Redpill me on making money through crypto.
Redpill me on making money through crypto
shes asian
too late. now you can keep wagecucking.
the shoes don’t fit her
redpill me on getting asian girls to whip me
I'm a data analyst at a Fortune 500 company. I live on Zero Hedge and post here when I'm not busy. I have sifted through the information for the past 24 hours. In order to ensure proper vigilance and attention to detail I consumed 200 mg of Adderall spaced out in a bi-hourly schedule. I also have been microdosing LSD for the past three years.
I can unequivocally say that there is absolutely nothing profound within this information. It is insubstantial at best, and outright exaggerations bordering on slander at worst.
It would likely be in everyone's best interest to focus on more pertinent issues as opposed to getting lost in a web of obfuscation.
you won't make buck, at any point of crypto trading you could make buck, you just wait and hope for two things.
1. hold until your dreams come true an utopia scifi city comes to reality where you can buy toilet paper and lambos with shitcoins
2. gamble or literal have a fraud scheme with a whale involved
no fucking way you'll be able to quit your job because of this shit, stuff is too volatile and unpredictable, just as there's biz there are a few hundred other sites and text groups in which they coordinate themselves to pull bump and dump schemes.
Your literal only way is to learn your shit, read every single whitepaper that comes to your face and have fate and passion for the tech involving the crypto you're backing. Any other way you'll be better off playing online poker as a job.
you actually sound like you're not a larper
it's copypasta
1. Know the difference between the Aventador S and the Aventador SV
2. Start posting young, pretty asians, instead of used up old whores.
The rest will come naturally.
Damn, she looks exactly like an asian who was in my writing class. There were less than 15 of us in there, and we met 3 times a week for 10 weeks.
I ran into her outside of class a few weeks later and said hi and she said something like "do I know you?"
I told her yea, it's me from writing
and she said she doesn't know anyone with that name from that class.
I call shenanigans, Mr. X6dgBhV5. Asian girls that look like that are literally one in a million. They are worth more than their weight in BTC.
Well yeah, she was the IRL version of a girl like that, so obviously not a kpop goddess. but an easy 9-10. i fapped hard to the humiliation of the fact that she had no idea who i was after so much time in the same small class.
Yeah, girls don't like betas, no shit. Stop degrading yourself. Follow my posts (you'll recognize them) and we'll live the lambo life together.
I too know a girl from high school that looks like that..
this meme is growing on me
Meh I'm 5'7" so i'm not really interested in turning into some PUA shortcuck. But yes, I'll gladly join you in lamboland
>implying there isn't plastic mold of her face in Korea and hundreds of girls got the exact same surgeries as her to look like her
same here but i barely even understand it
such a beautiful country. women respond to male market demand.
in the west all the hos just do what the (((media))) tells them to. and the plainest of the janes thinks she is something
Because Korean girls without surgery is the shittiest of the high tier Asian girls. Without eyelid surgery they all look like they have downs, they are lumpy as all fuck. Even kpop stars are not immune to this.
I'm 5'9" and have fucked girls taller than me. I am dirt poor because I risked everything on a business that failed, and I still fuck girls years younger than me. I am clawing my way to Lambo land. I'd love to have you join me.
We agree more than we disagree. Let's rule the world again.
i changed my mind. let's meet on the moon instead. it's much more comfy for me there because i won't have to be tortured by how i can't have women because there won't be any on the moon (women don't understand crypto)
You can tell by her pan faced head, right?
Please don't post FAS afflicted bitch anymore.
Erhm.. What's the whip for?
you are late to party user-kun~
>i am a faggot to afraid to invest with risk so i fud on everyone doing it and i want everyone to be a faggot just like me
you are just a faggot