. Typically one would set slaves free if close to death.
Isn't this trade still going on with ISIS nowadays?
>All males were castrated. Life expectancy for the average slave was even lower than for a slave on American plantations.
Literally any source will verify that.
they were capitalists, they wanted their livestock to breed, arabs could always just grab more, to them they were disposable tools with a built in redundancy, whereas colonial slavery was also about continuous ownership and return of investment
you see a similar thing in belgian congo, since there there was no real incentive to actualy own all those people, they werent even slaves, they were just local fauna forced at gunpoint to do shit or else get limbs cut off
>All males were castrated
This isn't true, only harem slaves were routinely castrated
>This isn't true, only harem slaves were routinely castrated
That's why the Arab countries have so many black people descended from slaves the way America does, right? Oh wait, they don't.
Maybe they just didn't fuck their coons like America seems to be so partial to?
>That's why the Arab countries have so many black people descended from slaves the way America does, right?
The existence of Somalia and Eritrea prove you wrong
Nice meme
So you got no sources all right got it
african slaves were never used a whole lot, Turkish military slaves were the most common kind of slaves
That's not true though.
You can't enslave other muslims so when a slave becomes muslim he needs to be set free.
At least it wasn’t racist
And Africa, in Libia they still hunt blacks than try to get to Yurop to be used as slaves.
Uhh the Arabs don't have a very high opinion of sub-saharan Africans. Nor do they have a good opinion of south Asians. Look how the Gulf countries treat their foriegn "workers" now.
You haven't met any arab? I dunno how they are in they countries, in there they are the most racist people, specially to blacks.
The Arabs castrated them so that there wouldn't be a native black population in the middle east. This also meant that they were responsible for enslaving more of them than the Americas because slave owners in America allowed slaves to procreate (to regenerate their supply of slaves without needing to buy more) and the castration would kill a significant minority of the slaves. Slaves going to the Americas also had a high death rate on the way over because of the conditions of the slaver's ship (disease, little food or water).
So take your pick: Castration with a high chance of immediate death and probably similar work conditions to the Americas or a death ride to the Americas, but you can have a family afterwards.
There were also some studies from the time showing that black slaves in the south were taller than most Europeans (in Europe), meaning they probably weren't that malnourished relatively speaking.
Aren't they one and the same?
>Was it crueler than the Trans-Atlantic one?
The reason we hear so little about it today is because practically all males were castrated (have their balls cut off without aneasthetic) and so there are no descendants.
Somalians and Eritreans are native to their land.
Wrong. Read Hadiths.
There should still be black people in the Middle East, unless they all got killed at one point. You can't stop fucking unless you castrate.
One went to the Middle East the other went to America.
They do have Blacks in their countries though user.
Omani has a lot
The myth that all black males were castrated is a complete lie only propagated by people who want to for some reason paint that Arab Salve Trade as "crueler"
Post your hadiths
Were they black slave descendents or black Muslims who just moved there?
>forcing people to fuck to make more kids with random men/women.
>The ever present threat that your massa can separate your family anyway he wishes. Even if he's "nice" that option is always present.
Unlike the Atlantic slave trade, Slaves in the arab world were typically manumitted after 7 years. It was unusual for a slave to be owned for life and for them to be bred to produce more slaves as was typical of Slavery in America and much of the Americas. The greater part of the brutality in the Arab slave trade was less the slavery itself and more the practice of obtaining new stocks of slaves through any means necessary.
Iraqis and Indians were literally slaves.
A lot of people don't like to bring up how Turkish slaves became military leaders like the Janasseries and the Mamluks, those these were mostly Christian "white" slaves
American slavery really outdid itself. The Arab slave trade did not create a permanent lower caste on ethnic lines.
Read Hadith nutz
Wait if you are born a slave you haven't been enslaved?
Into the trash it goes
most mamluks were of turkic origin, so they would have been pagans or muslims
The difference between the trans Atlantic (new world it's not just America) and other slavery was very different elsewhere. New world slavery was about self entrenching itself with social beliefs and polices
lolwut? Somalis are native to the area, and Eritreans are basically Ethiopians, but also native to the area. Naturally there has been some genetic drift with Yemen over the millennia, but neither place is Arab.
There are a few VERY SMALL populations of mixed African/local groups in some places, but this does not mean "a lot". Oman was the colonial master of Zanzibar for centuries and many emigrated there. When African nationalism exploded in the 1960s, Arabs were targeted for pogroms and looting. Many of these people, who had been living in the area for multiple generations, fled back to Oman. Some had intermarried with blacks over the years, but they still look Arab. Swahili is also still spoken in Oman among some. If you see a black person in Oman, odds are he is actually from Africa though.
>t. uncle works in Oman, bossing around brown people, and I've visited him.
They didn't force anyone to fuck, but they certainly hoped that fornicatin' would happen and babies would be born.
You mean to tell me there weren't breeding farms in Kentucky?
If you were born a slave you wouldn't be hunted down and captured and sold off.
>They didn't force anyone to fuck, but they certainly hoped that fornicatin' would happen and babies would be born.
They forced people to fuck and you didn't even see the other part I wrote of forced family separation. It's well known that people made slaves breed under force to produce more slaves. Many married slaves underwent abstoitnence as a way to rebel
Also for Black in the ME/NA the intermixed with locals and "disappeared" hence SSA dna in several part of those regions
Those Italian sexploitation films from the 70s lied to us all, my friend.
Yea, they pulled out Ol' Miss Kitty 9 Tails and gathered the hounds in a circle. In it they ordered Mandingo #31412 to get an erection and thrust his penis inside Pearline, the cook's just-turned-18 year old daughter, and fill her with his filthy cotton'-pickin' seed. If he didn't get on with it quickly enough, they whipped him, and her too.
ooooo wait, this gettin' you all hot and bothered, cuckboi?
Drop the hyperbole user it's making you look hysterical.
>no replies to this
Fuckin rekt
Then I assume you could just walk away and no longer be a slave.
Well the dude probably just moved on and never came back. Posted and left.