Is America the spiritual successor of Rome?
Is America the spiritual successor of Rome?
Yes, you can infer it from this line from Alice in Wonderland:
"London is the capital of Paris, and Paris is the capital of Rome, and Rome--no, that's all wrong, I'm certain!"
Clearly the spiritual successor to the British Empire is the U.S.A.
America is the spiritual successor of Babylon
Ayo hol up, so u be sayin
The spiritual successor of Rome used to be Paris before WW2, then it became New York, so you are kind of right.
Western Roman Empire to an extent, but that's it.
Rome attained wealth through force of arms; America attained force of arms through wealth. If anything, it's Carthage.
Absolutely this.
>every up-and-coming power says "America delenda est"
Makes sense.
The country built by LARPers, filling everything with eagles, marble statues and making states for the sole purpose recreating the roman electoral system. Yeah, the bunch of nerds started pretending they were kicking Tarquin out lmao. I genuinely can't think of a tackier country; just looking at the shit in the senate makes me fucking chuckle
Don't look at Vegas you'll pop a blood vessel.
We used to be when our representative democracy had an aristocratic prerequisite you needed to meet to be able to vote
No, that would be Luxembourg
>public buildings often neoclassical; federal/national capital is a massive Enlightenment-style antiquity wank
>borrowed Roman symbolism (eagles, fasces, arrow clusters)
>strong executive (President = only Consul), powerful Senate (can shut down any bill from the House)
>massive military that has cut deep into society (see: troops parading flag + regimental colours before every. major. sporting event)
>global power in terms of commerce, warfare, and culture
>influence far beyond its immediate region in all sorts of areas
>multi-ethnic but strong sense of national identity/patriotism (though not necessarily shared by all)
>Russia = Persia
>Germany = Carthage
>Britain = Greece
>Latinos = Celts/Germans/Huns
What is your race?
I bet you are a germanic, only germanic are that ignorant
Slavic with some Magyar
why would I willingly compare myself to Mexicans and Salvadorans?
Cogito germania est
How about Indos
Rome wishes it is american. It's not even close to the influence modern america has over the world.
Is Veeky Forums spiritual successor of /int/?
Mike Duncan claimed it has parallels if you squint hard enough and want to believe it's true.
No, Finland is.
The Romans have been so immensely influential to the formation of 'Europe' as an entity that a single Roman epic, the Aenid, along with one of it's orators and statesmen Cicero, can be argued as having formed western European culture.
God I really hope Germany turns out to be Carthage. We need to wipe that country out and partition the territory
>no one has posted that retarded chart that shows the USA and PRC as the two heirs of Western and eastern Rome respectively
yes. anyone who says otherwise is some rinky dink meme eurocountry
>...through the mantle of communism...
>implying britian is greece
France is greece
It's the best part tqbh.
You all know its true
why you people want to be rome's successor?
why not be your own thing?
The USA is the spiritual successor to the empires of Subsaharan Africa.
I feel like it's both
From Britain, the U.S. has its spiritual foundation (Puritan Protestantism), much of its culture, and tendency for enterprise
From France, it gets republicanism, Enlightenment values, and a wild streak
>the Aenid, along with one of it's orators and statesmen Cicero, can be argued as having formed western European culture.
they didnt, YOU ADOPTED from them and called it western civ
you germanics and slavic are very lucky from dirty stupids savages to "civilized" hypocrite people, congratulation
>Through Rollo
>Through the Mantle of Communism
that is a bit of a stretch but you got quads so I'll let it pass
I'm Mediterranean.
Yes, and like Rome, it will soon become an Empire.
casual reminder that this is the American Augustus
America is the spiritual successor of everything. It's the reason there's obelisks everywhere as well as other symbols. No one knows who first called New York the "Empire State"
San Francisco built itself as Rome on the Pacific. After the earthquake it decided to reinvent itself as Athens instead. San Diego wanted to be a new Naples, which is funny because Naples means New City in the original Greek. Los Angeles saw all this going on and decided to become the new Babylon.
No, but in a sense yes. There's always a #1 superpower on the board. Once, it was Rome, right now, it's the US. Soon, it'll be China.
No, since it won't fall.
how will America reverse entropy
can't wait for Ivankracy desu senpai
Who is America's Sulla and Marius?
The American people do not have the gut for extended war. Look at Vietnam, and Iraq. When conflicts become drawn out, when their forces begin to show signs of hardship, they rally and pressure their governments to order a withdrawal.
That will be the death of the American hegemony.
At least the Finland one makes some sense.
>spiritual successor
more like it styles themselves that way. In reality it's just a continuation of the Anglo Hegemony.
Literally every major western empire has LARPed Rome to some degree
quads don't lie.
nigger the only reason we ever withdraw from a country is because our government says we do. the people and soldiers have zero say in it.
also are you saying that only american soldiers feel hardship? if so, youre retarded
Roman Kings = British Monarchy
Expulsion of Monarchs for Republican rule = American colonies
>"american hegemony will end any day now" says increasingly nervous european for the 100th time this week
they would be, if they replaced the senate with some kind of dictator/emperor
why does the outline look like saiyan armor?
>those big mommy tits
ceterum censeo germania delenda est
bomber harris did nothing wrong
They wish but theybare not even close
>>Russia = Persia
How? Iran is Persia, you fucking idiot. It's been called Iran since Sassanian Empire.
Blane the freemasons, they are the ultimate LARPers
There is no predecessor to America. Its level of dominance over the globe is not something that ever existed historically. It's only possible via modern technology.
At Rome's height, it couldn't deploy hundreds of thousands of soldier anywhere in the world if they wanted to.
At Rome's height, it was not so powerful that the next top ten strongest countries on Earth combined could not hope to rival its military and economic strength.
At Rome's height, its culture wasn't distributed globally to the point where nearly everyone subcounsciously filtered things through a Roman lens.
At Rome's height, the default lingua franca of the world wasn't Latin.
At Rome's height, Roman currency wasn't the world's reserve currency.
At Rome's height, you couldn't purchase anything anywhere in the world with pieces of cloth that had zero value to them other than "the Romans say it's worth a lot."
>>global power in terms of commerce, warfare, and culture
Rome never had this. Their reach ended with the German tribes in the north,the Atlantic in the west, the Sahara in the south, and the Parthian/Sassanids in the east.
Dousing yourself in the republican heraldry of Rome doesn't a spiritual successor make, if you would've told the Senate that one day the most powerful nation on earth would allow anyone to take their position as legislature and they'd call you a mad man, America is a (somewhat) meritocratic republic, far different to the aristocratic republic of the Romans.
Also they're not even on the same continent, it's like saying nationalist China was a successor to rome.
>. Look at Vietnam
In Vietnam the Americans waged a war with millions of their men participating, with their projected over 13,000 kilometers to the other side of the world. They kept this up for ten years, killed a million enemy soldiers, high tens to low hundreds of thousands of civilians, and dropped more bombs on their enemy than had been dropped in the entirety of WW2. Why? Literally no reason except for vague ideology and a suspiscion that the enemy had damaged one small ship. There was no economic gain to be had from Vietnam, and the enemies they were fighting there did not threaten the US in any way, and in fact were just as opposed to the USA's other enemies.
If anything that's a sign of how insanely fucking persistent they are, considering that when Vietnam actually DID make offensive actions towards a great power on their border (nearly genociding their Chinese minorities), said power withdrew after a few months and 10,000 soldiers dead.
>extended war
If the Vietnam war was "extended" then WWII was a skirmish
>anyone can become a senator
>as long as they can gain the backing of existing powers that be
>also the nation is many times larger than italy
Go off yourself already. I am tired of seeing you whenever ancient Persia is mentioned.
>not thinking the hundred years war was a sign of ineffectual weakness and indecisiveness of european forces
I hate this bitch, but i would not mind having a hate-fuck with her.
At Rome's height, it was the world as it's own people understood it.
At Rome's height, there were no such competitors.
**at the America's height it was not so powerful that the next top ten strongest countries on Earth combined could not hope to rival its military and economic strength.**
At Rome's height, it's culture WAS distributed globally to the point where nearly everyone subconsciously filtered things through a Roman lens. Rome was culture.
At Rome's height, the default lingua franca of the world was Greek, which was ostensibly their language.
At Rome's height, the world didn't have a reserve currency. But if it did, it would probably be the Denarii.
At Rome's height, the government didn't need to scare people into accepting monopoly money, it was rich enough to make it's own.
What are unique american symbols? Are there any? In 1,000 years, when California or Texas or New York or whatever state with a huge city is all that is left of the republic, what will the successors do to LARP as Americans?
Did Romans shart in marts?
All nations eventually fall
>this is what burgers actually believe
Because they are half mongoloid just like you
Their Capital Building will be designed to look like a mcdonalds. All public buildings will look like burger king, taco bell, or Carl's Jr.
>There is no predecessor to America. Its level of dominance over the globe is not something that ever existed historically.
America is the new Atlantis.
>anyone to take their position as legislature and they'd call you a mad man
You don't see many Asian or Black Senators there. Most of them are white, old, filthy rich guys
haven't come yet, we're at the Gracchi right now.
looks like beelezub seated in his throne
what did the founding fathers mean by this?
A cyclopean shithole full of shitskins, niggers, crime, homosexuality, ruled by a corrupt oligarchy that debased currency, let anyone regardless of ethnicity become a citizen, and let in hordes of foreigners in belief they will adopt "Roman values" and never betray Rome
>the world as it's own people understood it.
But, it fundamentally was not the world. None of those things you listed are true of Rome's contemporary China. America's power is unprecedented.
This is lo-key the most circlejerky shit I have ever witnessed and I have seen some pretty obscene stuff in various monuments and museums regarding the height of the pedestal with which us burgerstanis view ourselves.
Most of the US is of English descent and not Italian so no.